Transcript Document

Becky Launder
A+B Marketing Solutions
Fall 2014
The Goal
students, parents and volunteers
in attendance at Noche de Ciencias
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
How to do it
• Planning, planning, planning!
• Assign a SHPE Chapter Noche de
Ciencias Marketing Lead
• Leverage the Marketing Toolkit in the
Noche de Ciencias Manual
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
Where to go
Visit the high school
Set up an information table to recruit students
Visit STEM classes to give a brief overview of SHPE and Noche de Ciencias
Partner with student organizations and clubs with similar interests
Ask college counselors to help promote
Involve the PTA or Parent Involvement Office to bring awareness to parents
Promote in school communications (school newsletter, Principal’s
communication, website, social media)
Invite students from other middle and high schools
Promote at local community or teen centers
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
Best Practice
Create a Registration Sheet
 Collect contact information (name, phone, email address)
as you are marketing the event
 Provide multiple reminders to students registered
 Consider offering the first 100 registered attendees
entrance in a drawing to be held at the event
Distribute the Noche de Ciencias Flyer
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
What you can do virtually
Visit the high school website, find emails of STEM
teachers and reach out
Use sample invitation letter/email to local
organizations, community centers, companies
Leverage your personal network
 Create a facebook event and invite others to join
 Leverage social media to highlight the event
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
What to say
Event is FREE!
FREE food!
FREE scholarship and college workshops
FREE stuff (drawing with giveaways, if applicable)
Interactive STEM activities
Meet college students and STEM professionals
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
Do you have any questions?
What has made your events successful in the past?
Best of luck!
Becky Launder |
A+B Marketing Solutions |
Fall 2014
Noches de Ciencias
Evaluation Surveys
Purposes of Surveys
• Document the effectiveness of Noches
de Ciencias
• Document improvements over previous
years’ Noches de Ciencias
• Improve future Noches de Ciencias
Survey Topics
• Knowledge change about STEM careers and
college preparedness
• Attitude change toward STEM careers
• Continuation plans with SHPE and/or STEM
• Students in Middle School or High School
• Parents or accompanying adults
• Surveys are in pencil and paper format.
• Each survey has two parts; each part is 2-3 pages long.
• Each respondent will complete Part 1 before the event
and Part 2 after.
• In each family, one student and one parent will receive
surveys to complete.
• Surveys will be available in English and Spanish.
Survey Implementation
• 2-3 volunteer survey monitors implement the surveys.
• Distribute one Student packet and one Parent packet per family
– Offer parents’ choice of Spanish or English versions.
Distribute pencils or pens with the packets.
Offer clipboards, tables, or other firm writing surfaces.
Point out quiet spots in the room to improve concentration.
Explain that these surveys help us improve Noches de Ciencias.
Surveys should take about 5-10 minutes each.
Keep all surveys with survey monitors or at a safe location
throughout the event.
Survey Implementation
• Reassure students and parents that:
– their individual responses will not be shared with anyone besides the Noches
– their names will not be shared with anyone besides the Noches team; and
– their responses to the surveys will be very useful to SHPE.
• Instruct families to:
– select one student and one parent to complete the surveys;
– complete Part 1 before the event and Part 2 after the event; and
– return their packets after completing Part 2 (be very clear about where to
return the packets).
• If you will be conducting a drawing at the end of the event,
– Inform attendees that they must complete survey packets with their name on
it in order to enter and be eligible to win.
Survey Implementation
• Support respondents by:
– familiarizing yourself with the survey beforehand to answer
– having pencils or pens available;
– offering a clip board, table, or other firm writing surface;
– offering a quiet spot to improve concentration;
– Giving participants time to complete Part 1 before proceeding
with activities; and
– helping respondents locate Part 1/Part 2, student/parent, and
English/Spanish surveys.
Collecting Surveys
• Collect all surveys after the event.
– Identify, label, and staff one prominent location for
collecting surveys.
– Supply volunteer staff with a box or envelope for
keeping completed surveys.
– Remind families to put their names on the last page to
enter the drawing (if applicable).
– Thank respondents for their participation.
Submitting Surveys
• Electronically scan surveys.
• Please submit your surveys as quickly as possible.
– within 10 days of the event
• Email scanned surveys to [email protected].
– For large files, please use a file sharing service like
– Surveys may also be submitted via hard copy to Dr.
Christine Paulsen, Concord Evaluation Group, PO Box 694,
Concord, MA 01742.
Along the way, if you have any questions at all, please feel
free to contact:
Dr. Christine Paulsen
Toll-free at (888) 683-2826 or
[email protected]
The SHPE Foundation
[email protected]
Logistics & Reporting
Ariadna Mahon-Santos
Program Manager
SHPE Foundation
Partnering with your Hosting High School
• Reach out to high school administration
o Define location for activities, assistance in promotion
and partnership with teachers
o Reserve event space in advance with enough room
for all workshops and welcome/closing
o Confirm set-up and clean-up with facilities
manager/school administration
o Ensure there are no conflicts with high school
activities or big community events/competing
Complete Participation Agreement with High School
Before your Noche
Check Tools & Resources
Download and read the
Noche de Ciencias Manual
Noche in a Box
SHPE Foundation will provide a Noche in a Box prior
to your event. Inside you will find:
• Materials for two hands-on activities. You will have to
buy the water containers and pennies/washers.
• Parent Toolkits
• Noche de Ciencias Banner (which must be displayed and
• Sign-in sheets/Release Forms
• Copies of student and parent surveys
Budget for your Noche
• Review allowable and unallowable expenses.
• Deposit check & submit acknowledgment of
receipt within 2 weeks
• Track all your purchases- take pictures/scan
receipts- Expenses without receipt will not be
• Use all funds. Unused funds will be returned to
SHPE Foundation
Logistics (Volunteers)
• Assign Volunteers
o Communicate with volunteers about expectations
and timeline of the event
o Organize travel/carpools to event location
o Keep list of cell phone numbers and contact
information for all volunteers
Logistics (Location)
• Walk-through location prior to event to determine if
signage is needed
• Reserve audio/visual equipment in advance
o Bring all presentations on a USB drive as a backup
During your Noche de Ciencias
Sample Noche Agenda
During your Event
• Volunteers should arrive 1-2 hours in advance
o Wear name tags identifying you as SHPE volunteer
Directional signage should be posted throughout the
school (if needed)
Check audio visual equipment and internet
Set-up room & food (if applicable)
Hang/ Display Banner
Greeters should be available at main location and side
locations to direct attendees to event
Opening Ceremony
• Ask attendees to fill the sign-in & release form
• Distribute Parent toolkit to parents & Surveys
• Do opening speech – read template provided in
the Noche de Ciencias Manual
• Provide overview of event flow and identify
• Break attendees into workshops and inform them
of regroup time
Parent and Student Activities
• Parent Workshop
o Have a/v and presentation ready
o Instruct parents to do the pre survey
o Remind parents to do post survey
• Student Activities
o Have materials ready for groups
o Instruct students to do the pre survey
o Remind parents to do post survey
Closing Ceremony
• Do the STEM Panel
• Read closing speech template provided by SHPE
Foundation (again, recognize main sponsor)
• Promote SHPE Jr. Chapter Program at the high
school (if applicable)
• Hold drawing for the end of the event to increase
participation for entire program- Tip: exchange
completed surveys for drawing tickets
During the Noche de Ciencias remember…
• Have designated floaters walking around in case
assistance is needed
• Keep greeters at the entrances for any attendees
arriving later
• Keep an eye on the time so activities remain on
• Take pictures!!
• If you are interviewed by any media ensure you
thank your main sponsor
After your Noche de Ciencias
After your Noche de Ciencias
• Collect all necessary forms that were completed
(surveys, sign-in/media release forms)
• Clean the event space
• Send thank you cards to high school staff and
organizations that assisted
• Keep high school updated on your future SHPE
Noche de Ciencias Reporting
Due within two weeks of your Event
Reporting (On-line)
Complete Online report-
Online Report components:
• General Information
• Noche de Ciencias Activity Description
• Event Summary
• Event Marketing Summary
• Noche de Ciencias Surveys
• Attendance
• Partnerships
• Comments or concerns
Reporting (Attachments)
Submit attachments via email or dropbox
• Noches de Ciencias budget
• Copies of all receipts
• Sign-in and Media Release Form
• Completed Parent and Student Surveys
• Photographs (including the photo of the attendees
with banner).
Note: Failure to submit complete
reports will preclude the hosting SHPE
Professional and University Chapter
from being able to apply for or receive
funding from the SHPE Foundation or
SHPE, Inc.
Contact Us
[email protected]