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26TH JUNE 2012
Part 1
• Munajaat-al-khaaifeen.
“Khaaif” means “one who is fearful”. A person who has fear.
What type of fear?
Not because of fear of God Himself, or God’s injustice. Absolutely
not!! God is the most beautiful, the most attractive, the most beloved,
He is beyond our understanding and perception.
Being fearful-– About our own bad actions and the consequences of
our bad actions.
Imagine that one has an excellent teacher who loves his student. The
relationship of teacher /student. How much the teacher does to
nurture, educate the student. The time spent on the student.
Supporting the student with books, materials for him to pass his
exams and have a promising future.
Now comes the exam fever. There’s going to be worry, anxieties and
what if the student fails in his exams? How would he face his teacher?
How would he continue his education, life? These fears, worries,
concerns, all come from the results of one’s own behaviour and
attitude. We know that the teacher wouldn’t do injustice to my exam
neither would he discriminate. Rather, he would be concerned about
his students’ future, education.
Reflect on the Teacher /student
relationship and our relationship with our
With all the support given, but the student doesn’t work hard enough
to pass.
Your teacher would not discriminate you against others.
A student cannot expect 100% if one has not answered any questions
in the exam.
Mindset has to change – Fearful of my own responsibility. What I have
done in the past to be able to see the results after the exams.
A person who is concerned about His Master, your Lord, and has
concerns about His Lord, who is your beloved, Allah s.w.t.
The best ways to learn is from infallibles’ lifestyle and their duas. Just
as we are reflecting on this munaajat.
“ O Allah, am I going to think that you are going to punish me after I
have been faithful to YOU”……
After knowing you and believing in you and being Your servant, am I
am going to be punished?
From the 1st passage
Are you going to drive me far away from yourself after my love for YOU.
I love God in this world, and will be put far from God?
“Are you going to deprive me while I have hope for your mercy and
The noble people normally never disappoint people. Lets take an instance if
someone needs your help to signpost him, if you are good person, you would
stop and help him..
Imagine if one goes to someone who has history of his generosity as his
history shows that he always has been kind to you. How could he let someone
down….? Something to reflect.
Let us think of God, and His mercy, He has always shown His mercy and we
have so much hope in Him. How could God forsake one even though he regrets
his sins, past mistakes….?
The reason to go back to one’s creator, is because of His ‘afw (pardon) ?
“Never, its impossible for your generous face to disappoint me”…..
My history with God, my acknowledgement with God, He has always treated me
with kindness and mercy even before He created you and I….
“When I look at my actions, I am very fearful,
but when I look at your generosity, I have
I want to end my life with fawz, falaah – success.
If this is given than everything else will be fine.
Dua Arafah, as mentioned by Imam Husayn a.s.
With the exam fears that one has cant wait for his exam results… he is so
excited to know the results as he worked towards it. Similarly a mo’men
is excited to know about his results of the hereafter.
• Life with a good ending or a bad ending
“Did my mother nurture me for suffering – hell?.... If that was the case, I
wish I wasn’t nurtured and not born.
“ I wish I knew that you have put me under the people of felicity…. And
God is pleased with me…..entering into the world of the lovers of Allah
“I wish I was able to come to this understanding that you have chosen
me for your nearness, and being close to you and being in your company
and your neighbour…..”
“If that was the case then my eyes would be glad, and my soul would
have tranquillity
The bad possibility “ O Allah, are You going to take away the light of
my face……after praying to You and doing sajdah for YOU?”
On the day I would need the greatest light, NOOR on that day, and
wouldn’t be able to borrow that light from others. On that day when
peoples faces will be bright.
Like we recite the dua during wudhu before every salaat.
About my tongue – The tongue that I used to praise you in this world,
is this tongue going to be useless? O God, you will not make me
praise you again? All these beautiful invocations, am I going to be
deprived of praising you?
About the heart – “ Are you going to seal those hearts which harbour
your love? “…….
About the ears – In this world, I have been listening to the Qur’an,
duas, names of Allah s.w.t. and enjoyed myself.
O Allah, I have done many bad
things….BUt YOUR MERCY is gREAtER
The Ears – The ears had pleasure in your remembrance. Am I going to be deaf?
The Hands – In this world I was raising my hand in making request to you with
HOPE, are these hands going to be chained and locked?
With my body, I had been obeying You, is this body now going to be punished
after serving you in YOUR OBEDIENCE?
I spent my youths in serving you O Allah…. I served You when I had power and
“ Are you going to punish my feet which always went to mosque, I used my
legs to have a halal lifestyle, and bring halal sustenance….
“O Allah, do not close the gates of Your Mercy, and do not keep me far from
You and Your beautiful Face… from looking upon your beautiful face…..
Vision of the heart, not by the eyes…
Faces will be happy to see the face of Allah on that day.
• This is a balance between FEAR and HOPE