Psychosocial Stages of Development

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Transcript Psychosocial Stages of Development

Stages of
Erik Erikson
• Psyco = psychological
• Social = environment
o Interaction of both
o Reciprocal relationship
• Erikson put together 8 stages of development
o Stages = crisis to be resolved for that stage of development
• If crisis is not resolved the other stages can be effective and the
person’s growth can stagnate
• Not everyone goes through the stages as quickly as others
• Ages are attached to each stage but are not concrete
1. Trust vs. Mistrust
• Child must learn trust
by having needs met
consistently or they will
carry an inner sense of
mistrust into future
• Basic Needs: food,
diaper changes,
interaction, bathing,
clothes, mental
stimulation, protection
• You can’t spoil a baby
for the 1st year of life
2. Autonomy vs. Shame &
• Individuation: Child discovers that
Mom and me are separate
• They learn to start exercising their own
will or they will feel shameful about
becoming their own person.
• If this stage is resolved they may
become a dependent person later on
in life
• Shape their will but don’t break their
• Unmet needs in some Mothers can
cause them to desire to feel
needed/wanted and not allow this
growth stage in their child
• Ex. Let toddlers wash their own hands,
put on their clothes, feed themselves,
potty train, etc.
3. Initiative vs. Guilt
• Child must learn to initiate
tasks and conversations.
• If a parent “takes over” child
will feel guilty and stop
• If this stage is not successful,
this can lead to difficulty in
making decisions later in life.
• Ex. Allow them to clean up
toys, make their bed, get
dressed, put dishes in
dishwasher, etc. If you go in
and remake their bed you
are telling them they are not
good enough.
4. Competence vs. Inferiority
• Child must feel like they
are competent in
something or they will
feel inferior to others.
• Ex. Start a sport, start
playing an instrument.
• Find out what the child
is good at it and praise
• Warning: comparing
children breads anger
and jealousy in children
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion
• Adolescence develops a
“sense of self” and purpose
in life. If not, then they
become confused as to
their role in life.
• Identity: who you are
without anything else
around you.
• Parents should give their
teens specific responsibilities
and increase those
• Ex. Babysitting, get a
volunteer job, consistent
required chores, getting a
job, taking leadership roles
in a club/organization, etc.
Types of Identity
1. Foreclosure: formed
early by taking on
family values, beliefs,
and expectations of
the parents without
knowing why.
2. Negative Identity:
Formed in opposition
to what is expected.
Ex. Conformity to peer
against something like
parenting style
3. Identity Diffusion:
confused about what is
expected and doesn’t
seem to care to figure out
his/her identity
4. Identity Achievement:
Knowing who you are and
why you believe what you
believe. This is achieved
through a time of asking
5. Moratorium: a time of
exploring beliefs, interests,
etc. Primary age is late
adolescence through first
few years of college
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation
• The young adult learns to
establish close
relationships by being
open and REAL with
others OR is unable to
develop close
relationships and lives in
• Once you’ve established
who you are (stage 5)
you are safe to be in a
relationship with someone
else so you don’t base
your identity off the other
Differences in Developing
Guys: Goal Oriented
• Wrestle, play sports
• Do activities together
• Action oriented
• Solution Focused
Ladies: Journey Focused
• Talk
• Stop and do things a
long the way
• Interdependent
• It’s all about the
experience & details
7. Generativity vs.
• Middle age either feel
like they are giving
back to future
generations OR a lack
of purpose, feel
unproductive, become
self absorbed and
• This is a time to
reevaluate life and ask,
“Have I accomplished
what I wanted in life?”
8. Integrity vs. Despair
• Old age brings thoughts of
the end of life. People in
this stage either feel good
about themselves that they
have achieved their goals
and that life has meaning
or they are dissatisfied and
feel like they have missed
opportunities and fall into
• Reflect on one’s life time
line and face life’s end
Reflect on your life and the different stages of development.
Describe they stage you are currently in as well as success
and failures from previous stages that might effect who you
are today. Give examples that justify your success/failure for
each stage.