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Unit Seven
Language goal:
Talk about places you would like to visit.
Sentence pattern:
Where would you like to visit?
I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.
I hope to go to France some day.
I’d love to visit Mexico.
I like places where the weather is
always warm.
Take it easy on a Florida Beach
Trek through
the Amazon
Listen and fill in the chart.
Person place
Like exciting vacations
Florida Likes to relax on a beach
Pair work: look at the following pictures
and talk about your vacation plan.
What kind of place would you like
to visit on vacation with your
I like places where the people are
very friendly.
I hope to visit somewhere warm.
Listen and number the sentences:
____ I love places where the people are really friendly.
____ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.
____ I like places where the weather is always warm.
____ I hope to visit Hawaii one day.
___ 1 Hawaii
Reason not to visit the place
a. We don’t know the language.
___ 2. Mexico
b. it’s too touristy.
___3.Niagara Falls c. There’s not much to do there.
• Tell which place you would like to visit and why.
Take notes and give out a summary.
• Example :
A: Where would you like to
visit ?
go on vacation?
B: I would like to go
somewhere relaxing.
I would love to visit
I hope to go to
France some
A: Why ?
B: (Because) I would like to….
Grammar focus
1.Would …you like …? 表提议,邀请等,表
用No, thanks./ Yes, please. 答。
2. Would … you like to… ? 表意愿。
用Yes, I’d like /love to .
3.would 可与like, love , hate , prefer,
be happy /glad 等连用。
Some useful expressions:
1.go on vacation
2.trek through the jungle
3.go trekking
4.hope to do sth.
5.some day / one day
6.go somewhere relaxing
Some useful sentence patterns:
1.Where would you go on vacation?
I’d like to go somewhere quiet and beautiful.
2. I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.
1.Hon Kong is a good place for ___(shop).
2.I hope ____(visit) Macau some day.
3.Where would you like _____(go)?
4.Why___( not go) to Xi’an by train?
5.The boy would love to go____(trek) in the
Amazon Jungle in Brazil.
6. We are ____ to hear the ___ news
7. When I lie on a beach, I feel __(relax).
remind surf
1. I’m stressed out. I’d just like ____ on a beach.
2. Hawaii has the highest waves in the world. It
attracts a lot of tourists to go ____ there.
3. A: Why don’t we all go to San Francisco
B: It has lots of exciting things ____.
4. That man ___________ me of my English
teacher. They wear the same clothes.
5. I really____ my mother. I haven’t seen her for
a long time.
1。 听磁带,读书20分钟
2。 记新单词和短语极重要句子
1.The trip is t_____.(make people tired)
2. Walking in the dark street in the
midnight is t______. (scaring)
3. I prefer to t____(travel on foot) in the
4. I think the scenery of Hawaii is
f_____( attractive).
5. I like visit history museums because it’s
e_____. (giving people knowledge)
6. In summer when it’s fine the beach is
often p_____( quiet).
7. ________. (Don’t be worried.)
8. Xi’an is a t__(having lots of tourists) city.
Some day/one day, some days
1.I want to go to the moon _________.
2.She would like to stay in Beijing for ___.
3.We’ll become successful ______.
4.I hope you can keep the cat for me for
5.They have learned how to cook for ____.
They hope they can cook _____.
Listen and answer the questions
1.What’s Paris like?
2.What’s expensive in Paris?
3.What isn’t expensive in Paris?
4.If you want to go to Paris who you’d
better go with?
For your next vacation, why not consider
visiting Paris? Paris is the capital of France,
and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.
It doesn't have any beaches or mountains,
but there are still many things to do there.
For example, it has some fantastic sights,
including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame
Cathedral, one of the most famous churches
in the world.
Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot
of money, but it’s usually quite convenient
to take the underground train to most
places. In general,though, France is quite an
通常,大体上, 一般而言
expensive place. One thing that is not
expensive in France, however, is the wine!
Most people in France have learned English.
But many people don’t like to speak English,
especially in Paris. So unless you speak
French yourself, it’s best to travel with
someone who can translate things for you.
Why not do sth.…? 为什么不……?
Why don’t you sth. …?
Why not go shopping with me tonight?
Why don’t you go trekking with us this
Why not do your homework carefully?
Why don’t you hand in the homework on time?
consider v. 认为,考虑,打算
We must consider the feelings of other
I am considering going abroad.
You might consider moving to a smaller
They considered where to hide the money.
Have you considered how to get there?
one of +形容词最高级+ 可数名词的复数
The Yangtze River is one of the longest
rivers in the world.
He is one of the most popular singers in our
English is one of the most difficult subjects.
Surfing is one of the most popular water
sports in the world.
include v. included, including包括;包含
The United kingdom includes Northern
Ireland and Wales.联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。
The price includes postage charges.
I include eggs on the list of things to buy.
The university includes ten colleges.
cost v. cost, costing 估价;估计…的成本;要
How much did that bag cost?那个书包要多少钱?
That suit costs me over£6.那件上衣花掉我6英镑。
注意:cost, spend, pay, take
I spent two hours finishing the drawing.
I spent two hours on the drawing.
I paid 1,000 yuan for that Mp3.
It cost me 1,000 yuan to buy that Mp4.
It took that old man two years to draw a
unless conj. If..not如果不, 除非;
You’ll fail in French unless you work harder.
Unless England improve their game they’re
going to lose the game.
She hasn’t got any hobbies-unless you call
watching TV a hobby.
Have a cup of tea-unless you’d prefer a cold
3b Practice the conversation to talk about a place.
Then make new conversations with the information
A: Where would you like to go, Kathy?
B: I’d like to visit Kunming.
A:Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? be supposed to
B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes.
But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of
wonderful sights.
Hong Kong / very crowded / interesting /
great entertainment
Mexico City / relaxing / exciting / lots to
4 Pair work Things you like Things you don’t like
Review of 3a
2. 他有一些很棒的风景,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎
圣母院, 世界上最著名的教堂之一。
4。 通常巴黎是一个很昂贵的地方。
1.Have you ever considered _____(learn)
how to cook?
2.My mother is considering how ____(help)
me improve my English?
3.They considered _____(meet) their
teacher at the airport.
4.She often considers ____(move) to the
moon one day.
5.We consider how _____(take) care of the
1.Mary is one of my best _____(friend).
2.One of my favorite authors _____ Guo
3.Some of her ____(classmate) are
interested in classical music.
4.Our school ___(include) 64 classes.
5.Our country has 34 provinces
____(include) Hong Kong and Marco.
6.We have nine subjects ____(include) PE
and music.
Fill in the blanks with cost, pay for, spend,
1.How much does the new car _____?
2.How much should I _____ the ticket?
3.How much did you ____ traveling in Japan?
4.How long does it ____ to go to America by
5. My mother ____ two hundred yuan ___
the dress.
For your next vacation, why not consider ___(参观)
Singapore? Singapore is a small city, but there are
_________(很多事情可做). It doesn’t have any
____ (沙滩) or mountains, but it has a very large
zoo, a beautiful botanical garden, and ______(许
多) museums. It is also a wonderful place for
Don’t plan on ___(驾驶) a car in Singapore. The
traffic is heavy in some parts of the city, and
most private cars are not____(允许) in downtown
If you decide___(参观) Singapore, bring a lot of
money; ____(居住)in Singapore is quite expensive.
Also, pack light clothes; Singapore is very hot
For your next vacation, why not consider _____(访
问) Paris? Paris is the ____(首都) of France, and
is one of the ___(最有活力的) ____(城市) in Europe.
It doesn’t have any _____(沙滩) or mountains, but
there still many things to do there. For example,
it has some fantastic sights, ____(包括) the Eiffel
Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most
famous churches in the world.
____(旅行) around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of
money, but it’s usually quite convenient _____(乘坐)
the underground train to most places. ______(一般
来说), though, France is quite an expensive place.
One thing that is not expensive in France, however,
is the wine.
Most people in France have learned
English. But many people don’t like
to speak English, especially in Paris.
So unless you speak French
yourself, it’s best ____(和……旅行)
someone who can translate things
for you.
Why would the writer like to go to
travel in Paris?
What does the writer dislike about
List things that are important to you when
you go on vacation.
Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency.
Listen to the conversations and number the
doesn’t want
Customer 1 To go somewhere
To fly
Customer 2 To go on a nature To go
anywhere cold
Customer 3 To go somewhere
To go to a
that’s fun for kids
big city
Where did Jeff advice Customer 1 to go?
What about Customer 2 and Customer 3?
Where would you like to go?
I’d like to go somewhere warm.
What else can you tell me?
I don’t want…
教材全练: Section A
Listen to Unit 7 for 20 minutes
Read the e-mail message. Then read the statements about
the e-mail message. Write “T”, “F” or “DK”.
1.The person has a lot of money to spend
on the vacation._____
2.The person wants to relax and do nothing
on vacation. ____
3.The person is a man. ____
4.The person has children. ____
5.The person likes to swim. _____
6.The person wants to go to another
country. ____
Read the e-mail again and answer the
following questions:
1.Where do the writer’s family want to
take a trip?
2.What do they especially like doing?
3. What kind of hotel would they like to
live in?
4. How long are they going on vacation?
Dear Ace Travel:
My family and I want to take a trip this
summer somewhere in the east of China.
I hope you can provide me with some
information about the kinds of vacations
that your firm can offer. We would like to
travel to an exciting place, and we don’t
mind how far we have to go. It has to be a
how far 引导mind的宾语从句
place where we can do lots of exercise;
We especially love hiking and swimming, but
any kind of exercise is fine. We also need
to stay in an inexpensive hotel. It would be
nice if our hotel had rooms with kitchens so
we could save money by cooking our own
meals. The room
enough 修饰形容词置其后
three people. Also, we’d like to stay at a
place with a big pool or somewhere near
the ocean.
Could you please give some suggestions for
Could you please do 用来征求对方的建议
vacation spots? Also, please let us know if
it’s best to travel by plane, train or bus.
We’d like to be away for about three weeks.
Thank you very much.
S.T. Zhang
in the east of … 在……的东部(in强调在某一范围
Fujian is in the east of China.
on the east of…在……的东面(on强调两者接壤)
Shanxi is on the east of Shannxi.
to the east of… 在……的东方(to 强调两者隔它
Taiwan is in the east of China and to the
east of Fujian Province.
on B
to B
provide 供应;供给
provide sth. for sb.
provide sb. with sth.
They provide us with food.他们供给我们食物。
We provided food for the hungry children.
Bees provide us with honey.
Bees provide honey for us.
Mind doing sth.
Mind one’s doing sth
Mind + a clause(从句)
mind + 特殊疑问词+不定式
I don’t mind how hard it is.
She doesn’t mind what he has done.
We don’t mind how old he is.
He doesn’t mind where to go.
This is the classroom where we studied
last year.
This is the classroom in which we studied
last year.
This is the city where I used to live 10
years ago.
This is the city in which I used to live 10
years ago.
This is the mountain where we plant trees.
need v.需要, 必须,need sth. / need to do
We all need to work.
He needs to improve his math.
That dog needs a bath.
What do you need to take with you on holiday?
I didn’t need to go to the bank-I borrowed some
money from Mary.
need doing sth. 某物需要被…
This tree doesn't need watering,it rained last night.
The house needs painting.
=The house needs to be painted.
need n. 要求,需要,必要性
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The hospital is badly in need of a renovation(修整).
I sat down on one of those modern chairs with
holes in it and waited.
The popular singer star doesn’t sing with much
Although John's grandfather was almost eighty
years old, he still moved with alacrity.
a coat with four pockets
The bunch of keys came down with a clash.
a book with a blue cover
He often talk with others with a smile on his
Review of 3a on P56
Fill in the blanks with in, on or to
1.Our school is ____ the north of Xi’an.
2. Australia is ____ the south of China and
quite far from China.
3. Do you the country ___ the east of
China? It’s China’s best friend---Korea.
4. Xi’an is ___ the south of Yan’an.
5. Henan is ___ the east of Shanxi.
6. Heilongjiang is __the northeast of China.
1.Parents provide us ____ food, clothes and
2.Can you provide us ____ the latest news?
3.Hens can provide eggs ____ us.
4.Trees can provide fresh air ___ us.
5.Flowers can provide good feeling ___ most
6.What does she provide you ____?
7.Who do you provide the food ___?
1.Would you mind ____(help) me with my
2.Do you mind my ____(sit) next to you>
3.We don’t mind when ___(start).
4.Do you mind if I ____(come) tomorrow?
5.Does your mother mind your ___(play)
computer games?
6.Do your teachers mind students’
____(talk) in class?
7.I don’t mind whether ___(go) or not.
1.My bike needs ____(mend).
2.I need ____(mend) my bike.
3.The girl needs ____(help).
4.The old need _____(take) good care of.
5.We don’t need ____(go) to school so early.
6.___ you ___(need) leave at once?
7.___ she ____(need) to wash her dress?
8._____ I ____(need) hand in my homework
9.Must I go? No, you _____.
The writer wants to visit somewhere
The writer wants to visit a place where
They can do lots of exercise
The writer and his family want to
______(度假)somewhere ______(在中国的东
部)He hopes the travel agency can
_____(提供)them ____ some information
about the ______(一系列的旅游服务)that
they can offer. They would like to travel to
somewhere _____(令人激动). They don’t
mind ______(有多远)。It should be a
place _______(他们可以做很多运动),
_____(特别)hiking and swimming.They also
want to stay _______(便宜的宾馆)
______(带有厨房). The room should be
They also would like to stay in a place
____(有大池子或在海边). Could you give me
some ____(建议)for _______(假期游览地
点)?Also they want to know if it’s best
____(travel) by plane or by bus. They would
like ____(离开)for three weeks.