Transcript Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The Humanist Approach
• Guiding Questions: In what ways can shifts in ideas affect society’s
• Together we will read pages 58-59
• According to the story, why did Michelangelo choose David to symbolize
the city of Florence?
• He chose David who was physically small, but clever, and had God on his
• David was victorious in a fight against Goliath, a much larger and more
experienced fighter
• Michelangelo saw the city of Florence as resourceful, successful, and
blessed by God.
• What does Michelangelo’s choice suggest about how he viewed Florence
and its future?
• He was optimistic about the bright future of Florence, free from its
traditional enemies and from the control of the Medici family.
Rebirth of Ideas
• Read aloud the opening paragraphs on pg 60.
• How has your thinking about specific issues or
topics changed in the past few years, and what
influenced these changes?
• Read pages 60-62
• The classical concept of the importance of the
individual became an essential feature of the
humanist worldview
• Reading assignment
Thinkers and Society
• Responsible Citizenship: make your own definition
• Humanist definition: meant educating yourself about
history and political issues and working to improve your
• List at least five actions you feel should be mandatory for
individuals to be considered responsible citizens in each of
the following situations:
• In your school
• In your community
• In your Province
• In Canada
• As a global citizen
Humanist Scholars- Humanist saw this new period of time as a rebirth of important
ideas and values-so the called it “ The Renaissance” Humanists believed the great
art and literature should be shared. They spent a lot of time translating writings to
make the ancient works available to as many people as possible.
• Read page 65
• Renaissance humanists were leaders in communities and thus influenced many
aspects of renaissance society
• Who were Humanists?
• Philosophers, teachers, public officials, writers ,scientists, architects, and
• Civic Humanism- Renaissance Humanists interested in what classical writers had to
say about government and public services.
Read page 66
• What is a Consensus?
• What are 6 things you need to remember when making a decision through
• Humanist Education- Humanists in the Reniassance period put a lot of emphasis on
education. These Humanists were sometimes teachers who ran their own schools.
They believed it was important to train their bodies as well as their minds. They
also encouraged a curious, questioning attitude.
Read page 67, What subjects were studied in the middle ages? What subjects were
studied during the renaissance?
Middle Ages
• Humanism and Religion- The writings that were
studied by Humanists were written prior to the
start of Christianity. They examined these
writings using a Christian worldview and they
discussed each writing’s value in relation to
Society and the Arts
• Together read pages 70-71
• What were the five elements that the renaissance artists used to create
naturalism and beauty in their art?
• During the Renaissance artists were interested in portraying the beauty of the
human body and the natural world. The _____________________ is a good
example of art work from this period.
• ________________ – people who paid artists to produce work. They included
merchants and important people in government.
• Painting – Michelangelo was a famous artist from the Renaissance Period. He
found inspiration from the Ancient ______________ and _________________.
• In this time period there was in increase in _________________ and
________________ being painted.
• What is the Name of the Artist and the piece of art from Figure 3-17? Briefly
sketch this piece of art into your notes.
• Petroglyphs are:
• Pictographs are:
• Architecture – Architecture was very
important in the Renaissance Period. Much
like artists was emphasizing beauty and
Naturalism, so were architects. An important
book from the Roman Period by the author
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio was rediscovered in
the Renaissance.
Architects from all over ________________ travelled to __________ to study the
_________________, the ________________, and other classical buildings.
____________________ painted the interior of the Pantheon and
____________________________ designed the Church of San Lorenzo.
Sculpture – Sculptors in the Middle Ages were seen as ______________ rather than
_____________. They were part of construction teams for _______________, carving
figures and other decorations that told ______________________.
In the Middle Ages _______________________ become celebrities just like artists
such as Michelangelo.
What is the name of the famous statue on page 74 in Figure 3-25? What was the name
of the artist that carved this statue?
Literature – In the early Renaissance writers focused on translating the works of
_____________ and ______________ writers and copying their styles.
________________ is also known as the language of the people.
_____________________ was a very famous Poet at this time. He is known for his love
poems that he wrote to a woman named _______________. These poems were called
Who was Christine de Pisan and why was she famous/important? (See page 76).