Transcript Document

Session 8
Ontario Context:
Assessment & Evaluation
International Testing
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS),
involving grade 4 students.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), involving grades 4 & 8 students.
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Mathematics, science, and reading assessment, involving
15-year-old students.
National Testing
Operated by the Council of Ministers of Education, the SAIP
program assesses 13 and 16 year old students across the
country in reading, writing, math and science.
The content of the test changes focus annually. For example,
in 1993 mathematics was assessed, then reading/writing in
1994 and science in 1996.
There have been two cycles of testing and for both groups
scores have improved over initial measures.
Provincial Testing: EQAO
Ontario’s standardized testing program was introduced in
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is an
independent arm’s-length government body that was
created to design and evaluate annual provincial tests.
Goal is to provide the public, parents, and schools with
information about student achievement in relation to the
standards defined in the curriculum.
Grade 3 and 6 Assessments:
Reading, Writing & Mathematics
Assesses use of a variety of reading strategies and conventions,
understanding concepts, making inferences and connecting ideas.
Assesses use of writing strategies and language conventions,
understanding assigned tasks, organizing ideas and communicating
with the reader.
Assesses demonstration of knowledge and skills across the five
strands of mathematics.
Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
Includes versions for Applied and Academic students.
Assesses knowledge and skills of number sense and
algebra, relationships, analytic geometry, measurement
and geometry.
Items require written responses and multiple-choice format.
Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy
Test (OSSLT)
Administered annually in the Fall.
Includes two components (Reading & Writing)
Reading involves 12 reading selections (information,
graphic, narrative) with 3 question formats (written short
answer, written evaluation, multiple-choice).
Writing includes 4 writing tasks (summary, opinion, news
report, information).
Provincial Test Procedures
Teachers are given a script and receive detailed guidelines
in the Teacher’s Daily Plans to ensure consistency and
Stict time limits are enforced for each test component.
For the past 5 years, the tests have spanned the course of
5 days and consume 12 hours of time.
For 2005, the test versions will be shorter (approximately 6
% at
Grade 3
68% Academic
26% Applied
Grade 6
Grade 9
Grade 10
Understanding Test Scores:
There is a gap between boys and girls especially in reading
and writing (Grades 3 & 6).
Parents receive an individual report showing their childs’
achievement in relation to curriculum expectations with a
summary of school, board, and provincial test results.
What are some considerations with respect to how the
results are interpreted? How should parents interpret the
reports they hear in the media?
Provincial Assessment Problems
The EQAO results provide a “snapshot” of how students
are achieving at one point in time and do not fully represent
the richness and depth of multifaceted schools and their
Contextual factors such as attendance patterns, absentee
rates, mobility rates, and special program needs can
influence student achievement.
Test scores are also susceptible to test-wiseness and
teaching-to-the-test techniques.
Other Problems …
Narrowing of the curriculum
“Dumbing” effect on teaching and learning
Alienate segments of student population
Misallocation of funds
Negative effect on in-service teachers
Standardized Test Preparation
Teachers need to consider three interrelated issues when
preparing their students for standardized achievement
Amount of preparation time
Content of instruction
Teaching of test-taking skills