Senior Parent Night

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Transcript Senior Parent Night

Course Selection
Seneca High School
Graduation Requirements
 English-4 years
 Math-3 years
 Science-3 years
 World Language-2 years
 History-US 1, US 2, World Cultures
 PE & Health-4 years
 Visual Performing Art-1 year
 Century Life & Careers, Career Tech Vocation-1 year
 Financial Literacy-1/2 year
 Must pass HSPA given in Junior year
 130 credits to GRADUATE
Grade Promotion
10th grade-29 credits
11th grade-58 credits
12th grade-91 credits
130 credits to graduate
Academic & Elective classes are 5 credits each
PE & Health are 2 credits each (total of 4)
Lab sciences are 6 credits
Honors-By invitation only; not on selection sheet because you need
to be invited. Need an A as a final grade in Level 2 or an A or B in
Level 1. Honors letters will be distributed next week. Level 1
classes can be chosen on course selection sheet if honors letter is
signed and attached.
Academic-College bound-competitive 4 year school
Modified Academic-College bound & vocational-some 4 year
colleges, all 2 year colleges and vocational programs
Basic Skills-Teacher recommended
Special Education-Classified students
*S TEST results can determine placement in English & Math*
Academic Units
4 year competitive colleges (for ex.- Rutgers, Rowan, Penn
State, U of DE, U of MD, Stockton etc..) need
at least 16 academic units (level 1 or level 2 courses)
English-4 years
History-3 years
Math-3-4 years
Science-3-4 years
World Language-2-3 years
Top Factors for College
1. Grades in College Prep Courses – Grades in AP, honors,
or level 2 courses
2. Strength of Curriculum – Both the amount of course work
you complete in high school and the quality of those courses
3. Admission Test Scores – Scores on either the SAT or
ACT (most schools accept both interchangeably)
4. High School Grade Point Average – Calculated by
dividing the total number of grade points received by the
total number attempted
Source: National Association for College Admission Counseling
Selection Sheet
Grade Course Selection Sheet
English 2
World Language
US 1
Physical Education/Health 2
Elective * must pick alternate electives*
Elective or Study Hall
**Must pick at least 7 classes**
11th Grade Course Selection Sheet
English 3
US 2
Physical Education/Health 3
World Language or Elective
Elective * must pick alternate electives*
Elective or Study Hall
**Must pick at least 7 classes**
Course Changes
• August 1st 2012 is the last day to request changes in
your schedule. This must be done in writing with your
parent’s signature.
• Once school starts ONLY errors will be corrected.
• There are timelines to drop levels and/or drop a course to
a study hall.
• Only 1 study hall per year is allowed (so you cannot
drop a class if you already have one!)
• If you drop a course WP (Withdraw Passing) or WF
(Withdraw Failing) will appear on transcript.
Option 2
College/Internet courses
Community Service
Proof of Proficiency-Written request by 6/1.
Test completed by 7/15.
Summer School/Tutoring for Original Credit
Applications due to counselor by 6/1
Seneca Sports
•Fall/Winter Sports: Must pass 30 credits at end of this year
•Spring Sports:
Must pass 15 credits at end of 1st semester
College Sports- NCAA
•Division I sports require 16 academic units
•Division II sports require 14 academic units
•Minimum GPA-2.0
•Academic courses taken in the Lenape Regional High School District
designated as Level l or 2 meet the criteria, as a core course, set forth by
the NCAA.
Students are allowed 4 unexcused absences per semester
Semester 1-Marking Periods1 &2
Semester 2-Marking Periods 3 &4
Anytime a student arrives after homeroom or leaves before the end of the school day, it will
be considered an absence.
The following will excuse an absence:
• Doctor’s note
• Funeral/Death in family
• Court
• Written Parental Permission –Limited to one parent note per semester (note may excuse a
series of consecutive days absent)
• College Visit (with a letter from the college)
No Credit Status. Requires a student to attend the LRHSD Credit Completion program to be
awarded high school credit for completed courses. Any pupil who exceeds 4 unexcused
absences will be on No Credit for single semester courses and any pupil who exceeds 8
unexcused absences will be on No Credit for full year courses.
Visit for detailed attendance policy.
Due Date
• Each academic subject teacher must sign your course
selection sheet
• Parent must sign course selection sheet
• Attach signed honors sheet
• Due to homeroom teacher by Friday, 2/10
Seneca Counselors
• Hand in your course selection sheets by
2/10/12 to your homeroom teacher.
• Your counselor WILL meet with you
sometime in the Spring to go over your
courses and credits.
Open Counseling Center
Thursday, February 2nd
5:30 pm- 7:00 pm
Any Questions