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Mini ETAI – Afula, Oct 2010
Tracy Piada
Pupils should :
a) know what to expect
b) feel confident that they have
enough to say.
Knowing what to expect:
1. What happens on the day
of the Bagrut.
2. What they have to do.
3. How they will be graded – how the
rubric works.
4. The emphasis should be on fluency
rather than accuracy.
Feeling confident:
A list of Interview Topics:
1) Yourself
2) Where you live
3) Your family
4) Your school
5) Hobbies / Sports / Groups
6) Trips in Israel / abroad
7) Your plans for the future
(army / travel / studies / work)
8) TV / films / music / books
9) Current news issues
For example - Where you live:
* Where is it
* How many people live there
* How long have you lived there
* What is there to do
* What you like/don’t like
* Would you live there in the future
Important to remember:
1. Pupils should know the relevant
vocabulary to each topic.
2. Pupils should make notes / use key
3. Pupils should avoid writing full
(turning it into a prepared speech).
Project Presentation
Should include:
- Introduction
- About the body of the project
- Personal reflection
What and Why ?
The Project Introduction:
- What is it about
- Why did you choose the topic
- What did you know about the topic
- What did you want to find out
The body of the project:
- What you found out
- How you organized the work (chapters)
- Where you got your information
The Personal Reflection:
- What was easy / difficult
- Did you enjoy doing it or not
- Do you think it helped your English
- If you worked in pairs, what was
good / bad about it. How did you work
How to practice:
Different types of question cards
(in pairs / group work).
Last minute tips:
- appearance + smile
- look confident / try to relax
- eye contact
- don’t fidget
- make sure you understand the question (ask
the tester to repeat / rephrase if needed)
- if you get stuck take a deep breath to organize
your thoughts.
On the day of the Bagrut:
1) Arrive 20 minutes before your
scheduled time.
2) Bring your ID Card.
3) Bring your Project.
4) You MUST wear school uniform.
5) Don't chew gum.
6) Turn your cellphones OFF.
Good Luck !!