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4-1 Product and Service Design


Product and Service Design

Operations Management, Eighth Edition, by William J. Stevenson Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


4-2 Product and Service Design

Product and Service Design

 Major factors in design strategy  Cost  Quality  Time-to-market  Customer satisfaction  Competitive advantage Product and service design – or redesign – should be closely tied to an organization’s strategy

4-3 Product and Service Design

Product or Service Design Activities

 Translate customer wants and needs into product and service requirements  Refine existing products and services  Develop new products and services  Formulate quality goals  Formulate cost targets  Construct and test prototypes  Document specifications

4-4 Product and Service Design

Reasons for Product or Service Design

 Economic  Social and demographic  Political, liability, or legal  Competitive  Technological

4-5 Product and Service Design

Objectives of Product and Service Design  Main focus  Customer satisfaction  Secondary focus  Function of product/service  Cost/profit  Quality  Appearance  Ease of production/assembly  Ease of maintenance/service

4-6 Product and Service Design

Designing For Operations

 Taking into account the capabilities of the organization in designing goods and services

4-7 Product and Service Design

Legal, Ethical, and Environmental Issues  Legal  FDA, OSHA, IRS  Product liability  Uniform commercial code  Ethical  Releasing products with defects  Environmental  EPA

4-8 Product and Service Design

Regulations & Legal Considerations

Product Liability -

A manufacturer is liable for any injuries or damages caused by a faulty product.

Uniform Commercial Code -

Products carry an implication of merchantability and fitness.

4-9 Product and Service Design

Designers Adhere to Guidelines

 Produce designs that are consistent with the goals of the company  Give customers the value they expect  Make health and safety a primary concern  Consider potential harm to the environment

4-10 Product and Service Design

Other Issues in Product and Service Design  Product/service life cycles  How much standardization  Product/service reliability  Range of operating conditions

4-11 Product and Service Design

Life Cycles of Products or Services

Figure 4.1

Growth Maturity Saturation Introduction Time Decline

4-12 Product and Service Design


 Standardization  Extent to which there is an absence of variety in a product, service or process  Standardized products are immediately available to customers

4-13 Product and Service Design

Mass Customization

• Mass customization:  A strategy of producing standardized goods or services, but incorporating some degree degree of customization  Delayed differentiation  Modular design

4-14 Product and Service Design

Delayed Differentiation

• Delayed differentiation is a postponement tactic  Producing but not quite completing a product or service until customer preferences or specifications are known

4-15 Product and Service Design

Modular Design

Modular design

is a form of standardization in which component parts are subdivided into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged. It allows:  easier diagnosis and remedy of failures  easier repair and replacement  simplification of manufacturing and assembly

4-16 Product and Service Design



: The ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions 


: Situation in which a product, part, or system does not perform as intended 

Normal operating conditions

: The set of conditions under which an item’s reliability is specified

4-17 Product and Service Design

Improving Reliability

• Component design • Production/assembly techniques • Testing • Redundancy/backup • Preventive maintenance procedures • User education • System design

4-18 Product and Service Design

Product Design

 Product Life Cycles  Robust Design  Concurrent Engineering  Computer-Aided Design  Modular Design

4-19 Product and Service Design

Robust Design

Robust Design: Design that results in products or services that can function over a broad range of conditions

4-20 Product and Service Design

Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is the

dismantling and inspecting of a competitor’s product to discover product improvements.

4-21 Product and Service Design

Research & Development (R&D)

 Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or product innovation & may involve: 

Basic Research

advances knowledge about a subject without near-term expectations of commercial applications.

Applied Research

achieves commercial applications. 


converts results of applied research into commercial applications.

4-22 Product and Service Design


 Manufacturability

is the ease of fabrication and/or assembly which is important for:

 Cost  Productivity  Quality

4-23 Product and Service Design

Concurrent Engineering

Concurrent engineering

is the bringing together of engineering design and manufacturing personnel early in the design phase.

4-24 Product and Service Design

Computer-Aided Design

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

is product design using computer graphics.

 increases productivity of designers, 3 to 10 times  creates a database for manufacturing information on product specifications  provides possibility of engineering and cost analysis on proposed designs

4-25 Product and Service Design


 Recycling: recovering materials for future use  Recycling reasons  Cost savings  Environment concerns  Environment regulations

4-26 Product and Service Design



: The ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions 


: Situation in which a product, part, or system does not perform as intended 

Normal operating conditions

of conditions under which an item’s reliability is specified : The set

4-27 Product and Service Design

Reliability is a Probability

 Probability that the product or system will:   Function when activated Function for a given length of time  Independent events  Events whose occurrence or nonoccurrence do not influence each other  Redundancy  The use of backup components to increase reliability

4-28 Product and Service Design

Rule 1

Lamp 1


Lamp 2


.90 x .80 = .72

4-29 Product and Service Design

Rule 2


Lamp 2 (backup)


Lamp 1 .90 + (1-.90)*.80 = .98

4-30 Product and Service Design

Rule 3


Lamp 3 (backup for Lamp 2)


Lamp 2 (backup for Lamp1)


Lamp 1 1 – P(all fail) 1-[(1-.90)*(1-.80)*(1-.70)] = .994

4-31 Product and Service Design

Example S-1 Reliability

Determine the reliability of the system shown






4-32 Product and Service Design

Example S-1 Solution

The system can be reduced to a series of three components


.90+.90(1-.90) .95+.92(1-.95) .98 x .99 x .996 = .966

4-33 Product and Service Design

Improving Reliability

 Component design  Production/assembly techniques  Testing  Redundancy/backups  Preventive maintenance procedures  User education  System design

4-34 Product and Service Design


A system consists of three identical components. In order for the system to perform as intended, all of the components must perform.

Each has the same probability of performance. If the system is to have a 0.92 probability of performing, what is the minimum probability of performing needed by each of the individual components?

4-35 Product and Service Design


4-36 Product and Service Design


Due to the extreme cost of interrupting production, a firm has two standby machines available in case a particular machine breaks down. The machine in use has a reliability of .94, and the backups have reliabilities of .90 and .80. In the event of a failure, either backup can be pressed into service. If one fails, the other backup can be used. Compute the system reliability.

4-37 Product and Service Design