Chapter 17 Section 2 - East Lycoming School District
Transcript Chapter 17 Section 2 - East Lycoming School District
Chapter 17 Section 2
The Spanish-American War
• The settlement of a
dispute by a person or
panel chosen to listen
to both sides and come
to a decision
Yellow Journalism
• Sensational news
coverage emphasizing
crime and scandal
– Newspapers were
publishing exaggerated
reports about the events
of the Cuban rebellion in
order to get more
• An intense burst of
national pride and the
desire for an aggressive
foreign policy
How did Yellow journalism and jingoism
influence Americans’ views of the Cuban
• Strengthened American
sympathy for the Cuban
Steps to War
• De Lome LetterInsulted President
McKinley-angered the
American people
What did Secretary of State John Hay mean
when he called America’s war with Spain a
“splendid little war”?
• The war was short and
What were the terms of the Treaty of
• Spain recognized Cuban
Platt Amendment
• The Cuban government
could not enter any
foreign agreements,
must allow the U.S. to
How did U.S. policies, such as the Platt
Amendment, secure control over it’s newly
acquired territories?
• Platt Amendment made
Cuba into an American
What methods did the United States use to
gain land and influence in the Pacific
• The U.S. used warfare
(Spanish-American War
and Filipino War)
Sphere of Influence
• Areas of economic and
political control in China
Open Door Policy
• The U.S. was
afraid of being
left out
• The Open Door
Policy would give
all nations equal
opportunity in
China (free trade)
The effects of U.S. foreign policy on
other nations after the SpanishAmerican War.
• Annexed by the U.S.
after Spanish-American
War. U.S. soldiers
remain there. Fighting
between U.S. and
Philippines occurs..
• President McKinley installed
a military government to
protect American business
• Cuba drafted a constitution
in 1900 that did not allow
for U.S. involvement.
• The U.S. government only
agreed to remove its troops
if Cuba included the Platt
Puerto Rico
• Did not become
independent like Cuba
• U.S. kept a military
govmt there until 1900
• Foraker Act-U.S. military
left, but established a
govmt under American
• Hawaii became
increasingly important
to United States
business interests.
• China’s huge population
and its vast markets
became very important
to American trade.
• President McKinley’s
Secretary of State, John
Hay, wrote notes to the
major European powers
trying to persuade them
to keep an “open door”
to China.