The Famous Person I Most Admire

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Transcript The Famous Person I Most Admire

Miss Velez
 Anticipatory
 Project Overview
 Sequence of Activities
 Grading
 Admiration:
an object of wonder,
pleasure, or approval.
 Someone you hold in great regard,
affection, and approval.
 Someone you look-up to.
 You
will each pick a famous person
that you admire.
 You will do research on this person
using the Internet.
 You will then create a PowerPoint
slideshow on your subject to show
the class.
 Choose
a subject by asking these
Who is someone famous that inspires
Who is your role model?
Who do you aspire to be like?
Who has accomplished great things?
 You
will spend the rest of Week
One researching your subject in
the computer lab.
 You will need to collect ten
detailed and interesting facts
about your subject.
 You will print these facts for me to
collect by the end of Friday of
Week One to check your progress.
 We
will continue to work in the
computer lab.
 You will be given a flash drive on
which to save all your work.
 After participating in my tutorial on
using PowerPoint, you will work in
pairs to create two practice slides
for evaluation.
 Once
you have successfully
completed your PowerPoint practice
slides you may begin construction of
your slideshow for your most
admired person.
 You must include the ten facts that
you researched on the Internet
during Week One.
 You
will continue to work on
PowerPoint slideshows.
 I will be grading on neatness,
attractiveness, grammar, and
 You must include pictures/images of
the person you admire.
 You will need to provide a few key
reasons why this person is
significant to you.
 Presentations
 Each student will present their
PowerPoint slideshow for five to ten
minutes using the information stored
on their flash drive.
You should speak clearly and loud
enough for all to hear.
You should demonstrate enthusiasm for
and knowledge of your subject.
will offer support to any who need
 Feel free to work at home to
complete and enhance your projects.
 Remember to have fun as you learn!!!