VLSI Research & Education in India

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Transcript VLSI Research & Education in India

Ministry of Human Resource
Government of India
All India Survey on Higher Education
As on 30 September 2010
Coverage and Registration Key Data
 The data is to be filled by all the institutes Offering Courses after
12th for minimum 9 month duration or courses after 10th for
minimum 3 years duration.
 The institutes affiliated to Universities are supposed to fill the Data
Capture Format (DCF)- II. The University can fill the data of the
institute or University can create user account for the institute and
update the data.
 The institutes not affiliated to Universities are called as Stand Alone
Institutes and are supposed to fill the Data Capture Format (DCF)III. The Directorate of Technical Education is the STB/DTE-Officer to
approve User ID for the stand alone institute. Hence the institute
has to select the Role as “Institute-STB/DTE-Officer” at the time of
registration and preferably use the 4 digit DTE Code for
identification. If the code is not available for institute, institute
should use other User ID having the four digit code in the User ID.
 The institute should note down the User ID, mobile Number, e-mail
address, security question and it’s answer. The system send the
email about successful registration, approval, password recovery,
Steps to be followed by Institute
 Registration by Institute with Role as “InstituteSTB/DTE-Officer” - System send the email to the user about
successful registration and intimation to contact Nodal Officer
 Approval by the STB/DTE Officer -
The State Technical
Board/ Directorate Technical Education Officer shall approve the
user and system shall send e-mail and SMS to the institute.
 Download the e-Form –
The institute should download eFrom DCF-III and open in Acrobat Reader 10 and above.
 Filling Data –
guidelines given.
The e-Form need to be filled with the data as per
 Uploading Data –
upload through login.
 Correction –
The institute should check the form and
The institute can modify the data and again
check, if any corrections need to be given.
Create New User
Click on New User
Fill the Role Profile
• Role* as "Institute-STB/DTE-Officer “
• The institute should select the name of the institute amongs the list available , If the name of the
Institute is not observed in the List, then contact to Regional Office or DTE Office.
Next Step …….
Login Details
For user ID- preferably use the DTE Institute Code. The system shall check
the availability and warn if the user id is already registered by other user.
Password Should Enter by their Instruction
Next Step…
Contact Details
Email ID Should Enter Correctly ,
 The system shall send a mail to the User
regarding successful registration (check mail
from [email protected]).
 The institutes not in the list shall be be
communicated to MHRD for updation and then
the institutes shall be able to register.
 The DTE, registered as STB/DTE-Office role,
shall approve the institutes. The system shall
send a mail to the User regarding successful
approval. The system shall send SMS to the
registered mobile about the approval.
 Please check the mail regarding approval.
Download e-Form – DCF-III
The user has to Download the Form DCF-III available in the left side menu after Login.
Click on standalone Institution Form DCF-III ,Select State “27 – Maharashtra” and
select your institute name from the list and click on “Download Form” button
Save the Adobe pdf file on your Computer
If the Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) or above is not available with the institute, please click here to download Adobe
Reader 10. and install the Adobe Reader X (10.1.1).
Open the Saved File form and start to fill the information
Select the Year as 2010-2011
Block 3A Basic Information
The Name of the institute will appear automatically.
The other details need to be filled carefully.
Continuation of Block 3A….
Block3B Details of Programms offered by Institute
Faculty/School Name means Name of the Institute- May be kept blank for
Stand Alone Institute.
The name of the Department need to be added. The courses are to be
added in this department as per Block 3B(2)
These Department/Centers shall be have Teaching Staff / Non Teaching
Staff. (Block 3C) The Common Departments shall be like Humanities,
Science, Applied Mechanics, etc.
Continuation of Block 3B (2)…..
Statutory Body through which approved  Select All India Council
University through which approved  Keep it blank
Entering of Disciplines in 3B(2)
 The various disciplines (example Civil
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc) need
to be added one by one.
 In case of Shift Programme- Append First Shift /
Second Shift after Discipline Name. ( Computer
Engineering- Second Shift).
 Regular Programms Details - The programmes in
which students are enrolled. The Faculty/School
Column can be Blank or that of the institute
Name. This data is linked with the Enrolment of
the students.
 Distance Programme Details –not in your
institute keep it blank
Block 3C Staff Information Teaching Staff
This data is to be filled for each department listed in BLOCK 3B item 1.
PWD- Persons with Disability
Other Minority means Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Parsis
All the fields should be filled. The appropriate Remark can be selected if Categorywise data is not available, OBC data is not maintained or Minority Data is not
The break up of the Total need to be filled carefully. If the data is not maintained,
leave the required filled blank and not zero (0).
Entering Teaching Staff Data
 The data is to be entered for Teaching faculty in
each department, listed in 3B(1.1)
 The Designation in a department should not be
duplicate. If the Lecturers are in various Grade
Pays, use the “,” ( example 6000,7000) under
Grade Pay Column
 If the Designation is not available, select
equivalent Designation and put remark in Block
 The figures of Category wise Faculty, Minority
Wise Faculty, Gender wise faculty need to be
entered properly.
Block 3C Staff Information-Non-Teaching Staff
Staff Type - Select the Staff Type as 'Non Teaching staff Excluding Librarian /
Physical Education' or 'Library Staff' , 'Physical Education Staff'.
Group - Select as 'Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C','Group D'
Block 3D- Number Of Students Enrolled In The University/Institute
PWD should
take from
general Total
•General Total :- Include all
candidate open, reserved,
PWD(Persons with Disability
),other Minority (Christian,
Sikh, Buddhist and Parsis)
and minority (Religious and
Linguistic )
Other Minority
(Christian, Sikh,
Buddhist and Parsis
take figure from the
general total
Minority (Religious and
Ling) take from the
general Total
Girls Total : out of General how many girls are enrolled
All the fields should be filled. The appropriate Remark can be selected if Category-wise data is not available, OBC data
is not maintained or Minority Data is not maintained. The break up of the Total need to be filled carefully. If the data is
not maintained, leave the required filled blank and not zero (0).
This data is to be filled for each Department/Center listed in BLOCK 3B item 2 for all the years. If the programme is
started new, then only first year data will be filled and remaining shall be zero (0)
If the distance course are not running in your institute keep all fields blank
Block 3E- Examination Results
Only Final Year Students Data who are passed in 2010-11
The data of Regular courses of Final Year results of 2010 batch is to be entered.
Please do not enter the results of other than final year.
If the data of Distance Mode is not in your institute, please keep that fields blank
Block 3F- Financial Information
( Rs. Thousands only)
Financial Year 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011
1. The Income and Expenditure for the Financial Year is to be given. The total shall be
calculated by the system.
2. The amount is to be given is '000 Rs means is Rupees Thousands. ( Example Rs.
1,23,313 can be entered as 123.3)
Block 3G and Block 3H
The institute is free to give appropriate remarks- It may be related to Results, Affiliation, Staff Data,
data interpretation, etc. In case of OBC, the Bifurcation of OBC as per Central Government need to be
given as VJ/DT, NT-B, NT-C, NT-D, SBC for Staff and Students.
Check Form
 The user has to click on the “Check Form” button to validate the
 The error message shall be displayed and the cursor shall move to
the error location.
 Rectify the error and again click on the “Check Form Button”.
 Once the Form entered correctly, the message as “CheckForm
Passed” will be displayed and “Check Form” button shall be disabled.
 The File is ready for uploading.
 The user has to login and upload the file through Form Management
 If it is observed that the data is not correctly entered, please click
on “Modify” button to correct the data. The user has to do the
corrections and do the “Check Form” activity again. The user has to
upload the checked form again through login.
Uploading File
1. Click on Form
3.Upload the Form
2. Choose the file
Select the File by clicking on “Choose File” button and click on “Upload
Form” button to upload, It may take max 2- 5 minutes for uploading the file
IF the form is not checked, the system shall give error and institute can not
upload the form.
Any Queries
Contact Details :
 Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra
State, Mumbai (022)30233466
Dedicated email address to communicate with
institutes regarding AISHE :
[email protected]. The institute can
send the .pdf to the above email for their