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DCMS: Training Manual
Consumer Portal
July, 2010
DCMS Web Application
Consumer Portal
Training Manual
21 July 2015
DCMS is a system, demanded by HPCL to remain leader in the
LPG industry of India. This manual makes the user acquainted
with the use of Consumer Portal of the DCMS Web Application.
21 July 2015
This manual guides the Consumer of HPCL to use the online Consumer
Intended Audience
Consumers of HP Gas
21 July 2015
Organization of the Manual
Section/Chapter Name
Short Description
Accessing the Consumer Portal
How to open the login page
Signing Up as a Visitor
Non Consumer Sign Up – Registration Request
Log In as a Visitor
Non Consumer login to the Portal
Signing Up as a Consumer
Signing Up as an existing Consumer of HPCL
Log In as a Consumer
Consumer Login to the Portal
21 July 2015
Online Consumer Portal
Consumer Portal is an online support system available to
the Consumers of HPCL.
1. To avail the service, one has to Sign Up to the Online
Consumer Portal and obtain a Login Id and Password for
the Portal.
2. To Sign Up or Log In, one has to enter the following URL
into the address bar of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox or any other like Internet Browser:
21 July 2015
Log In / Sign Up screen…
New User
Sign Up
User Sign
21 July 2015
Visitor / New User Sign Up
1. Click on New User Sign Up on the Log in / Sign up screen.
2. The User Creation screen opens.
Provide the requisite information in the Login Information and
User Information section. Enter the Login Id and Password
according to the guidelines given below the respective fields.
In the Security Profile section, choose two Hint Questions
from the dropdown for Resetting Password and provide proper
In the Validation Text section, enter the Validation Text as
shown on the screen.
21 July 2015
User Creation screen…
21 July 2015
Visitor / New User Sign Up (Contd.)
6. Click on the Create User button to complete the
7. A screen appears confirming success in creation of the
Login Id and prompts the user to click on the link
emailed to his primary email id to activate the account.
8. Click on Back button in the User Creation screen to
go back to the previous page.
21 July 2015
User creation success confirmation screen…
21 July 2015
Login as a Visitor / New User
1. After activating the account, go back to the Login
screen and enter your Login Id and Password in the
Login section.
2. Click on the Log In button.
21 July 2015
Logging In…
21 July 2015
Login as a Visitor / New User (Contd.)
3. After successful Login, the Consumer Portal Home screen
Since the Consumer Portal that you have now signed in to is the
Visitors Version, it has very limited functionalities.
The Consumer Services option includes Consumer
Information link.
In the My Zone section, it offers three screens i.e. Security
Question Setup, Update Profile and Password Management
which will be discussed in details in the consumer version of the
To enter the information go to “Click here to complete your
Registration” hyperlink.
21 July 2015
First screen after successful Login…
21 July 2015
Login as a Visitor / New User (Contd.)
8. Clicking on the “Click here to complete your
Registration” opens the following New Consumer
Registration screen.
9. Select the Distributor under whom you want to register
through hierarchical search using the Zone, Region,
Sales Area and Distributor fields.
10.After selecting the Distributor, the screen expands.
Click on the marked Show Distributor Info link to view
the information regarding the distributor.
21 July 2015
New Consumer Registration screen…
21 July 2015
Login as a Visitor / New User (Contd.)
11. Fill up the Consumer Information and Other Information sections
with the required information. Fields marked with red asterisk are
mandatory to be filled.
12. In the Type of Connection field, select New if you want to register
for new single cylinder connection and select DBC if you want to
register for a new connection with an additional cylinder.
13. Provide requisite Identity Proof and upload a photograph of the
specified File Format.
14. Click on Save to save the operation. Else click on Back to go back
to the last screen.
15. Success of the operation is acknowledged by a success
confirmation screen.
21 July 2015
New Consumer Registration screen (Contd.)…
21 July 2015
New Consumer Registration success confirmation…
21 July 2015
At the Distributor’s…
16. Once the registration is complete, Registration Request is sent to the
distributor through synchronization.
17. This request is visible to the distributor in the Notification screen of the
DCMS Windows Application.
18. The distributor will accept the request, do the necessary verification,
generate an allotment letter, acknowledge the response to the allotment
letter and generate SV (Subscription Voucher).
19. In the SV Generation step, a Consumer No. will be generated which
you have to collect from the distributor.
20. With the Consumer No. at hand, you are ready for the second step of
registration, i.e. Signing up as an Existing Consumer.
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer
This Sign Up is available for existing HPCL Consumers (Users
who have a unique HPCL Consumer No.) only.
This might include two cases:
Consumers who have been using an HPCL connection in the past, but
now wish to use the online facilities.
New Users who had earlier registered as Visitors and now have
completed the registration process and have a valid Consumer No.
Click on the Sign Up option under Existing User Sign Up in
the Log In / Sign Up screen. The Existing User Sign Up screen
21 July 2015
Log In / Sign UP screen…
Sign Up
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer (Contd.)
4. Provide your Consumer No. and select your
Distributor in the Existing Consumer Sign Up screen.
5. Click Next to complete you registration.
6. The New User Sign Up screen opens as in the case
of the Signing Up as a Visitor
21 July 2015
Existing Consumer Sign Up screen…
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer (Contd.)
7. Provide the requisite information in the Login
Information and User Information section.
8. Enter the Login Id and Password according to the
guidelines given below the respective fields.
9. In the Security Profile section, choose two Hint
Questions from the dropdown for Resetting
Password and provide proper answers.
10.In the Validation Text section, enter the Validation
Text as shown on the screen.
21 July 2015
User Creation screen…
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer (Contd.)
11. Click on the Create User button to complete the
12. A screen appears confirming success in creation of the
Login Id and prompts the user to click on the link
emailed to his primary email id to activate the account.
13. Click on Back button in the User Creation screen to go
back to the previous page.
21 July 2015
User creation success confirmation screen…
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer (Contd.)
14. If, however, the Consumer tries to Sign Up
again with the same Consumer No. then he is
restricted from doing so with a message being
21 July 2015
User creation using repeated Consumer No. prohibition message…
21 July 2015
Sign Up as an Exiting Consumer (Contd.)
After Signing Up as an Existing Consumer or Updating your
New User Account to a Consumer Account, you can Log In to
the Consumer Portal in the same way as described in the
“Login as a Visitor / Non Consumer” section and make use of
all its features.
We will take on the features available at the Consumer Portal
in the next section.
21 July 2015
Consumer Portal Home
1. This is the first screen to be displayed whenever the user logs in to
his account by giving valid Login Id and Password.
2. This screen displays the Refill Delivery History of the consumer in a
table using columns Order Ref No, Order Date, Cash Memo No,
Cash Memo Date, Delivery Date and Delivery Status. This screen
also displays the Distributor Details.
21 July 2015
Consumer Portal Home screen…
21 July 2015
Consumer Information
This screen displays User Information in the following three sections:
1. General Information: The message in this screen varies from time
to time and provides updates regarding the user account. Like in
the above screen it reads “You have already requested for a DBC
connection or registered yourself for DBC. Please wait for approval
from distributor end.”
2. Consumer Information: This section displays the details of the
3. Distributor Details: This section displays the details of the
Distributor that the Consumer is registered under.
21 July 2015
Consumer Information screen…
21 July 2015
Apply For Transfer Within City
1. Clicking on the Apply For Transfer Within City, the eCTA-OUT
screen opens. This screen enables the user to apply for a transfer
within the same city.
2. This screen displays the details of the Consumer in the Consumer
Information section.
3. In the Transfer Location section, the user is asked to specify the
details of the new location. Select the State, City and Distributor
under whom you want to be shifted. Provide Remarks, if any.
Click on Save to save the operation.
Click on Back at any point of time to go back to the previous screen.
21 July 2015
eCTA - OUT screen…
21 July 2015
Apply For Transfer Within City (Contd.)
However you cannot apply for a CTA-OUT if you have
a refill booking pending against your account. In such
a case, an error message is displayed.
21 July 2015
eCTA - OUT screen with the Error message displayed…
21 July 2015
Refill Booking
1. On this screen, before being able to book a Refill Order, you have to
enter a Validation Text as shown on the screen and click on the
Proceed to Refill Booking link.
2. If one Refill Booking Order is pending against this Consumer
Number, then the refill booking is obstructed and a message is
displayed on the screen.
3. Clicking on the “Click Here to View booking done earlier” link
displays the Refill Booking Delivery History.
21 July 2015
Order Booking screen with “One Order Pending” message…
21 July 2015
Refill Booking (Contd.)
4. If no booking exists, a refill is booked and confirmed.
5. One can view the details of the order booked in the
Refill Order Booking History screen.
21 July 2015
Order Booking screen with success message…
21 July 2015
Booking History
1. This screen displays the details in a Refill Booking
Delivery History table with information regarding Order
No, Order Date, Cash Memo No, Cash Memo Date,
Delivery Date and Delivery Status for each Order.
2. Click on Back to go back to the previous screen.
21 July 2015
Booking History screen…
21 July 2015
Register Complaint
1. This screen is used to report any sort of complaint.
2. Select the proper Complaint Category and Complaint
Type from their respective drop downs.
3. Provide Complaint Description in less than 1024
4. Click on Save to save the Complaint.
21 July 2015
Register Complaint screen…
21 July 2015
Track Your Complaint
1. This screen is used to track the status of complaints
reported in the past.
2. Complaints can be searched on the database on the
basis of Complaint Status or From Date and To Date
or both.
3. After providing the criteria, click on Search. The results
get displayed in a Complaint Details table.
4. Click on View in each row of the table to view the details
of the Complaint on a View Complaint
21 July 2015
Track Your Complaint screen with Search results…
21 July 2015
View Complaint Details screen…
21 July 2015
Track Your Complaint (Contd.)
5. Click on Add Feedback on the View Complaint
screen to provide Remarks, if required.
6. Click on Save to save the changes (if any) made to
this screen.
7. Click Back to go back to the Search Complaint
8. On the Search Complaint screen, Click on Clear to
refresh the fields for another search.
21 July 2015
Security Question Setup
1. This screen is used to reset the Security Questions
and their Answers provided during the Sign Up.
2. Select the Hint Questions 1 or Hint Questions 2 or
both as required and provide necessary answers.
3. Click on Save to save the changes.
4. Click on Back to go back to the previous screen.
21 July 2015
Security Question Setup screen…
Question 1
Answer 1
Answer 2
Question 2
21 July 2015
Update Profile
1. This screen allows the user to update certain Profile
2. The updatable fields are land Line No, Mobile No and
Email Id.
3. Click on Update to save the changes.
4. Click on Back to go to the previous screen.
21 July 2015
Update Profile screen…
21 July 2015
Password Management
1. This screen allows the User to reset his Login Password.
2. Provide a New Password that will confirm to the following criteria:
At least One Lower Case Character
At least One Upper Case Character
At least One Numeric Digit
At least One Special Character
8 Characters in length (Max 16 Characters)
3. Confirm the Password in the Confirm Password field. Click on Update to
save the changes. Click on Back to go back to the previous screen.
21 July 2015
Password Management screen…
21 July 2015
Thank You
21 July 2015