Unit One Learning Objectives

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Transcript Unit One Learning Objectives

Phi Theta Kappa Leadership
Development Studies
Unit 4
Articulating a Vision
Reflect ~ Focus
The Gettysburg Address
“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent
a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal.”
Henry V, Abraham Lincoln, Alice Paul,
and Martin Luther King, Jr.
• How is each an effective communicator?
• How does each convince followers to work against the
Attracting People To
Common Purposes
• Use images and word
• Know your audience Use
• Use examples people
can relate to
• Be positive and hopeful
• Refer to traditional values
• Speak with passion and
• Appeal to common beliefs
• Show personal conviction
Vision and Meaning
• Small Group Presentation
Vision and Meaning
• Summary
– Why is a shared vision so important?
• To keep good people
• To sort abundance of information
• To compete globally
• To deal with rapid change
» James A. Vaughan
Visioning/Planning Exercise
Hollow Square:
Purpose of the Exercise
• Enhance your understanding of interpersonal skills
• Examine the dynamics involved in planning a task to be
carried out by others
• Examine the dynamics involved in doing a task planned
by others
• Explore both helpful and hindering communication
behaviors in assigning a task to others or completing a
task for others
Insights from “Hollow Square”