EARLY LATIN AMERICA - Mr. Bilbrey's Digital Classroom

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Transcript EARLY LATIN AMERICA - Mr. Bilbrey's Digital Classroom

Read pg. 411 in the text – primary source
1. Make a list of grievances that the author discusses.
2. How would a European settler respond to these?
How would they justify their actions?
I. Spain and Portugal Control the Americas
 Iberian (Spain & Portugal) traditions continue in new world
Europeans lived in cities surrounded by peasant population
Conquerors = nobles, natives = peasant workers
Patriarchal family type
Slavery (already established system in Iberian peninsula)
 Strong bureaucracy and theocracy backbones of
political life
Catholic church was strong influence
 Timeline
 1492-1570: “Era of Conquest”
 1570-1700: “Era of Consolidation”
 1700-1800: “Era of Reform”
II. The Caribbean & Beyond
 The Caribbean served as a testing ground for colonization
Beginning of encomienda system – grant of land, including native
peoples, to individual Spaniards
Established a kind of serfdom
 Encomendero – holder of an encomienda, could
use natives as workers or tax them
 Big impact: natives killed by disease, warfare
 Within 30 years, most of native population killed
Immigration of women and African slaves – turned
from conquest to permanent settlement
 Central Mexico, then South America
Cortez arrived in Mexico (1519), entire region under Spanish control by
1535 (New Spain)
Pizarro reached Peru by 1540, easily defeated a weak Inca Empire
III. Destruction and Transformation
 Population declined
Mexico – 25 mil. (1519)  2 mil. (1580)
Peru – 10 mil. (1530)  1.5 mil. (1590)
 Exploitation
Indian nobility promised special privileges
in exchange for helping Spanish
Thousands of Indians used as cheap/free
labor for large construction projects
Encomiendas ended as Spain did not want a new class of nobility to
compete with
Turn to a low wage-based system of labor, eventually imported slavery
after native population took hit
 Adaptation
Many natives adapt and use language, laws, technologies, culture
Continued to face persecution/discrimination
IV. Economy & Government
 Silver mining and agriculture basis for economy
Haciendas – huge estates, produced for local consumption, became basis
for local aristocracy
 Spain tightly controlled trade between Americas and rest of
Galleons – heavily armed ships, used to carry silver and other valuable
 Highly structured bureaucracy controlled colonies
Recopilacion – 1681, codified laws for basis of colonial government
Viceroyalities – high ranking nobles, representatives of king
One in Mexico City, one in Lima (Peru)
Audiencias – system of superior courts to enforce laws
 Role of Church
Record and analyze native cultures
V. Racial Hierarchies
 The mixture of Europeans, Africans, and Native
Americans creates new hierarchies
Sociedad de castas
Social status based on racial origins, occupation also important
 Whites at top, black slaves and/or Native Americans at bottom
 Castas – people of mixed origin
 Mulattoes – African+European
 Mestizo – Spanish+Americans
Over time, even distinctions/hierarchies develop between whites
Peninsulares – whites born in Spain
 Creoles – whites born in New World
Racial hierarchies occur simultaneous to ones based on wealth,
religion, gender, age, class
Based on traditional Iberian customs
Answer the following questions without the aid of your
notes, using complete sentences.
1. Describe two cultural traditions that were
transferred to the New World by the Portuguese
and Spanish.
2. What was an “Encomendero?” What rights did he
have in the New World?
3. What is the “sociedad de castas?”
What motivated the conquistadors? Why were so
many eager to travel to the New World to explore?
Complete sentences, a paragraph.