Transcript Document

Teaching, learning
and ILT/e-learning
Begin your journey
The Learning Journey
Personal reflections
on a practical approach to
Teaching, learning and ILT/e-learning
The way
The key questions
• What do I really need to know?
• How do I unlock creativity?
• How do I avoid getting lost in an alphabet
soup of jargon?
• How do I make it work for ME and MY
Starting point: The learners
• We are working in a new climate… our learners
were trained from an early age to be conversant
with ILT/e-learning . . .
• ..they bring these expectations to our
• But we have the equipment, the creativity and the
professional skills…
• …to develop materials and tasks that are
interactive, educationally sound, interesting and
which make them think!
What can ILT/e-learning do for me
as a professional?
• Motivate learners
• Challenge learners in new ways, embracing
• Enhance learning skills and delivery methods,
including assessment
There is a
…And a
Interactivity: Learners’ skills
• Annotations on diagrams
• Matching (drag-and-drop, drop-down) …and
• Progression and development
• Amplification, illustration, clarification
• Rearrange, reconstruct
• Synthesise, speculate
• Summarise
Our mission!
“For adults of all ages, both those of working
age and senior citizens, from all kinds of
backgrounds, e-learning arrangements of the
highest calibre should be on hand to support
their lives, extend their choices, enrich their
competencies and strengthen their autonomy
at home, at work and in the community.”
–Chairman's Foreword, DELG Report, 2002
Which means…
“We want to see teaching and training which
inspires, excites and enriches learners from
all parts of society, and provides the skills for
a modern economy.”
– DELG Report, 2002
So what are the benefits?
• Up-to-date examples
• More varied lessons
• An active and engaging approach to learning
• Enhanced learner enthusiasm and participation
• Access to a range of resources (especially WWW)
• Learning plans adjusted to different abilities and learning styles
• Enhanced confidence in self assessment
• Online learning materials free up class time (time saved can be
used for discussions, role play and other time consuming - but
important – activities)
But what does it look like?
A learner’s day…?
• Arrive at college, log on and
check emails for update on
collaborative learning
• Continue to check intranet or
VLE to find resources and
details of the module they are
• Search the LRC on-line
catalogue for traditional
resources, and pick up some
book reviews from the Internet
A learner’s day…?
• Attend class. Register is taken
electronically. Teacher delivers
a short session using
interactive whiteboard and
challenges the group to
speculate on outcomes
• A discussion develops and the
teacher enhances the points
the group make by calling up
web pages
• The group create a bulleted
list on the interactive
whiteboard. This is sent at the
end of the lesson to the email
‘conference’ site
A learner’s day…?
• Learner leaves college. Uses a
mobile phone to discuss details of
an assignment
• At home, the learner logs on and
picks up, via remote access, his/her
college desktop. S/he uses email to
share work with friends
• The Internet is used to acquire
more resources. Skills from college
enable him/her to be discerning
• The learner creates an
e-assignment answer and emails it
to his/her teacher.
Lenin’s ideas
Read this section: there are three tasks to complete at the end. If you hold your
mouse over the underlined links they will give you a summary of information. Clicking the
link will take you to a more detailed explanation.
1. The Origins of Lenin’s Party
The Social Democratic Party believed revolution was the solution to Russia’s ills
There were many discontented groups in Russia before the First World War. Urban
workers, the proletariat, endured long hours, low pay and sometimes dangerous
working conditions. Overcrowded slum accommodation added to the misery. Yet to
these somewhat typical industrial problems were added the inequalities of the political
system. The Russian people were deprived of a voice for their grievances.
Intellectuals and the middle class were as disgruntled as the seething masses of the
cities and the countryside. Only a devotion to the Tsar seemed to keep the country
together. The Social Democratic Party, most of whom lived in exile, believed the
solution was for Russia to pass through this period of industrialisation, for the workers
to develop a sense of class consciousness (an awareness of their misery that bonded
them together in class solidarity) and to effect a revolution.
TASK! Create your own summary of Marx’s ideas. You could highlight and copy
this into a word file. Use tools > autosummarize to create a list of the headings
and key points. Try 40% but don’t forget to edit your results in case anything has
been missed out.
The 1905 Revolution: Source analysis
Read the sources below on the 1905 Revolution in Russia. If you click on a form field
and then on F1 you can get hints on what to select as an answer. Once you have selected
all your answers, print the document and submit it, or email it to your lecturer.
Source A
Trotsky tells a group of peasants of the fate of a peaceful procession of men, women and children who
collected outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in January 1905.
‘Hearken, hearken, peasants. ...
‘This is the way the Tsar talked with his people...
‘All the troops of Petersburg were raised to their feet. Thus the Russian Tsar girded himself for the talk with his
‘200,000 workers moved to the palace.
‘They were dressed in their Sunday best, the grey and old ones and the young; the women went along with their
husbands. Fathers and mothers led their little children by their hands. Thus the people went to their Tsar.
‘Hearken, hearken, peasants!
‘Let every word engrave itself on your hearts.
‘All the streets and squares, where the peaceful workers were to march, were occupied by
‘“Let us through to the Tsar!” the workers begged.
‘The old ones fell on their knees.
‘The women begged and the children begged.
‘“Let us through to the Tsar!”— ‘And then it happened!
‘The guns went off with a thunder.... The snow reddened with workers’ blood. ...
‘Tell all and sundry in what way the Tsar has dealt with the toilers of St. Petersburg
‘Peasants, at your meetings tell the soldiers, the people’s Sons who live on the people’s money, that they dare
not shoot at the people.’
1. What phrase has been used to show that it was the Tsar’s decision to shoot on the unarmed crowd?
2. How did Trotsky convey the idea the crowd were innocent?
There were women and children
accompanying the men
and they pleaded to be let
through to protest on their knees
Historians of the Liberal school of thought, the prevailing view in the West during the Cold War,
would point to Lenin’s ruthlessness and arrogance [*1]in the events of 1917. He dismissed the
peasantry as they did not fit in his conception of the party, class struggle or revolution. He
argued bitterly with colleagues about the question of land ownership. He refused to accept that
the Bolshevik party’s unpopularity diminished his right to assume power. He spoke openly of the
need for a dictatorship and admitted that the dismissal of the Constituent Assembly, at gunpoint,
was the ‘frank liquidation of the idea of democracy’. Although the opening of the Soviet Archives
in the 1990s has reinforced the picture of an arrogant and ruthless Lenin, revisionist historians
and biographers[*2], such as Robert Service, have been prepared to support the idea that,
regardless of the flaws in his personality, Lenin was a key figure in the events of late 1917. His
sense of timing was uncanny – Kamenev and Zinoviev thought the October coup was
premature – and he was utterly decisive once he (or rather Trotsky’s MRC) had taken control of
Petrograd. Lenin was therefore an effective leader, if for no more reason than his ability to
exploit the changing situation in Russia’s most turbulent year[*3].
Ø 1. Using the opening sentences of each paragraph, reconstruct the essay plan for this essay.
Ø 2. What alternative arguments and approaches could have been used? Construct a new essay
plan that shows that Lenin did provide effective leadership between 1903 and 1917.
Write this into a new word document and print them. Alternatively send them to
[email protected]
[*1] The first argument is reiterated. [*2] The Revisionist school of thought allows a switch in the argument to be
illustrated. [*3]The final comments are consistent with the opening argument
More ideas…
• Gap Fill: scan a section of text (say, 2 sides of
A4) and convert to a Microsoft® Word document
and delete some key words.
• Post this version on an intranet or email
conference site. Get learners to fill in the gaps.
• This will test comprehension and give them a full
set of notes for revision. Confirm answers with
them through discussion.
Hitler’s Ideas
Hitler believed the idea that nations were essentially racial groupings. The supreme
group were the Aryans, and the _______ peoples in particular (Austrian and German,
but also to some extent Scandinavians and English), since they had produced the
greatest leaders and artists in history. Other races in the world were weaker and
produced fewer, if any, ‘great men’. At the bottom of the scale for Hitler were Slavs and
Gypsies from Eastern Europe, and below these were the Jews. Hitler believed that the
Jews were so degenerate as to be ________ (Untermensch). Their blood was so
corrupted, he thought, that if contained and only allowed to breed with themselves, they
would soon die out. Conscious of this, they spread themselves amongst the Aryans and
___________ with them, eroding the brilliance of the Aryans and ensuring their own
survival, like a parasite. Hitler wrote that this was the cause of Germany's social and
problems. It had allowed itself to become ‘infected’ by Jewish _________.
Hitler believed the Jews would use any method to achieve their
aim of racial mixing. The _____ ______ ____, Hitler believed,
had been designed to kill off Germany's best – it was a Jewish
plot. Communism was designed to enslave Aryans by enforcing
common ownership, thereby stifling the Aryans gift for creativity.
Equally, capitalism was designed to enslave Aryans by harsh
terms of employment, the burden of debt and the misery of
More ideas…
Mind map
Make a mind map arranged around the head of
a famous individual related to the course (use
MindGenius software). Ask the learners to
design the artwork and text.
Classical world of psychology
Actions have a motive
Motives are mental states, hosted in
our minds and controlled by our minds
Motives express an imbalance in the
mind, between desire and reality
Action is an attempt to regenerate
balance by changing the reality to
match our desire
So... Dreams?
Freud asked: How is the unconscious created?
How are some motives selected over others?
How are motives repressed but kept active?
Freud focused on content not on form/mechanism
Problems remain:
... neurotransmitters act
on the surface of the cell,
whereas genes lie in the centre
of the cell…
How do they communicate?
More ideas…
Using small chunks of text, ask learners to match
a mixed group using drag-and-drop on the
screen (or under two or three headings).
Complex ideas can be engaged in this way, eg
revolutionary theory and theorists.
Karl Marx
V.I. Lenin
Rosa Luxemburg
Leon Trotsky
The masses face forces too
great to overcome on their own,
and they must be led by a
disciplined revolutionary guard.
The masses must acquire a
state of class consciousness
before they spontaneously
There will be certain external
preconditions that will
initiate a revolution but
it will be a spontaneous
expression of the will of the workers.
The masses will overwhelm
not just the forces in their own
country but will be able to
inspire the workers of other nations
leading to permanent revolution.
Karl Marx
The masses must acquire a
state of class consciousness
before they spontaneously
The masses face forces too
great to overcome on their own,
and they must be led by a
disciplined revolutionary guard.
V.I. Lenin
Rosa Luxemburg
Leon Trotsky
There will be certain external
preconditions that will
initiate a revolution but
it will be a spontaneous
expression of the will of the workers.
The masses will overwhelm
not just the forces in their own
country but will be able to
inspire the workers of other nations
leading to permanent revolution.
More ideas…
Challenge learners to create an e-journal in the
style of academic journals on a series of
problems or issues. Articles can deal with a part
or the whole matter, be illustrated, hyperlinked,
and enhanced with tool tips or floating textboxes.
‘How successfully did the Elizabeth I manage the threats to her
rule between 1558 and 1603?’
The threats to Elizabeth’s rule differed in their nature and required different
responses. Open rebellion, such as the northern earls rising in 1569, clearly
demanded firm military action, but conspiracies, such as the Throckmorton Plot
(1583) and Babington Plot (1586) required vigilance and an effective counterintelligence network. The external threat of invasion posed by the Spanish
Armada in 1588 could only be seen off by naval power.(1) However, the threats
to Elizabeth concerning the succession, and the more subtle machinations at
court, demanded a blend of skilful diplomacy and strong leadership. Indeed, in
each case, Elizabeth herself must be credited, at least in part, for successfully
neutralising the threats to her power and authority.
The Northern Earls Rising: Religion or anti-centralisation?
Although there is a great deal of evidence to support the idea of a ‘Catholic’
rebellion in the north, Lawrence Stone argued that the rising was really a
rejection of the centralisation of English government in London, represented by
the appointment of William Cecil, Elizabeth’s Chief Minister over northern
Plot or Rebellion: the greater threat?
A Plot or Conspiracy might be defined
by its clandestine nature, in contrast to
open rebellion. The plot involves the
secret enlistment of a relatively small
group who seek, in the manner of a
coup d’etat, to remove the head of state.
The rebellion involves an appeal to the
widest possible number and the seizure
of power through armed insurrection.
The former might suggest assassination,
the latter may require a decisive battle.
The Armada, 1588: National Maritime Museum
But how is it done?
• Began in 1996 with a meeting with the IT
• Aim: to enhance delivery but maintain standards
In addition: reduce burdens
..avoid reinventing the wheel
Naming of parts:
Lesson 1
The Wheel
Reality check!
• We realised we needed to make adjustments to
our organisation and teaching and learning
• We had to raise our own expectations and
standards (…not just ‘handouts on-line’)
• We needed to acquire appropriate skills through
training that was exciting and inspirational
The solution
• We decided to ‘phase in’ ILT/e-learning over
several years
• We carried out research into what was available
and what was possible: We formulated an ‘action
• We laid the emphasis on the learners’ experience
and needs, and the demands of the courses we
• We trained our staff!
• What skills and expectations?
• What support do we currently offer?
• Where could we use ILT/e-learning?
• …quickly established that learning was happening
everywhere (college, class, home)
• Knew we could use ILT/e-learning to break down
complex areas, carry out assessment
• … and put emphasis of learning onto adult learners.
What technology
do we have?
• What have we got now?
• Are we maximising what we have?
• What are we going to get and when?
• Where can we get advice and support?
…we soon realised that we could make more of the
simplest software, including assessment
Staff training
• Personal skills audit (The Ferl Practitioners’
Programme (FPP))
• Regional Support Centres and other agencies
• In-house training
…needs to be on-going, not limited to training days.
Support should be available when needed!
Course structure
and information
Skills advice
Web portals and
filtered sites
Course structure
and information
Web portals and
filtered sites
Skills advice
MIS tracking
Learning plans
Email: Conference
site and group
Delivery: SMART Board Interactive materials
(Video and Sound)
and co-op with
Access to ILT suites
Key Skills
Course structure
and information
Web portals and
filtered sites
Skills advice
MIS tracking
Learning plans
Email: Conference
site and group
Blended Learning
Traditional learning
Action plan
• Advice: ask for help!
• Get senior management on side
• Prioritise: what can we do now?
• Training: do we have the skills we need?
• Time scale: when should we aim to have
completed certain objectives by?
Staff training with FPP
• Raising awareness of the benefits
• Different environments for learning
• Different delivery technologies and their potential
• IT skills required by your learners to make effective
use of ILT/e-learning
• Identifying appropriate ILT/e-learning opportunities
• How to create and adapt engaging content
• Issues of accessibility
A possible route?
• ...authoring own materials, took time and skill…
• Now more is available (NLN, FERL, RDN, EEVL,
SOSIG, Humbul,…)
• ILT Champions, E-Guides and enthusiasts will lead…
• Senior managers … control the purse strings
• FPP across college,…ILT suites, staff and learner
computer ratios,…interactive whiteboards and
• Content creation… case studies and lesson plans.
• Careful study of ‘curriculum’ demands and resource
• Set up activities for pre-class learning, … in-class
interactivities…ILT suite interactivities,… private study
• Quality tested by colleagues and learners …ensured
high standards!
• Shared ideas within subject and Faculty, then outside
• Reviewed how well the ‘blending’ was working…
demanded some joined up thinking and honesty.
As staff we need to ...
• Recognise and work through
our own reactions
• Concentrate on what we can
• Start creating a plan of action
• Share our experiences
• Find opportunities to embed
information and learning
technologies into our own
• Share ideas and effective
ILT/e-learning practice with
colleagues inside and outside
our organisation
• Become involved with local
and regional ILT/e-learning
Pressures on today's
• Improve quality of the learning experience
• Increase learner retention, attendance and
raise achievement
• Upgrade staff skills
• Reduce workloads and bureaucracy
“At the end of the day, all the vast potential
and investment in technology, despite the
great brains that go into it, will not make a jot
of difference, if learning is not as pervasive as
the technology itself.”
Chris Yapp, March 2002
Teaching, learning
and ILT/e-learning
- End of presentation -
Begin your journey