Diving Deep into NRS Data

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Diving Deep into the NRS
Local Data Pool: Attendance,
Educational Gain, and
Transition Outcomes
2010 Regional Training –
Pre-Meeting Webinar
Webinar Agenda
• Introductions and Overview
• Goals and Agenda for the Training
• Preparing for the Training
– Data needed
– Readings – training page
Purpose of the Webinar
• Allow you to prepare to get maximum
benefit from training
• Review of content and activities
• Answer your questions
Why Diving Deep?
• Intensive focus on three critical areas of
data for program improvement
• “Dive” to get under the surface of data
• Help states involve locals: Local role in
collecting and using data is critical
– Data tool and workbook
– Intensive planning for local programs
and states to support locals
At the end of this training, participants will be able to:
• Dive Deeper: Explore local data, analyze results
• Produce an Analysis: Develop a “My Program” summary on
attendance, level gain, or transition
• Customize Tools/Exercise: Adapt tools for use by programs
or classes within the state
• Plan a Local Level Change: Plan to roll out the NRS Local
Data Tool to make a change and create new levels of data
use at the local level
• Collaborate: Share ideas with other states and programs;
work together across and within state teams
Training Agenda
• Tuesday
– History of Data Training: Why Look at Data
– Taking a Dip in the Water: Data Carousel
• Wednesday
– Wading Further In: Asking Questions of Your Data &
Creating Data Exercises for Local Program Staff
– Diving Deep: Using the Local Program Data Tool
– Creating a Local Program Data Report
• Thursday
– Identifying Local Program Changes
– Building an Action Plan
What to Bring?
• Local Program Director
• Data
– NRS data for at least 5 local programs and
the State
– Disaggregated (class and student level) data
for at least the local program in attendance
– Trend data for 3-5 years on each of the above
• Laptop with internet access (wireless available
on Days 2 & 3)
Pre-Meeting Activities
• Review Excel file for all possible data to bring (fill
tables in advance or bring with you)
• www.tinyurl.com/divingdeep – for Local PDs,
new State staff, and refresher
– What is the NRS?
PPT or Flash Video
– History of the NRS
– Chapter 2 of Guide - A Quick Guide to the NRS:
A Primer With Questions and Answers
– Other