Transcript Slide 1

Lots of fun exploring
| January 2015
Upcoming events
Mon 2nd Feb | 3.30pm
Open Classrooms
Tues 3rd Feb
Value of the month
Pupil Progress Meetings
This month, Creativity has been on our minds. The children enjoyed watching Linsey Pollack
make a working clarinet (well worth viewing) using a carrot, a drill and a knife! This really
fuelled their imagination as we dug deeper to consider how a ‘thunk’, (a creative thought) can
help fuel our own creativity. The children listened to a story about how a snow angel became
excluded from the rest of the angels for making unusual snow flakes but using his creativity
helped to sort other people’s problems. I leave you with a thunk to discuss with your
children…“where does the sky start, can you draw it?”
FOPHS bag to school day
Martin Smith, Headteacher
Fri 6th Feb
Mon 16th Feb - Fri 20th Feb
Half Term
Tues 24th Feb 6pm
E-Safety Workshop
Fri 27th Feb
New School Council Elections today
World Vision
E-Safety Workshop
As part of our December value of the month
activities, we agreed that compassion involves
Please reserve 6pm on Tuesday
24th February in your diary for a
workshop on E-Safety. It will
hopefully heighten awareness of
this ever growing issue and we
hope to have a good level of
attendee participation using the
Child Exploitation and Online
Protection (CEOPs) materials. We
will also be able to signpost you
towards materials and resources
which will help keep your children
safe at home in addition to the
usual steps you take as parents.
Meet Thierno Hamidou, a 6 year old boy we are
sponsoring who lives in Senegal. Life expectancy is
only 59 in Sengal and only 69% of the population has
access to safe drinking water.
World Vision are a charity who work in an area to
build an economy so it can become self-sufficient.
Thierno will have a schooling and we are looking
forward to writing our first letters to him to develop
our links and learn what life is like in another country.
Lots of learning to come from this venture!
Eco Award
You may well have noticed a new logo appearing at
the footer of recent letters. We are pleased to
announce that we have now received the Ecoschools Bronze Award.
A big congratulations and thank you must go to
Miss Woollatt and her team who have been working
on this area of school life for us. To achieve the
award, the relatively new environmental club had to
form a committee and keep records of their
discussions. They have also produced an action plan
to help the school improve in environmental
stewardship and our curriculum has clear links to
eco-issues. We are now working towards the silver
level award and we believe we can achieve this by
next Christmas! Watch this space!
Sports Partnership
In the meantime, we hope to have news
on the PE mark in the summer term.
We love awards because they are a
quality assurance that the children are
receiving the best we can offer!
With sadness, Fraser Ewing will be
leaving his role as sports
apprentice at the school following
the conclusion of his sports
apprenticeship course. Fear not,
the lunchtime clubs which Fraser
instigated will continue to run and
the Dacorum Sports Network will
be sending in their students each
week until September when we
hope to have a new sports
apprentice in place.
Congratulations to our raffle winner
You may remember that Ben Smith and family kindly
donated a new Watford football club shirt with the
signatures of current players.
We recently raffled the shirt and a winner (standing
delighted on the right) was the lucky recipient of the prize.
Week of 09/01/15
We are really proud of Ben and all our children who
play football (and other sports) for clubs and
societies in the region. Often, we receive reports
from their respective club leaders which we share
with all the children in our Friday assemblies. Keep
up the good work and we hope to see you playing for
Watford (or a better Championship club – right
Ben?!) in the senior team one day.
Reception: Ethan Smith
Year 1: Arjun Stewart
Year 2: Emma Lewis
Year 3: Jacob C Smith
Year 4: Honey Laird
Year 5: Matthew Morgan
Year 6: Sam Beale
Free School Meals (FSM)
Gade Family Support
Week of 16/01/15
The government promise of a free school meal for all
children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One
has been a big success and I’m sure many of you
will be benefitting from lower food bills. However, one
of the issues as a result of this policy is that the
school budget has taken quite a hit. The school
receives up to £1,900 additional allowance for each
child on the free school meal register, though we
now have a diminished register lower down the
school as FSMs are provided for all children. You are
able to formally request your child goes on the official
FSM register if you receive:
Gade have asked us to advertise the
following course. They run many other
great courses throughout the year so do
get in touch for a leaflet!
Reception: Lilah Lee
Year 1: Grace Maddison
Year 2: Alfie Welham
Year 3: Anna Lilley
Year 4: Katie Williams
Year 5: Isobelle Hook
Year 6: Ben Smith
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit, (providing you're not also entitled
to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross
income of no more than £16,190)
— Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)
— Support under part VI of the Immigration and
Asylum Act 1999
— Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after
you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Deadline to book: 26th February 2015
Dates: 5th March 2015 - 26th March
2015 (4 weeks)
Time: 7-9pm
Venue: Gade Community Room,
Chaulden Infants School, School Row,
What’s it about? Being a parent of a
teenager, understanding your teenager,
communicating with your teenager and
managing conflict
Reception: Daniel Barnes
Year 1: Bella Bruce
Year 2: Malachi Hardy
Year 3: Whole Class
Year 4: Ryan Pearce
Year 5: Chloe Christie
Year 6: Jack Clark
Week of 30/01/15
Reception: William Deane
Year 1: Owen Campbell
Year 2: Leon Jackson
Year 3: Harry Wright
Year 4: Diya Liyanwela
Year 5: Alexis McFarlane-Barnes
Year 6: Thomas Shaw
Please consider making an application if you
meet the criteria above and in return, we will
provide your child with a free school uniform.
School Website
Our website continues to grow and is more
informative than it has ever been. I think it is fair to
say it is fast becoming a key source of information.
We hope you liked our redesigned curriculum plans
for the Spring term. These are all available in the
new ‘curriculum’ area of our school website. We will
also shortly be adding an overview of the year to this
page and further policies on the relevant page. In
addition to this, we have a new SEND information
report which details out what we provide for children
with special educational needs.
Week of 23/01/15
The diary has recently been updated to
include future FOPHS events and don’t
forget, you can sync the school diary to
your mobile phone or tablet.
We have managed to resolve some key
issues with our website which relate to
our server more than the website itself.
You should expect to see a more
updated ‘letters’ page in the future now
we have resolved this issue.
Well done
to everyone!