Math Module II Review - West Clark Community Schools

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Social Studies Ch. 2

Jeopardy Review Game

Eastern Woodlands


Plains Southwest Northwest


























Name the types of dwellings used by Eastern Woodlands Indians.

lodges and wigwams

What are staple foods for Eastern Woodland Indians?

deer, corn, beans, and squash

What is wampum and how is it used?

Wampum is beads made out of shells used as money for Eastern Woodlands Indians.

What two cultural groups make up the Eastern Woodlands Indians?

Iroquois and Algonquian

What is the League of Nations?

A confederation of 5 Iroquois tribes who send representatives to the Grand Council to make decisions and keep peace.

Name the type of dwellings used by Plains Indians.


What was the staple resource for the Plains Indians?


What is a travois and how is it used by the Plains Indians?

A travois is a carrier made of wooden poles and animal skin that is attached to a dog or horse. It was used by the Plains Indians to carry their belongings long distances.

What natural resource is scarce on the Plains?


How did Plains Indians govern themselves?

The Plains Indians had a council of chiefs to make important decisions.

Name the types of dwellings used by the Southwest Indians.

Pueblos, adobe, and hogans

What were staple crops for Southwest Indians?

corn and cotton

What are kachina dolls?

Kachina dolls are wooden dolls used by Hopi children to learn values.

What type of life did the Shoshone lead and why?

The Shoshone lead a nomadic life because they spent half of the year in the Great Basin and half of the year hunting buffalo in Wyoming.

What kind of life did the Chumash have and why?

The Chumash fished for salmon because they lived near the Pacific Ocean.

Name the type of dwelling used by Northwest Coast Indians.

very large longhouses for all members of the clan

What were staple resources for the Northwest Coast Indians?

salmon, trees, and whales

What was The Dalles and why was it important to the Northwest Coast Indians?

The Dalles was a center for trade. The Chinook Indians controlled the Columbia river up to The Dalles. Other Native American tribes gathered at The Dalles to barter and trade.

Why were the Chinook so successful at trading at The Dalles?

The Chinook came up with a language that all Native American tribes could use to make bartering and trading easier.

What is a potlatch?

Potlatch means “to give”. The Northwest Coast Indians were rich with natural resources. They held a celebration, danced, ate, and gave speeches to celebrate their good fortune and hard work.

What type of dwelling did the Arctic Indians have?


What were the staple resources for the Arctic Indians?

fox, caribou, polar bear, seals, walrus, whales

What two main cultural groups made up the Arctic Indians?

The Inuit and The Aleut

What did the Arctic tribes use to hunt whales and other sea life?

harpoons and kayaks

What was life like for the Inuit and Aleut tribes?

The Inuit and Aleut had to live together in clans of 60-300 people because food was scarce and resources needed to be shared.

Final Jeopardy Why is the Olmec culture considered the “Mother Culture” of the Americas?

The Olmec civilization was the first to create a trade system, a system of writing, a system of counting, and a 365-day calendar. Later civilizations “borrowed” these ideas and used them to create their own.