Computer Network

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Transcript Computer Network

Managing and
Securing the
Information System
“Over 60% of the people who have a security breach, have a breach
on systems that they aren't actively managing. If we would just take
the time to understand where our critical information is, and then
manage those systems properly, the risk reduction would be
Dorian Cougias, Network Frontiers
Computer Dependence
 How important are computers to hospitality
 Turn the computer system off during a rush period
and observe the consequences.
 Keeping computer downtime to a minimum in guest
related areas (e.g., reservations and front desk) is
Mission-Critical Systems
 Mission-critical systems are systems that whose
reliable performance is crucial to the successful
performance of the organization in which it is used.
 For a hotel, mission critical systems are central
reservation system (CRS) and property management
system (PMS).
 For a restaurant, mission critical system is Point of
Sale system (POS).
Maintaining the Systems
 To make sure that these systems are up and running,
there needs to be a systematic approach to maintain
Enterprise Level
Unit level (restaurant or hotel)
User level (remote access- guest or staff)
All businesses are subject to business disruptions
 The reasons may be different such as
 Fire
 Flood
 Earthquakes
 Vandalism
 Stealing
 Human error
 Utility disruptions (such as power outages)
 Malicious threats from outsiders or misuse of systems.
Disaster Contingency Recovery
 Although a DCRP is vital, it is primarily a reactive
approach (i.e., a corrective control) and not a
comprehensive plan for risk management.
 In contrast, a business continuity plan (BCP) seeks
to eliminate or reduce the impact of a disaster
condition before the condition occurs.
Business Continuity Plan
 Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is an
interdisciplinary concept used
to create and validate a practiced logistical plan for how an
organization will recover and
restore partially or completely interrupted critical function(s)
within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended
Common Causes of System Failure
Operator Error
Hardware Failure
Power Problems
Software Bug
System Overload
Apple Ad
Keylogger Hardware
Operator Error
 Various operator errors can cause system
 Common errors include improper handling of
lengthy processing routines (e.g., end-of-day
audit), database maintenance (e.g., changing
and deleting data), and hardware (e.g., moving
a hard disk without parking the read/write
 Providing thorough training and establishing
careful procedures reduce operator mistakes
Hardware Failure
Hardware Failure
 Five basic measures reduce hardware malfunctions:
Keep the temperature and relative humidity at the
appropriate levels
Keep equipment clean
Keep magnets away from computers
Keep Water and corrosive agents away from computers
Establish a preventative maintenance program
 A fault-tolerant computer is equipped with a backup
system enabling it to function despite the failure of
certain internal hardware components such as a hard
drive or disk controller card.
Storage Area Network
 A storage area network (SAN) is an architecture to
attach remote computer storage devices such as disk
arrays to servers in such a way that, to the operating
system, the devices appear as locally attached
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
Internet Security Challenges
Power Problems
 Power line trouble causes 70 percent of hardware
and software failures.
 Symptoms include burned components, garbled
transactions, memory loss, corrupted data, lost data,
and unexplained intermittent problems.
Power Problems
 To avoid power disturbances, the following measures
should be implemented.
Surge protection
Proper wiring and grounding
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
A user level surge protection
Software Bug
 A bug is a logic error in the program preventing it
from working properly
 For example, one hospitality accounting program
aborts if the user forgets to turn on the printer before
printing a financial statement
System Overload
 Placing too many demands on a computer can
greatly diminish its performance and may cause
system failure.
 Causes of system overloads include:
Insufficient Central Processing Unit (CPU) Clock Speed.
Inadequate Random Access Memory (RAM)
Slow Mechanical Components
File Fragmentation
Inadequate Disk Storage
External hard drive that can be connected to computer by USB or Firewire
 Virus spreads by copying itself from one program to
the next, changing or destroying each program that it
infects without the user knowing it.
 The carrier of a virus is a program that appears
legitimate called a TROJAN HORSE
What to do in a Virus Attack
Isolate and disconnect
2. Remove the virus
3. Restore your data
Reinstall programs
Scan for viruses
Restore files
Document the process
4. Prevent future infection
5. Learn from your mistakes
Restaurant Network Security
 A computer security study was conducted among
restaurant managers
 24 % of the restaurant networks had a computer
network attack within the last 12 months.
 On average, the restaurants received 1-5 network
attacks within the last 12 months
Attack Types
 Virus Attack (71.4%)
 Insider Abuse of Net Access (57.1%)
 Laptop Theft (42.9%)
 Spoofing (39.3%) (using someone else's resources for
spam or illegal activity).
Protection from Attacks
 The most used protection tool is anti-virus software
(86.2%), hardware firewall (79.3%) and physical
security (75.9%).
 The least used network security tools are honeypots
(7.7%) and biometrics (14.8%).
 Spyware is computer software that is installed
secretly on a computer to intercept or take partial
control over the user's interaction with the
computer, without the user's informed consent
Backup Strategies
 Backup Frequency
 Backup Method
 Rotation of Secondary Storage Media
 Hardcopy
Computer Security
 Security violation examples include:
 Salespeople copying the hotel client list onto a USB drive and
selling it to a competitor
 Front-desk clerks receiving cash to settle guest folios, but
instead pocketing the cash and transferring the outstanding
balance to a bogus city ledger account or “black hole” account.
 Employees gaining access to payroll records and changing
wage rates.
 Servers voiding entree items off guest checks after collecting
Security Problems
 The keyboard
 Using obvious passwords
 Not regularly changing passwords
 Hackers
 Communication Line
 Internet
 Physical Access
Most Common Passwords
 In the case of transmitting data over the Internet
protocol, using a secure, encrypted way of
communication is also a key to secure data
 Computer encryption is based on the science of
cryptography, which has been used throughout
Vidoe: Encryption of Credit Card Data
Phishing is a technique used by strangers to "fish"
for information about you, information that you
would not normally disclose to a stranger, such as
your bank account number, PIN, and other
personal identifiers such as your National
Insurance number. These messages often contain
company/bank logos that look legitimate and use
flowery or legalistic language about improving
security by confirming your identity details.
Phishing example
IT Compliance
 Keeping IT systems in line with local, state, national
and international level laws, regulations, standards,
and policies.
 The Payment Card Industry Council is a consortium
of credit card issuing brands: Visa, Incorporated;
American Express, MasterCard Worldwide, Discover
Financial Services and JCB International
 PCI Council have formed this consortium to improve
the security of the global payment system by
protecting consumers, merchants and banks from
frauds and hacks.
 The consortium has created a set of Data Security
Standards governing the protection of all sensitive
cardholder data stored electronically or on paper.
Video: PCI DSS Explained
Website: PCI DSS
 Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall
configuration to protect cardholder data
 Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied
defaults for system passwords and other security
 Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data
 Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of
cardholder data across open, public networks
 Requirement 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus
 Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure
systems and applications
 Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by
business need to-know
 Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person
with computer access
 Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to
cardholder data.
 Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to
network resources and cardholder data
 Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and
 Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses
information security