Transcript Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Cultures of the World
Section 1
What is Culture?
 Culture
 A way of life for people who share similar
beliefs and customs
 Cultural traits
 A characteristic of people, such as language,
skills, customs; that are passed down from
generation to generation
Cultural Elements
 What you can see
 Houses
 Television, Food, Clothing
 Sports, entertainment,
 What you can’t see
 Spiritual beliefs
 Government
 Ideas about right and
 Language
People and the land
 Technology
 Tools and the skills that people
need to use them. Science,
computers, industry.
 Cultural Landscape
 How the land has been changed
by humans, reflects on their
Development of Culture
 Cultures develop over a
long period of time
 Early cultures: 4 stages
1-invention of tools
2-discovery of fire
3-growth of agriculture
4-use of writing
 Agriculture
 Farming
 Growing crops and
raising livestock
Section 2
Social Groups, Language,
and Religion
Organizing a Society
Social structure
A way of organizing people into smaller
The family is the most important social
unit of any culture.
Kinds of Families
Nuclear family
A family unit which
includes a mother, father,
and their children
Extended family
A family unit that may
include parents, children,
grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins often living
with or near each other
3 important features of a culture
1- Social Organization
A persons rank or status
2- Language
Every culture is based on language
Language reflects things that are important
to people
3- Religion
Provides comfort and hope for people during
difficult times
Guides people in ethics
– Standards of accepted behavior
Section 3
Economic and Political
Economic Systems
• Economy
– Is a system for
producing, distributing
and consuming goods
and services
• Producers
– A person that makes the products
– Owners and workers
– Produces goods
• Goods
– Products that are made to be sold
– Cars, computers, paper, food
• Services
– Work done or duties performed for other people
• Consumers
– People that buy and
use the goods and
3 Economies
• Capitalism
– Privately owned businesses
– Consumer is important
– Free-market Economy
– U.S., Japan
3 Economies
• Socialism
– Government owns most businesses
– Businesses for the good of society, not profit
• Uses profits to pay for healthcare and education
– Some businesses follow capitalism
– Spain, Portugal, Italy
– Canada has hints of socialism
3 Economies
• Communism
– Government owns all aspects of business
• For the good of the people
– Controls all aspects of citizens lives:
• Prices of goods and services
• What is produced
• Workers salary
– China, Cuba, North Korea
Political Systems
– The system that sets up and enforces a society’s laws and institutions
Direct Democracy
– Everyone participated in decisions
• Smaller groups:chiefs, elders
– King or Queen rule the government
• Sweden, Denmark, Spain
Representative Democracy
– Representatives elected by the people to make decisions for them
• U.S., Canada, Isreal
– When one person has almost complete power over a country
• Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler
Section 4
Cultural Change
Changing Cultures
 Weather
 Ideas
 Recycle
 Technology
 Tools, seeds,
computers, internet
Sharing Ideas
Cultural diffusion
The movement of customs
and ideas from one culture to
The process of accepting,
borrowing, and exchanging
ideas and traits among