Transcript Project 4

Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques
Third Edition
Project 4
Creating Tables
in a Web Site
Project Objectives
• Define table elements
• Describe the steps used to plan, design,
and code a table
• Create a borderless table to organize
• Create a vertical menu bar with text links
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Project Objectives
• Create a borderless table to organize text
• Create a horizontal menu bar with text
• Create a table with borders
• Change the horizontal alignment of text
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Project Objectives
• Add background color to rows and cells
• Alter the spacing between and within cells
using the cellspacing and cellpadding
• Insert a caption below a table
• Use the rowspan and colspan attributes
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Starting Notepad
• Click the Start button on the taskbar
• Point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to
Accessories on the All Programs submenu, and
then click Notepad on the Accessories submenu
• If the Notepad window is not maximized, click
the Maximize button on the Notepad title bar to
maximize it
• Click Format on the menu bar and, if necessary,
click Word Wrap to turn Word Wrap on
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Entering the HTML Tags to Define
the Web Page Structure
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Borderless Table
to Position Images
• If necessary, click line 10
• Type <table border="0" cols="2“
width="90%"> and then press the
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Borderless Table
to Position Images
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Inserting Images in a Table
• If necessary, click line 11, type <tr> as the tag, and then
press the ENTER key
• Type <td><img src=“bellvideologo.gif”
width=“430” height=“74” alt=“Bell Video
Logo” /></td> and then press the ENTER key
• Type <td><img src="csexcellence.gif"
width="108” height=”94” alt=”Excellence
Award” /></td> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </tr> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </table> and then press the ENTER key
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Vertical Menu Bar
with Text Links
• If necessary, click line 17
• Enter the HTML code shown below
• Press the ENTER key twice
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Vertical Menu Bar
with Text Links
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding Text to a Table Cell
• If necessary, click line 27
• Enter the HTML code as shown in Table 45 on page HTM 151 and then press the
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding Text to a Table Cell
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing the HTML File
• With a floppy disk in drive A, click File on the
menu bar and then click Save As. Type
bellvideohome.htm in the File name text box
• If necessary, click 31⁄2 Floppy (A:) in the Save in
list. Click the Project04 folder and then click the
Project Files folder in the list of available folders.
Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Print
on the File menu
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Viewing and Printing a Web Page
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Copying and Pasting HTML Code
to a New File
• Click the Notepad button on the taskbar
• Click immediately to the left of the < in the
<!DOCTYPE html tag on line 1. Drag through
the first </table> tag on line 15 to highlight lines
1 through 15
• Press CTRL+C to copy the selected lines to the
• Click File on the menu bar and then click New
• Press CTRL+V to paste the contents from the
Clipboard into a new file
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Copying and Pasting HTML Code
to a New File
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Changing the Title
• Highlight the words, — Great Service, Great
Selection, between the <title> and </ title > tags
on line 7. Type - New Releases as the text
• Click immediately to the right of the </table> tag
on line 15. Press the ENTER key three times
• Type </body> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </html> as the end tag
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Changing the Title
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Deleting an Image
• Highlight line 13, which contains the code
to insert the image, csexcellence.gif
• Press the DELETE key twice
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Deleting an Image
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Horizontal Menu Bar
with Text Links
• If necessary, click line 16
• Enter the HTML code as shown in Table 46 on page HTM 159
• Press the ENTER key twice
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Horizontal Menu Bar
with Text Links
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Table with Borders
and Inserting Text
• If necessary, click line 28
• Enter the HTML code as shown in Table 47 on page HTM 162
• Press the ENTER key twice
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating a Table with Borders
and Inserting Text
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating Additional Cells
and Inserting Text
• If necessary, click line 53
• Enter the HTML code as shown in Table 48 on page HTM 164
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating Additional Cells
and Inserting Text
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing an HTML File
• With a floppy disk in drive A, click File on the
menu bar and then click Save As. Type
newreleases.htm in the File name text box
• If necessary, click 3½ Floppy (A:) in the Save in
list. Click the Project04 folder and then click the
ProjectFiles folder in the list of available folders.
Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Print
on the file menu
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Viewing and Printing the Web Page
Using the Browser
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Opening an HTML File
• Click the Notepad button on the taskbar
• With the HTML Data Disk in drive A, click File on the
menu bar and then click Open on the File menu
• If necessary, click the Look in box arrow and then click
31⁄2 Floppy (A:). Click the Project04 folder and then
click the Project Files folder in the list of available folders
• If necessary, click the Files of type box arrow and then
click All Files
• Click actor.htm in the list of files and then click the Open
button in the Open dialog box
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Opening an HTML File
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding Cellspacing and
Cellpadding to a Table
• Click immediately to the right of the 5 in
border=“5” in line 28 and then press the
• Type cellpadding=“2”
cellpadding=“5” as the attributes
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding Cellspacing and
Cellpadding to a Table
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding a Table Caption
• Highlight the text <!--Insert caption here -> on line 69
• Type <caption
align=“bottom”><em>Listing of
movies by actor</em></caption>
as the tag
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Adding a Table Caption
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing the HTML File and
Viewing and Printing the Web Page
• With the floppy disk in drive A, click File on the
menu bar and then click Save
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Print
• Click the Internet Explorer button on the taskbar
• Click the Refresh button on the Standard
Buttons toolbar
• Click the Print button on the Standard Buttons
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing the HTML File and
Viewing and Printing the Web Page
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Opening an HTML File
• Click the Notepad button on the taskbar
• With the HTML Data Disk in drive A, click File on
the menu bar and then click Open on the File
• If necessary, click the Look in box arrow and
then click 3½ Floppy (A:). Click the Project04
folder and then click the ProjectFiles folder in the
list of available folders
• If necessary, click the Files of type box arrow,
click All Files, and then double-click type.htm in
the list of files.
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Spanning the Main Heading
across All Columns
• Highlight the <!—Insert Movies by Type colspan
here --> text on line 29. Type <tr> and then
press the ENTER key
• Type <th colspan="3"
bgcolor="lightsteelblue"> and then
press the ENTER key
• Type <font color="#993366“
face="chaucer“ size="+2">Movies by
Type</font> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </th> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </tr> as the end table row tag
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Spanning the Main Heading
across All Columns
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating Headings that Span Rows
and Columns
• Highlight <!--Insert Action rowspan here -> text on line 34
• Enter the HTML code as shown in Table 49 on page HTM 179
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating Headings that Span Rows
and Columns
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating the Second Heading
that Spans Rows
• Highlight the <!--Insert Comedy rowspan here -> text on line 66 and then press the DELETE
• Type <tr> and then press the ENTER key
• Type <th rowspan="4"
bgcolor="#336699"> and then press the
• Type <font color="#ffffff“
size="+1">Comedy</font> and then press
the ENTER key
• Type </th> as the tag
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating the Second Heading
that Spans Rows
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating the Second Heading
that Spans Columns
• Highlight the <!--Insert Title - Actor(s) colspan
here --> text on line 70
• Type <th colspan="2"
bgcolor="thistle"> and then press the
• Type <font color="#336699"
size="+1">Title - Actor(s)</font>
and then press the ENTER key
• Type </th> and then press the ENTER key
• Type </tr> and then press the ENTER key
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Creating the Second Heading
that Spans Columns
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing the HTML File and
Viewing and Printing the Web Page
• With the HTML Data Disk in drive A, click File on
the menu bar and then click Save
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Print
• Click the Internet Explorer button on the taskbar
• Click the Refresh button on the Standard
Buttons toolbar
• Click the Print button on the Standard Buttons
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Saving and Printing the HTML File and
Viewing and Printing the Web Page
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Project Summary
• Define table elements
• Describe the steps used to plan, design,
and code a table
• Create a borderless table to organize
• Create a vertical menu bar with text links
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Project Summary
• Create a borderless table to organize text
• Create a horizontal menu bar with text
• Create a table with borders
• Change the horizontal alignment of text
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Project Summary
• Add background color to rows and cells
• Alter the spacing between and within cells
using the cellspacing and cellpadding
• Insert a caption below a table
• Use the rowspan and colspan attributes
HTML Project 4: Creating Tables in a Web Site
Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques
Third Edition
Project 4 Complete