What will my child be doing in the Foundation Stage at St

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What will my child be doing in the
Foundation Stage at St. Edwards?
Helping your child to settle:
What to bring….
 A named drink bottle.
 Book bag everyday.
 Waterproof coat.
 Lunchbox if having own
 PE kit to be kept in school.
Encouraging independence.
Can he/she:
*Recognise his/her name.
*begin to get dressed and undressed?
*use the toilet and wash her/his hands.
*Use a fork?
*put on his/her coat?
The Daily Routine…
8.45 – 9.00 Outdoor play.
9.00 Register, calendar and morning prayers.
9.15 Session 1
10.00- 10.30 Fruit and drink time and then outdoor play.
10.35 – 10.45 Quiet reading.
10.45 Session 2
11.50 – 1.00 LUNCH then outdoor play.
1.00-1.15 Register and carpet session.
1.15-2.15 Session 3
2.15 - 2.50 Fruit and drink time and then outdoor play.
2.50 Story time.
3.10 Home.
Reading and homework.
 Colour coded book. This is a book to read with your child. It is
changed independently everyday in class and is linked to your child’s
reading stage.
Reading book (Only once individual children are ready.)Oxford
reading tree. This is changed once a week and is recorded in a reading
record diary. Please sign each time you read this book with your child.
Library book. Every Friday the class visit the school library and the
children choose a book to keep at home for the week.
Letter sounds or target words. These are learnt at home and will be
changed when your child is confident with identifying all of the sounds
or reading his/her own set of words.
Handwriting homework. (January) Each week the children learn 2 or
3 letters, please reinforce these at home by helping your child to learn
the sound and form the letter shapes correctly.
The Foundation Stage Curriculum is divided
into seven areas of learning:
Three Prime areas:
 Communication and Language.
 Personal, social and emotional development.
 Physical development.
Four Specific areas:
 Mathematics.
 Literacy
 Understanding the world.
 Expressive Arts and Design.
‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’
and ‘Communication and Language’:
These areas of learning are very important in the foundation stage and
are worked on throughout each day at school.
The key skills are:
Becoming independent .
Self confidence.
Asking politely for help/ to use the toilet.
Managing own feelings and behaviour
Making friends, sharing and being helpful to
Taking responsibility for own actions.
Learning to follow our class and school rules.
Listening and attention.
Understanding and following instructions.
Our Literacy sessions included:
 Sounds and word building
(We follow the Ruth
Miskin scheme across the
whole school. )
 Reading (sharing stories,
finding information, role
play etc.)
 Handwriting (in cursive
 Spelling and sentence
based work.
Our Mathematics sessions include:
The two areas are:
Shape, space and measure.
So what do we actually do??
Number games and puzzles.
Number formation.
Ordering numbers
Counting with number fans, number lines and
hundred square.
Counting a number of objects correctly.
Simple addition and subtraction.
Using money in role play areas
(recognising some coins).
2D and 3D shapes.
Capacity (using the sand and water trays.)
Sequence events and read o’clock times.
Compare lengths and heights.
Understanding The World:
 ICT/ Technology– Children have
an opportunity to use the class
computers and interactive whiteboard
 RE is incorporated into this area of
learning. Robins and Wrens follow
the school RE scheme of work – God
 People and communities and The
World. Thinking about the world
around them. Learning about our
environment and we can look after our
world. Stories from different countries
and different beliefs.
 Topic work:
Our topics, such as Mini-beasts,
Growing and All about Me, help to
develop the children’s interest in
learning and information finding
‘Physical development’ and ‘Expressive
Arts and Design’:
The children take part in a
whole school hymn singing
session, a music session and a
dance session each week.
The children are all given the
opportunity to use a range of
creative activities, such as playdough, cutting and gluing, modelling,
painting and drawing every day.
We discuss the importance of keeping
healthy and exercising our bodies.
The foundation stage class take
part in PE once a week. This is normally in the
school hall.
The outdoor area has a wide
range of activities, such as bikes,
balls and scooters. The children
also use the adventure
playground and climbing wall
every day.
Learning Journals:
 All children have a school Learning Journal. This is used to keep a
record of what they enjoy doing at school and how they choose to
learn. Each Learning Journal contains photographs , observations and
‘work’ carried out by the child during independent free choice time.
 We encourage the children to bring in photographs, certificates and
work from home to include in their journal.
 Each half term, the learning journals will be put out in the classroom
for parents/carers to view and to add comments on your child’s
progress and achievements.
 We also arrange ‘Stay and Play’ sessions each half term, for parents to
spend time in the classroom with their child. This is useful to see who
your child plays with and what activities he/she enjoys in the
Ways to help your child:
 Encourage your child to draw, colour, write and cut as much
as possible at home. Pencil control skills need a lot of
Count everyday objects whenever possible.
Discuss the class topics at home with your child. They can
bring books/objects relating to our topic into school.
Letter sounds need to be reinforced at home.
Please encourage your child to practise writing their name
in cursive handwriting.
Reading – Share your child’s books with them. If he/she is
tired, just read to them and talk about the pictures.
Ways to help us!
 Please name everything!
 Encourage your child to
look after their own
belongings, they need to
become as independent as
possible at school.
 Please discourage your
child from bringing toys to
 Read the parents’ notice
board and news letters.
Any Questions????
Visits to school:
*Stay and Play Sessions (10 new children at a
time, with a parent/carer).
This is with the older FS children.
* Drop off visit 9.30-11.30 am (15 children at a
Please can your child bring a named drink
bottle and a waterproof coat (if necessary.)
Please note, uniform is not needed for any visits.
Thank you.