Transcript Slide 1

Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• emacs Basics
• emacs may not be automatically installed on your system
• try emacs filename to confirm if emacs is installed
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• The top line features a menu
• The mode line appears near the bottom of the screen
• shows the filename and the current line of the cursor; for example L7
• the two ** to the left of F1 signifies a modified buffer
• initially you should see three hyphens (---) at this position
• The last line, known as the minibuffer, shows an emacs-generated
• This line is used by users to enter emacs commands and by emacs to
display system messages
• with 3 lines taken by emacs for its own use, namely menu, mode and
minibuffer, just 22 lines are available for editing.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• When emacs is launched, users can enter text right away, using [Enter] to
separate lines.
• to erase text, use [Backspace] instead of [Ctrl-h].
• [Ctrl-h] is used by emacs to call up help facility
• [Ctrl-d] or [Delete] to delete character under the cursor
• After the required text is entered; the cursor is positioned on the last line of
the text.
• Use [Ctrl-b] and [Ctrl-h] to move the cursor backward and forward
• Use [Ctrl-p] for previous line; and [Ctrl-n] for next line.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• In addition to [Ctrl-b], [Ctrl-f], [Ctrl-p], [Ctrl-n], there are faster means of
navigation; will be discussed later…
• The entered text is not save, but exists in some temporary storage called
• to save the buffer, enter [Ctrl-x] [Ctrl-c]
• emacs will produce the message:
• Save file /home/kkhan/filename? (y, n, !, ., q, C-r, or C-h)
• entering y will save the buffer to its disk file
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• The Control and Meta Keys
• Like most word processors and unlike vi, emacs is a “mode-less”
editor; any key pressed is always entered as text.
• In order to perform navigation and text editing, you need to use the
control and meta keys.
• In emacs documentation, the key sequence is found as below:
•C-x C-b
•C-x b
[Ctrl-x]b; different from [Ctrl-x][Ctrl-b]
Meta [Meta-e]
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• M-e represents [Meta-e] for those keyboards that support a key
named meta. For other systems including PCs, the [Alt] key often
behaves like meta.
• Example: [Meta-y] is M-y
• In case neither [Meta] nor [Alt] works, use [Esc] key; the key is
never kept pressed. To invoke M-e, press [Esc], release it, and
then press e.
• If you press [Ctrl-x] and then take more than one second to press
the next key, the string C-x appears in the minibuffer; indicating
that the command has not been completed. Press [Ctrl-g] to
cancel your action.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Entering Commands Directly (M-x)
• emacs also support a history facility which lets you recall previous
commands that were explicitly invoked using M-x; use the Up and
Down keys
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• The File .emacs
• As you get comfortable with emacs, you’ll feel the need to customize
it; emacs reads $HOME/.emacs (same as ~/emacs) on startup.
• The entries in .emacs are written in LISP-the language originally used
to write emacs.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Inserting and Replacing Text
• Most word processors offer two modes of text input – the insert mode
and overwrite mode.
• By default emacs works in insert mode
• by pressing the [Insert] key which acts as a toggle switch. The
first invocation takes you to overwrite mode; the next one returns
to insert mode
• emacs can also write in overwrite mode which replaces the
characters the cursor moves over.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Saving Text and Quitting
• Whenever you are in vi or emacs, it is only a buffer (temp storage
continuing a copy of the file) that you can edit and not the file directly.
Changes to the buffer are written to the disk file with a saving
• Save and continue editing
• Save and exit
• Abandon all changes and quit
• Unlike vi, emacs supports an autosave feature that periodically saves
the buffer to a different disk file. However, you should save the buffer
yourself, but in the same file to keep it current.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Saving your work (C-x, C-s and C-x C-w)
• Make some changes to the file and enter C-x C-s
• Use C-x C-w to save to a different file
• Quitting the editor
• C-x C-c
• if no changes have been made to buffer since it was last saved
by you, you are immediately returned the prompt
• but if you have made changes, emacs needs to know:
• Save file /home/kkhan/myfile? (y, n, !, ., q, C-r or C-h)
• There are 7 options here; just remember ‘y’ saves the file
and quits the editor or ‘n’ will abandon the buffer.
• To save quickly: C-u C-x C-c
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Escape to the shell
• M-x shell
• This returns you to a shell prompt but in a new shell named shell
• Execute cc or any UNIX command here
• You can save this buffer C-x C-s or return to the previous buffer
C-x b[Enter]
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Recovering from a Crash
• The autosave feature of emacs saves a copy of the buffer every 300
keystrokes or (30 sec if the user is idle).
• Saves it to a different file which will be named #myfile# with # on each
side of the original file
• Replace the current buffer with the last autosaved file
• M-x recover-file
• You can remove the autosave version by using the command
• rm –I #* or rm –I \#* depending upon the shell you are using
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Navigation
• Movement in the Four Directions (C-b, C-f, C-p, C-n)
• C-v to scroll forward
• M-v to scroll back
• M-f move to the beginning of the word
• M-b move back one word
• C-a moves to the beginning of the line
• C-e moves to the end of the line
• M-< moves to line number 1
• M-> to reach the end of the file
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The emacs Editor
• Deleting text
• C-d deletes characters
• M-d deletes word
• C-k deletes lines in part or full
• Searching for a pattern
• Incremental search (C-s and C-r)
• I-search: c after entering C-s
• C-r to search backward
• Substitution
• M-x replace-string[Enter]
• Replace string: float
• Replace string float with: double[Enter]
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.