Transcript Slide 1

Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• vi Basics
• operates in 3 modes
• Command Mode
• In this mode we pass commands to act on text
• can not use this mode the enter or replace text
• press the i key
•Insert Mode
• ready to input text
• at each line <Enter>
• backspace to wipe out unwanted text
• [Ctrl-w] to erase the entire word
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Insert Mode
• press [Esc] to revert back to Command Mode
• press l (el) or h to move the cursor
• h – left
• l (el) – right
• The entered text is not saved in the insert mode
• to save the text from buffer switch to ex-Mode
• ex-Mode or Last Line Mode
• while in Insert Mode, enter : (colon), then enter x, press
• :x <Enter>
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• ex-Mode or Last Line Mode
• The file is now saved and you are back to the $ prompt
• Command Mode
• The default mode where every key pressed is interpreted as a
command to run on text
• Navigation, copying, deleting text are performed in this mode
• use h or l (el) to move the cursor along a line
• use j and k to move the cursor up and down the lines
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Insert Mode
• Invoke this mode by pressing on of the following keys
• i – insert text to the left of the cursor
• a – appends text to the right of the cursor
• I – insert text at the beginning of the line
• A – appends text at the end of the line
• o – opens line below
• O – opens line above
• The File .exrc
• vi reads the file $HOME/.exrc (same as ~/.exrc in some shells)
on startup
• You can create abbreviations, redefine your keys to behave
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Input Mode – Entering and Replacing Text
• Insert and append (i, a, I, A)
• Replace (r, R, s, S)
• Open a line (o, O)
• :set showmode
MODE will now appear the last line
• can add this in the .exrc file for permanent settings
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Saving Text and Quitting
• :w – save and continue
• :w anotherfile
• It is common practice to ignore the readonly label on the file
• what happens when trying :w?
• :x and :wq – save and exit
• :q and :q! – abandon all changes and quit
• ZZ
• it is dangerous
• you might hit [Ctrl-z] and suspend the process
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Escape to the Shell (:sh and [Ctrl-z]
• :sh
• returns to shell prompt
• execute cc to compile C program
• use [Ctrl-d] or exit to return to the editor
• use [Ctrl-z] to suspend current vi
• use fg to return to editor
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Deleting Text
• x – deletes one or more contiguous character
• X – deletes to the left
• dd – deletes the current line
• Joining Lines
• J – joins two lines
• the current line and the line following it
• Changing Case (~)
• changes the case of the text
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
UNIX – The vi Editor
• Copying lines
• yy – copy current line
• y3y – will copy 3 lines
• “ayy and “ap to copy lines from one file to another
• open the new file in ex Mode :e newfile
• Paste
• after yy; p will paste the lines
• Undoing Last Editing
• u – will undo the last change
• Substitution – Search and Replace (:s)
• 1,$s/double/float/g
• 1,50s/unsigned//g
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
second edition
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.