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Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education
Polycom for Education
• E-Rate approved items:
• Any MCU
• Any iPower
• Any ViewStation
• Smart 3000i
• Web Office, GMS
• MGC Products
• Voice Products
• Vortex Advanced Audio
The Polycom Classroom
Core Components
Delivering Solutions
You’re in good Company
For Global Education Application Profiles:,1449,1485,00.pdf
Delivering Solutions
US Navy
• Problem:
Too few qualified instructors for number of facilities
Increase student throughput
Reduce student travel expenses
Improve quality of instructional design
• Solution:
• +60 ViewStation FX, MGC, Classroom Packages
• Result:
• Greater than $20 million cost avoided
with Polycom Equipment
Delivering Solutions
Region #13 Texas
• Problem:
Balance of Education Quality across entire region
Execution of Advance Placement classes across district
Additional content to enrich math & science curriculum
Reduction of staff
Bob Advant
Technology Director Region 13
• Solution:
• +45 ViewStations, VoiceStations, MGC and GMS
• Result:
• Cost and time savings. Increased student performance and
equal quality instruction achieved
User Profile located at:,,656,FF.html
Delivering NEA Solutions
National Education Association
• Problem:
• Reduce travel while improving promotion of educational
technology in each State
• Easily influence Policymakers nationwide with the
effectiveness of Educational Technology
• Share success with National Communities
• Solution:
• Polycom ViaVideo with Internet Connection and Small
Classroom Solutions
• Result:
• Increased awareness and
implementation nationwide
Andrew Noyes
Exhibit Coordinator
National Education Association
Delivering Remote Learning
University of Notre Dame
• Problem:
• Providing high quality MBA location based instruction anytime
• Providing non-degree business instruction globally
• Increase enrollment without decreasing interactivity
• Solution:
• Polycom Classroom Solutions with touch control
and automatic camera/mic operations
• Result:
• Increased enrollments while maintaining
ND quality of instruction and interaction!
Delivering Solutions
Cooperating School Districts –
Missouri Best Statewide Cultural
Exchanges and Content
• Problem:
• Educational Equity across entire State
Agile Learning
• Solution:
• Polycom Classrooms
• Result:
• Increased grades,
excitement and enrichment
Martha Bogart, CSSD
of content
Assistant Distance Learning
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Delivering Solutions
click for video
OK OneNet
• Problem:
• Statewide spending far too expensive for outdated
telecommunications technology
• Solution:
• Implemented Polycom Family of Products for 1,000
School Locations - total network of 2,000 locations!
• All locations H.323 with Unlimited Global Management
System (GMS), iPower, ViewStation and MGC solutions
• Result:
• Efficient State operated Network for all applications
– increasing quality of life for OK citizens and
conserving limited resources
Bill Johnson
Director Network Operations
Summary of Highlights
and Next Steps
• Polycom provides the best “student teacher experience" in
real-time communications with the most comprehensive suite
of easy to use products for Educational networks.
The Polycom Classroom is a complete Solution!
Easy to use transparent technology
Dedicated education staff
We are your partner not a vendor!
• Next steps?
Resources and Assistance
• Education Web Site,1816,pw-646,00.html
Content Provider List
Available upon request
• E-Rate Guide,1449,1361,00.pdf
Connect. Any Way You Want…in Education