NDS-Presentation Template

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Responding to new policy directions and
industrial reforms
October 2012
“Our current era of reform is dominated by four key
imperatives that are driving governments to become more
the shift from outputs to outcomes
the shift from welfare to social investment
the shift from command and control to innovation and
the shift from standardisation to personalisation and
Towards Agile Government,
State Services Authority 2008
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme will:
• Double the pool of funds - $13.8B - to cover care and
support for people with serious disabilities, operating as a
social insurance model
• Nationally consistent, entitlement based system, fair,
efficient and effective
• Person-centred and individualised, with greater choice and
control for the person with a disability, families and carers.
• Expect that the economic benefits
will “significantly exceed” costs
What is the NDIS?
• Tier One: for all Australians, providing insurance cover, and
seeking to raise general awareness of disability.
• Tier Two: for anyone with or affected by a disability, who is
not eligible for Tier Three level supports. Tier Two will
provide information, referral and linkage services.
• Tier Three: for Australians, generally aged under 65, who
have a significant, long-term disability. (The aged care
system will provide support for Australians over the age of
65 who acquire an age-related disability).
Progress to date …
• COAG and cross-party support
• work progressing at Federal & State levels
• Federal Government has committed $1b
• Launch sites commencing July 2013
Victoria (Barwon Region), NSW (Hunter Region), ACT,
South Australia (0-14 years) and Tasmania (15-24 years)
• BUT ... NDIS not yet assured.
Many big decisions ahead.
NDIS will bring …
• Power shift from service providers to people with
• Development of a larger, more competitive quasi
market for disability services
– Consumers with funding packages shopping for service
– For profit organisations attracted to sector with growth
– Increased competition on price
• Stronger external quality & performance monitoring
• Workforce pressures
Questions for services ...
• Do we grow in scale & compete on cost; or develop as a niche
• Do we focus on provision to both Tier 2 & Tier 3 clients; or become a
planner for Tier 3 clients?
• How do we retain our community building work in an individualised
funding context?
• How do we thrive as a not for profit in this environment?
• Where will we find enough skilled workers – and what different skills will
they need?
• Should we formally collaborate or merge with another organisation?
A disability service or a mainstream service?
‘Building the House’
To prepare for NDIS, service providers need to review and
adapt their organisations:
• Leadership
• Strategic Planning
• Financial Management
• Innovation, Quality & Improvement
• Client & Market Focus
• People
• Sector will require skilled & courageous leaders;
 CEOs
 Board Members
 Senior Managers
 Future Leaders
• To lead staff & communities through a change
period, & make difficult decisions about the future
shape & focus of their organisation
Strategic Planning
• Strong strategic, mission-focussed, planning will be
• What is our core business?
• Growth environment offers many opportunities
– but how to assess & prioritise these?
– which options will contribute to long term sustainability?
Financial Management
• Recent NDS Day Costing project indicated concerning
trend of deficit funding to achieve community based
client outcomes
• Need to accurately cost & track all activities;
– inform decisions regarding service provision at micro &
macro level
• Access to capital for long term infrastructure,
restructuring & investment
Innovation, Quality & Improvement
• A culture & systems that support innovation,
increasingly important – & will help differentiate
• Stronger national outcome quality monitoring
Client & Market Focus
• Client choice:
– sound feedback loops, to understand & respond to key
concerns & desires of existing & potential clients
• Need for expanded marketing function, to clients,
families & carers, brokers
• How do we measure and communicate on complex
client outcomes - if we compete on quality rather
than price?
• Recent data :
Ageing workforce
Approximately 1/3 staff are casuals
Lack of career options
Relatively low levels of training
Significant minority of workers would like additional hours
Inadequate positive feedback & performance monitoring
• How do we balance need for more flexible
responsive community based services (at a
competitive price) with demands for ‘good jobs’,
with adequate hours, good supports, training and
career opportunities?
Responding to these challenges
• NDS is working with members to provide support
and resources to meet these challenges:
see www.nds.org.au
• Other peak bodies and OCS doing the same
• Recommendation: Begin planning, reviewing and
making changes now, to enable you to take
advantage of this raft of reforms, achieve ongoing
sustainability, and achieve better outcomes for the
people we support.
Thank You
Sarah Fordyce
Policy Manager Victoria
National Disability Services
[email protected]