Transcript Document

1. get the main idea
2. look for three relations in context
3. check your answer
the passage
as a whole
The so-called “non-intelligence factors” include _____
feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits.
A. one’s
C. his
D. her
We suggest that you should study the illustrations
carefully ____
D the procedure has been described in
A. though
B. their
B. which C. so
D. where
The mosquito can get a full dinner from you in a
minute. All this usually takes place so quickly that you
B anything was happening.
A. may not suspect
C. may haven’t suspected
B. may not have suspected
D. didn’t suspect
A product must be something that ___ will
choose to buy. This gives the consumers some
power. Whatever they are willing and able to buy
is called demand. ___ is made and offered for
sale is called supply. The demand for a product
or service always affects ____ of that product or
consumers , whatever, supply
Indeed without Einstein’s theory, which
was the result of many complicated
mathematical calculations, there would
never have been any practical application
nuclear power.
 Nancy was beginning to get bored at
home all day. I was working hard at the
enjoy my job. Most of all,
time, but I didn’t _____
I hated going to work in the rush hour
every day.
Transitional Expressions
 To
add ideas together
 And,
also, besides, furthermore, in
addition, moreover, too, first, second,
 To
show emphasis and clarity
 Above
all, after all, in fact, particularly,
that is
 To
show similarity
 Like,
To point out examples
For example, for instance, to
To draw a conclusion, an
inference, or a summary
In a word, in conclusion, in
brief, in short, in summary, to
conclude, to summarize, to sum
up, therefore.
likewise, in the same manner, in the
 To indicate time
same way, similarly
 At times, after, afterward, from
 To express cause and effect
then on, immediately, later,
 As, because, due to, for, for this reason,
meanwhile, next, now, then,
now that, since, owning to, as a result (of)
until, while.
in consequence of, accordingly,
consequently, therefore, thus.
That “something special” was men --- (creative)
individuals who could invent machines… The man
who ___ the machines of the Industry Revolution
(came) from many backgrounds and many
occupations…. Most of the people who ___ the
machines of the Industrial Revolution were
inventors, not trained scientists.
1. A.
employed B. created C. operated D. controlled
2. A. proposed B. developed C. supplied D. offered
Answer: B, B
C so as to
Lisa declined the man’s offer ____
show her disdain of him.
A. indifferently
B. bluntly
C. deliberately
D. casually
In the winter, the jet stream moves to
A greater
lower latitudes resulting _____
rainfall for southern states.
A. in
B. to
C. from
D. at
I can’t thank you ____
A much for your
kindness, because without your help I
can’t have succeeded in the exam.
A. too
B. very
C. quite
D. that
The football match was televised ___
C from the
workers’ stadium.
A. life
B. alive
C. live
D. lively
When the student meets another miserable
person from the same country, he will pour out
his unhappy feelings. Together they can ___
B in
their native language.
A. talk
B. complain
C. speak D. address
There are many ideas about the origin of
the tree. It is widely believed that Martin
Luther began the custom in Germany. The
sight of an evergreen tree on Christmas
Eve, with ____ stars above, is said to have
made a great impression on him, and he
put a similar tree, ____ with lighted
candles, in the home.
Answer: twinkling, decorated
They walked in the back of the church and stood
at the door as their guests went past. From
colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful
expression of good will clothed in friendly jokes.
Some relatives, ___,
C were not pleased. One sat
in a car, sobbing, ___
B stood surrounded by
sympathizers offering condolences.
1. A. though
B. for example
C. yet
D. however
2. A. one
B. another
C. he
D. others
The chief reason is that all passionate and
prejudiced arguments overstate their case
and ____ their opponents’ case.
Answer: understate
C fear of height, fear of water,
Phobias, ____
or fear of crowds, can be eliminated
through conditioning.
A. and
B. besides
C. such as
D. anyhow
综合大学英语提高篇Unit 4,5, test yourself
1 vocabulary and structure部分section B
 Supplementary material: cloze 2 + banked
cloze 4,5;词根词缀 Page 1-6
 本周所有作业请装订好(书上的除外),
Remain, specific, core, expression, audience,
converted, opportunity, accessible, neglected,
Traffic, approached, halt, refused, contract,
restrained, amazing, inclination, suspicious,
Spotted, grabbed, annoyed, potentially,
genuinely, individual, motives, definitely,
opportunities, upgrade
Key to cloze 1
Way, save, to, simple, think, best, whose,
in, takes, model, make, adopt, keep,
possession, run, appliance, purpose, item,
what, from
1. A. added B. additional
C. extra D. excessive
2. A. that
B. what C. which D. other
3. A. remarkably
B. preferably
C. ideally
D. virtually
4. A. advised B. suggested
C. learned
D. taught
5. A. they
B. those C. these D. who
6. A. for
B. with C. on
D. under
7. A. formed B. believed
C. altered
D. thought
8. A. location B. motion
C. position
D. operation
9. A. what
B. how C. that D. which
10. A. on
B. around
C. above
D. across
11. A. since B. while C. for
D. so
12. A. with
B. by
C. to
D. in
13. A. into
B. along C. with D. to
14. A. student’s
B. adults C. scientists’
D. teachers’
15. A. survive B. occur C. maintain
D. exist
16. A. personal
B. private
C. individual
D. own
17. A. on
B. for
C. in
D. with
18. A. natural B. specific
C. similar
D. general
19. A. obliged B. probable
C. partial
D. likely
20. A. correct B. perfect
C. better D. reasonable
1. A. counting B. covering
C. figuring
D. involving
2. A. best
B. lengthC. least D. large
3. A. frank
B. hard-working C. polite D. reserved
4. A. at
B. on
C. of
D. over
5. A. described
B. submitted
C. written
D. presented
6. A. made
B. addressed
C. taken
D. received
7. A. fact
B. occasion
C. case D. truth
8. A. at
B. with C. on
D. about
9. A. if
B. though
C. as
D. whether
10. A. satisfactory
B. unsatisfactory C. satisfied
D. dissatisfied
11. A. interfered
B. discouraged C. disturbed
D. interrupted
12. A. sounds B. pronunciation C. voices
D. gestures
13. A. hold
B. give C. drop D. leave
14. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t
C. couldn’t
D. wouldn’t
15. A. avoid B. prevent
C. refuse
D. prohibit
16. A. Until
B. Unless
C. Once D. However
17. A. keep
B. discuss
C. argue D. remember
18. A. not
B. or
C. and D. yet
19. A. desired B. required
C. revised
D. deserved
20. A. but
B. how C. only D. about