Transcript B.E.S.T.
Building Excellent Schools Today
Center Schools Application
Prior to BEST if we wanted to build a new
school we would have to raise the money
locally through a tax increase. State law only
allows a school district to raise 20% of its
assessed property value through a bond
At this point in time Center Schools can only
legally raise a maximum of 4.7 million dollars
for building projects.
The original K-12 school was built through this
process, so was the High School, the Middle
School, and the Vocational Building.
Most recent projects (New Gym, New Wing,
Alternative School, Bus Garage, Admin Auditorium) have been paid for through lease
purchase agreements or grant applications.
Along Comes BEST
• BEST legislation went into effect in Spring
• BEST Leverages State Trust Land dedicated to
the School Trust Fund and Lottery Dollars
Center’s BEST Grant
In September 2009, in light of the success of
some BEST projects in the Valley such as at
Alamosa, Centennial, and Sargent, the Center
BOE decided to look into pursuing a BEST
Our Process
Secure a Master Planner
Hold Community Engagement Meetings
Develop Options
Decide on most effective solution
Submit a grant
What Were Our Options
Renovate Existing Facilities:
$24 Million
New PK-12 On Existing Site:
$30 Million
Renovate with New Additions: $33 Million
New PK-12 on New Site:
$28 Million
In each of these scenarios the cost to district
residents would be $4.7 million, the
maximum we can legally contribute.
What We Decided?
New PK-12 Building on Existing Site
What Happened Next
• BEST Board Ranked and Recommends Projects
• Our project was awarded (26.7 million dollars)
and now it Goes to a Bond Election in
November 2010
Timeline to a New School?
• If Bond Passes….COP’s Sold by end of December
• District Chooses a Building Process and a Builder
• Ground Breaking Spring 2011
• Occupy School Fall 2012
What Were Our Chances to Get a
• 650 million dollars in grant proposals were
submitted in April 2010.
• Only approximately 150 million dollars in
funding was awarded.
• Ranking for need and quality of proposals was
released and Center’s proposal was ranked in
the top 5 in the state.
Why to Not Do This
• Increased tax burden on property owners, Tax
Impact on a $4.77mm bond issue:
– Residential: Approx. $10.16 per month per $100,000
home value
– Agricultural: Flood: Approx. 81 cents per acre per
– Agricultural: Sprinkler: Approx. 95 cents per acre per
– Agricultural: Flood: Approx. $1.20 per acre per yearRIO GRANDE CNTY
– Agricultural: Sprinkler: Approx. $1.36 per acre per
Why Do This?
Benefits to the Community
Dollars spent here during construction process
will benefit community.
A New School Facility will increase local property
values for all residents.
Studies show updated facilities support increased
student achievement.
An updated facility should last the community
upwards of 50 years.
When will we ever have the opportunity to build
a new school at 15% of its actual cost again?