Spring Assessment Workshop: District Test Coordinator Training

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NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Spring Assessment Workshop:
District Test Coordinator Training
New Mexico Assessment Program
Spring 2005
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Thank You to our Hosts!
(and to all those who offered)
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Training Objectives
At the end of the training, District Test Coordinators should:
Be familiar with the New Mexico Assessment Program.
Understand test security and training requirements.
Know processes and procedures of test administration.
Understand strategies for inclusion of all students in the
Know the process for changing student data after testing.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
New Mexico Assessment Program
New Mexico High School Competency Examination (NMHSCE)
New Mexico Standards-Based Assessment (NMSBA)
Grade 11
Reading and Mathematics
English version only
New Mexico Alternate Assessment (NMALT)
Grades 3-9
Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science (only Reading and Math count for AYP)
English and Spanish versions
New Mexico High School Standards Assessment (NMHSSA)
Grades 10-12+ (required for High School diploma)
Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Written
English and Spanish versions (spring administration only)
Grades 3-12+
Available to students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the
eligibility criteria established by the New Mexico Public Education Department
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security and Training
Test security is everybody’s job.
Training and test security requirements
are outlined in NM PED rule 6.10.7 NMAC.
The rule may be found on the web at:
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Required Training by DTCs
DTCs required to attend semiannual workshops provided by
DTCs shall provide training for all district personnel
involved in test administration, preparation, and security,
including district and school test coordinators, test
examiners, proctors, and principals.
Participants must sign in with printed name and signature on
forms that list training topics and dates.
Keep sign-in records for at least 5 years!
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: The Basics
Test security is everybody’s job.
Keep test booklets secure before, during, and
after testing.
Keep track of and return every test booklet, used
and unused.
Ensure that no student has exposure to the
assessment prior to test administration.
Never photocopy, discuss, or reproduce in any
fashion items from any secure test.
Report testing irregularities immediately!
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: Before Testing
Do use non-disclosure forms for test review when
permission has been granted by the NM Public
Education Department (PED).
Do learn how to identify secure test materials,
both operational and old tests. (The booklet will be
labeled as a “Student Test” or with the name of the test).
Don’t photocopy, discuss, or reproduce in any
fashion items from a secure state-mandated test
(or from any copyrighted test).
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: Before Testing
Don’t use any operational or old tests as test
preparation materials!! (Even old forms are
Don’t use, or make copies for distribution, of any
copyrighted test preparation materials that have
not been purchased for use in your school or
Don’t use actual test items, or any version of
these, as preparation materials (changing the setting
or numbers, paraphrasing the item, or rewording the item).
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: Before Testing
Don’t use materials for test preparation when you
are not sure of the source.
Don’t post test vocabulary from test directions
or items on school walls as part of the school or
classroom test preparation.
Don’t review specific vocabulary known to be on
the test.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Security of Student Test Booklets
District Test Coordinators (DTCs) should
inventory student test booklets when they arrive
in districts.
If there is a discrepancy in the test booklet
serial numbers and the contractor’s inventory list,
report the problem immediately to the
DTCs will assign test booklets by serial # to test
examiners. Test examiners will assign each
student a test booklet and record the serial #.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Security of Student Test Booklets
Tests must be stored in a secure area with limited
access (as approved by the district
Any individuals, including staff members, cannot
review secure tests without approval from the
Tests are to be stored overnight in a secure
setting by the school or district test coordinator.
Tests must not be left unattended in an unlocked
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Security of Student Test Booklets
When collecting materials after testing each day,
test examiners should inventory booklets. If a
test booklet is missing, the test examiner should
immediately contact the DTC to report the loss
and commence a search for the missing booklet.
If the test booklet is not found, the DTC shall
report the loss to the PED Assessment Unit at
505-827-6524 within three days of the incident
including all pertinent information relative to the
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Security of Student Test Booklets
Before returning materials to contractors, DTCs
should inventory serial numbers and, if any
booklets are missing, follow the procedures
outlined above.
Following scoring and reporting test results to
districts, contractors will notify the PED of
missing test booklets. Districts on this list will be
required to conduct a full investigation into the
reported loss and to submit a report, including a
cover letter from the District Superintendent, to
the PED.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: During Testing
Do post conspicuous signs near copy machines
warning that tests cannot be copied.
Do remove multiplication tables, spelling words,
vocabulary or similar assistance material from
test settings during the test administration.
Do follow all directions for a standardized
Do have a proctor in the room and test monitors
in the halls to assist with medical emergencies or
obtaining additional test materials.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: During Testing
Do quietly encourage a student who is not trying.
Do return test materials each day to a test
coordinator for secure overnight storage.
Do report suspected testing irregularities to the
district test coordinator immediately.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: During Testing
Don’t leave tests unattended in an unlocked room.
Don’t take test booklets or answer documents off
campus without authorization.
Don’t show a secure test to a parent or any other
individual without obtaining prior approval for a
test review from NM PED.
Don’t describe items on a test to teachers in
other locales when your school gives the test
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: During Testing
Don’t leave students alone in the room when they
are testing.
Don’t let students leave the room and return to
continue on the same test session.
Don’t give students breaks that allow them to
leave the room or talk with one another in the
middle of a test session.
Don’t let students talk during the test.
Don’t have students start a test session who
arrive late and/or who miss the test directions.
(Schedule a make-up session for these students).
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Security: During Testing
Don’t test students on different subtests at the same
time when they are all in the same room together.
Don’t read the test to students or groups of students
who don’t qualify for such accommodations.
Don’t help or coach students with test answers by
suggesting that they rethink an answer or by providing
hints of any kind.
Don’t change a student’s answer or direct a student to
change an answer.
Don’t permit students to have on their desk any
unauthorized materials during the test administration.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Reporting Testing Irregularities
A testing irregularity is “any circumstance within or beyond
the control of a school district that in the opinion of the
Public Education Department (PED) or a school district
raises doubts about the propriety of standardized testing
procedures, preparation materials, standardized test
administration, standardized testing security, student
scores attained from standardized testing, or teacher or
student conduct observed during standardized testing.”
Suspected testing irregularities should be reported in
accordance with procedures outlined in PED Regulation
[ NMAC].
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Who can administer the tests?
Only trained, certified staff are permitted to administer
Certified staff allowed to administer tests include:
The following staff are not permitted to administer the
tests (but may serve as proctors):
Licensed school instructors and administrators
Teachers on waivers or intern licenses
Long-term substitutes with a valid teaching license
Coaches and contractors with a valid teaching license
Licensed counselors and related service providers
Educational assistants
Short-term substitutes and unlicensed long-term substitutes
School nurses
Coaches who do not have a valid teaching license
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Who can serve as test proctors?
Any staff or community member who has been
trained in proper test administration and test
security may serve as a proctor.
Parents cannot proctor in their own child’s
Proctors can assist, but may not act as test
Non-staff proctors must sign a non-disclosure
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Assessment Procedures
Assessment Resources
Assessment Team and Their Responsibilities:
Before Testing
During Testing
Following Testing
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Assessment Publications
NM PED Procedures Manual
2005 Test Coordinator’s Manuals
2005 Test Administrator’s Manuals
May be called “Directions for Administrators”
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Assessment Team
District Test Coordinator: DTC
School Test Coordinators: STCs
Test Examiners: TEs
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Assessment Support System
If questions, check manuals.
If TE still has questions, ask STC.
If STC still has questions, ask DTC.
If DTC has questions about materials, contact the
appropriate contractor as directed in Test
Coordinator’s Manual.
If DTC has questions about policies or procedures,
check the Procedures Manual. If the DTC still has
questions, call NM PED: 1-505-827-6524.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities Before Testing: DTC
Check shipments of materials ASAP; follow directions
in appropriate Test Coordinator’s Manual for reporting
shortages and/or discrepancies and for requesting
additional materials.
Become very familiar with manuals.
Train STCs and TEs.
Distribute test materials (manuals, test booklets,
answer booklets, etc.).
Maintain test security.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities Before Testing: STC
Become very familiar with manuals.
Schedule testing for school.
Notify parents of test administration.
Plan for accommodations.
Plan for make-ups (scores are not reported for a
content area if even one session is missed).
Verify receipt of sufficient test materials.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Testing Schedule
Testing Windows
Optimal Testing Times
NMHSCE (Grades 10-12): January 18 – February 4, 2005
NMSBA (Grades 3-9): February 28 – March 25, 2005
NMHSSA (Grade 11): February 28 – March 11, 2005
NM Alternate Assessment: January 18 – March 18, 2005
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Schedule Options
May adjust order of sessions to accommodate
scheduling needs of school.
Students within the same building must take the same
session(s) at the same time.
NMSBA Writing Subtest, Grades 4-9: should be
scheduled on two consecutive days (without a weekend in
Students who are provided with accommodations
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities Before Testing: TE
Become very familiar with administration manual.
Identify students who need accommodations; confer
with others if necessary.
Identify students who will require separate settings
or who will not be participating in one or more
subtests with the larger group.
Prepare students for testing:
Show students sample/practice items and rubrics.
Show students proper bubbling techniques.
Caution students to erase any stray marks.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities During Testing:
Coordinate and provide support.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities During Testing: TE
Prepare for testing:
Verify that you have a sufficient supply of test booklets
and answer booklets.
Obtain sufficient supplies of #2 pencils.
Post a Do Not Disturb or Testing in Progress sign on the
classroom door.
Distribute Test Booklets
When you distribute the test booklets for the
first time, have students write their name on the
test booklet, but do NOT affix the pre-coded
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Pre-Coded Labels
Pre-coded labels data collection window remains
open until February 1.
Pre-coded labels and student rosters will arrive
during the first week of the test window.
Verify pre-coded labels against roster for
correct demographic information.
BUT, do not affix pre-coded labels to answer
documents until after testing has been completed.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Pre-Coded Labels (continued)
Do Not use the label if an error exists for
student name, State ID number, date of birth,
gender, or ethnicity—fill in all the information on
the student data grid.
If any other data on the roster is incorrect, use
the label and fill in only the information that
needs to be corrected on the student data grid.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Sample Student Data Grid
See handout.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Completing Student Data Grid for
New Students: STC/TE
Fill in only non-confidential information prior to
test administration: Student name, Birth Date,
STC or TE must complete the rest of the Student
Data Grid after test administration has been
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Administration: TEs
Follow directions and scripts in the test
administration manuals exactly.
Provide helpful encouragement, but do not
coach students or provide answers.
Monitor for testing irregularities.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Helpful Hints: TEs
Students may look through their test
booklets just before they start to ensure
that all pages are properly printed.
If a student asks, you must repeat oral
directions in the script of the
administration manual to the whole class.
If students finish early, they may read
but not write.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Responsibilities Following Testing
Complete all make-up sessions by the end
of the test window:
February 4 for NMHSCE
March 11 for NMHSSA
March 25 for NMSBA
Complete items on the Student Data Grid.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Valid Tests: STC/TE
Student becomes ill.
If a student becomes ill after accessing
question in the test booklet only after turning
the page to start a session, the student may
make up the session at a later time, but he or
she may not change responses to any
questions he or she has already answered.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Valid Tests: STC/TE
Student becomes ill. (Cont’d)
If a student becomes ill after accessing
more than one page of a session, the student
may not make up that session but may
complete any other sessions that have not
been attempted.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Valid Tests: STC/TE
 Student
Students must attempt at least 5 items per session in
order to receive a score on the reading, mathematics
and science assessments.
Valid attempt on the writing assessment:
becomes ill. (Cont’d)
Gr. 3: at least 5 multiple choice items or attempts
paragraph on each subtest
Gr. 4: at least 5 multiple choice items or editing task in
Session 1; attempts final draft of essay in Session 2
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Valid Tests: STC/TE
Student continues to work ahead to
another session (e.g., turned more than one
AA must IMMEDIATELY stop student and take the
test booklet from the student.
The student may not make up that session but the
student may complete any other sessions that have
not been attempted.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Invalidation
Student shares answers.
Student makes no attempt to respond to test.
Mis-administration of the test.
Invalidations outlined in Procedures Manual
(parent refusal, extreme frustration, etc.).
DTC has authority and responsibility to invalidate
test when standard assessment procedures and
policies have been violated in any way.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Documentation for All Students:
There must be a test booklet returned FOR
Affix pre-coded label and/or complete the
Student Data Grid on a blank booklet for
students not tested.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Documentation for All Students:
If a student has used Braille as a response
Appropriate school personnel must transcribe this
information into regular print booklet.
Bubble the “District Use Only-C” field on the student
data grid indicating that the student used Braille version
of the test.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Final Check: STC/TE
Name on cover of test booklet.
Pre-coded label and/or Student Data Grid are
Stray marks are erased; erasures are complete.
Return tests to STC: no tape, staples or rubber
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Following Testing: STC
Check test booklets:
There must be a a test booklet returned for every
registered student in every grade level and content area
Ensure that the correct bubble is filled in the
Accommodations grid and the Test Completion Status
Verify student roster information and/or student data
grids are complete and accurate.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Prepare Materials for Return
Fill out the appropriate header sheets/group
information sheets as directed in administration
manuals/coordinator’s manuals.
Package materials as directed by testing
contractors in test coordinator’s manuals and/or
administration manuals.
Check to be sure that all materials are accounted
for, and that test materials are separated as
directed in manuals.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Packaging Tips: STC
Please use sturdy boxes!
No tape, staples, paper clips or rubber bands.
Return unsealed envelopes or loosely sealed boxes
to DTC for checking.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Checking and Shipping: DTC
Verify that student data grids are complete and
Ensure that there is a test booklet for every
registered student in each grade level and
content area.
Check to see that materials have been packaged
properly for return and repackage as needed.
Attach shipping labels as directed in manual.
Arrange for pick-up as directed in manual.
Seal boxes and ship.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
New Mexico High School Competency
Examination (NMHSCE)
Criterion-referenced test in subject areas of reading,
language arts, mathematics, science, social studies,
and written composition
First administered at Grade 10
Students must pass all six subtests to receive HS
Students may retake subtests once in the junior year
and twice in the senior year
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
NMHSCE (continued)
Seniors who do not pass the examination, but fulfill
other course and credit requirements may receive a
certificate of completion (or “attendance”) from their
district/high school and may return over the next five
years, twice a year to retake the exam, pass it, and
receive a diploma.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Fall 2004 Administration
Testing window was
Nov. 1-12, 2004
Administered to students in
Grade 12 and Grade “13”
who have yet to pass all
subtests or who have not
taken the exam at all
Practice tests are not
included with materials
Oct. 21, 2004 - Test materials
to districts
Dec. 3, 2004 – Test materials
and answer documents must
be in-site at CTB
Jan. 12, 2005 – Test score
reports in-site to districts
Dispose of old Test
Coordinator’s and
Administrator’s Manuals
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Spring Administration
Testing window is
Jan. 18– Feb. 4, 2005
Offered in English and
Administered at Grade 10 and
to students in Grades 11 - “13”
who have yet to pass all
subtests or who have not
taken the exam at all
Practice tests are not included
with materials
January 4, 2005 - Test
materials to districts
February 18, 2005 – Test
materials and answer
documents must be in-site at
TBD – Test score reports insite to districts
Dispose of old Test
Coordinator’s and
Administrator’s Manuals
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
*** Important Information Regarding
NMHSCE Scoring
For the 2004-05 school year, all NMHSCE subtests will be scored by
CTB/McGraw-Hill using the 175 passing score. This includes
tests of students who first tested under the 150 passing
score. To ensure that students will not be deprived of their original
passing score of 150, it will be the responsibility of each district to
identify these students and to check their scores when test scores
are received. The following guidelines will ensure accurate
pass/fail determination for students in the 150 passing score
If a student scores at 150 - 174, a “fail” will be reported by CTB.
In this case, the district is authorized to change the “fail” to a
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Important Information Regarding
NMHSCE Scoring (continued)
No action is required for the following two conditions:
If a student scores 175 or above the outcome remains a
If a student scores below 150 the outcome remains a “fail.”
Districts will submit a report to the PED listing all
students who were reported as “fail” but whose score
on any subtest is determined to be a “pass” based on
the criteria noted above. A brief memorandum to the
Assessment and Evaluation Bureau will be satisfactory
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Waivers & NMHSCE
Timing – PED will inform districts as soon as
possible after receiving the request.
Reference: 6.30.2 NMAC “Standards for
Purpose – to address individual cases
Process: 1) Approval of waiver request from
local school board. 2) Local superintendent
makes written request for waiver to Secretary
of Education (Copy to A&E, Attn:Dr. Jerry Pitzl).
3)Response from Secretary of Education
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
New Mexico High School Standards
Assessment (NMHSSA)
Criterion-referenced test (CRT) at Grade 11 in Reading
and Mathematics designed to measure student
performance against state standards
The NMHSSA is a Standards Based Assessment
required under NCLB. Attendance requirements are
dictated by AYP: 95% for whole groups and subgroups.
Contractor is Pearson Educational Measurement
Offered in English only
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Testing window is
February 28-March11, 2005
Administered at Grade 11
Practice tests items will be
available on the PED
Enrollment information was
sent to districts in November
February 14, 2005 - Test
materials received in districts
March 17, 2005 – Deadline
for return of test materials to
the contractor
Mid-July – Test score reports
in-site to districts
Dispose of old Test
Coordinator’s and
Administrator’s Manuals from
Fall 2003
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Out With the Old:
Norm-Referenced Tests (NRTs)
Compare student performance to a national norm group.
Off-the-shelf tests that don’t align terribly well to any
particular state’s standards.
Designed to distribute students on a normal curve.
In the past, formed the basis for New Mexico’s
Accountability Program.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
In With the New: Standards-Based
Compare student performance against achievement
standards (performance levels).
Aligned to New Mexico Content Standards and
Developed by and for New Mexico educators (in
collaboration with the test contractors).
Satisfy the assessment requirements of the No
Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).
Provide the basis of the new accountability system—
adequate yearly progress (AYP).
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Standards & Content Standards
Individual performance is compared to an
achievement “standard”.
Standard is based upon Content Standards and
Grade-Level Expectations (benchmarks).
So in other words, the tests are designed to
measure students against our expectations of what
students should know and be able to do.
What a concept! Teachers should teach the
standards, students should learn the standards, and
now we’re finally measuring student performance
against the standards!
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Did the Student Meet the Standards?
Based upon the score, Proficiency Levels are
Nearing Proficient
Students who score at the Proficient or
Advanced levels have met the standard.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Students’ Proficiency Levels Are Used
for AYP Determinations
Achieve a 95% participation rate in state
reading and math assessments.
Either reach targets for proficiency or
decrease non-proficiency in reading and
Reach targets for one additional indicator:
Elementary & middle schools: attendance rate.
High schools: graduation rate.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Testing Accommodations
Adaptations: variations on standardized test
administration that do not need to be
documented or reported as accommodations.
Accommodations: allowable changes in
administration procedures that do not change
the construct intended to be measured.
Modifications: prohibited changes that cause
the measurement of the intended construct to
be invalid.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Types of Accommodations
Type of accommodation must be
documented on the Student Data Grid.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Reading
Braille version or large print version of
Reading aloud, tape recording, or signing of
test directions only.
Paraphrasing of directions only.
Reading aloud or in the student’s native
language or translation of the directions only.
Use of word-to-word translation dictionary or
word list.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Reading
Use of scribe to write/record oral responses.
Use of signing or pointing as alternative
Use of certain types of assistive technology
(with voice output disabled).
Recording responses on audio tape.
Use of a scribe to translate a student’s oral
responses from a language other than English.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Writing
Braille version or large print version of assessment.
Reading aloud, tape recording, or signing of test
directions, stimulus material, questions, and/or
response choices.
Paraphrasing of directions only.
Reading aloud or in the student’s native language or
translation of test directions, stimulus material,
questions, and/or response choices.
Use of word-to-word translation dictionary or word
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Writing
Use of scribe to write/record oral responses
for selected response (multiple choice) and
editing tasks only.
Use of signing or pointing as alternative
Use of certain types of assistive technology
(with spell-checking and grammar-checking
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Math
and Science
Braille version or large print version of assessment.
Reading aloud or tape recording of test directions,
stimulus material, questions, and/or response choices.
Use of additional manipulatives (e.g., “number lines”) for
math assessment.
Use of communication devices (e.g., text talk converter)
to read items.
Reading aloud or in the student’s native language or
translation of test directions, stimulus material,
questions, and/or response choices.
Use of word-to-word translation dictionary or word list.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Allowable Accommodations: Math
and Science
Use of scribe to write/record oral responses.
Use of scribe to translate student’s oral
responses from a language other than English.
Use of signing or pointing as alternative
Use of certain types of assistive technology.
Recording responses on audio tape.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Prohibited Modifications: All Tests
Paraphrase stimulus material, questions,
and/or response choices.
Restate questions with more appropriate
vocabulary or define unknown
Clarification of English words.
Use of a dictionary to look up words.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Prohibited Modifications: Reading
Reading aloud, tape recording, or signing of stimulus
material, questions, and/or response choices.
Using communication devices (e.g., text talk converter)
to read stimulus material, questions, and/or response
Reading aloud in the student’s native language or
translation of stimulus material, questions, and/or
response choices.
Use of assistive technology in which voice output has not
been disabled.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Prohibited Modifications: Writing
Using communication devices (e.g., text talk converter)
to read stimulus material, questions, and/or response
Recording responses on audio tape.
Use of a spell checker.
Indicate responses to a scribe for constructed
responses in which writing is scored.
Use of a scribe to translate a student’s oral response
from a language other than English into the test book.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Adaptations of Standardized
Do not need to be documented for any
content area.
Available to all students.
Should not be reported as
accommodations on the Student Data
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Location appropriate to testing needs of
Grouping students: whole classroom,
small groups, individual administration.
Administration by individuals other than
the student’s usual teacher.
Preferential seating.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Adaptations: Presentation
Use of devices providing kinesthetic, visual, or
auditory assistance, such as pencil grips, visual
magnification devices, auditory amplification.
Rereading the script in the administration
manual to all students when requested by any
Use of place markers to maintain place.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Adaptations: Response
Spelling words to students who request it
(except for Writing).
Allowing students to mark responses in test
Allowing students to mark responses on largeprint answer documents.
Use of place markers to maintain place for
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
When in Doubt
If unsure of student’s ability to take the
assessment, attempt the assessment.
If assessment is discontinued, enter (6)
— “extreme frustration” in Test
Completion Status box of the Student
Data Grid and turn in incomplete booklet.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Participation of Students with
Disabilities: Three Ways
Participation in standard administration without
Participation with allowable accommodations.
New Mexico Alternate Assessment: for
students with significant cognitive disabilities
who are unable to participate in general
assessment, even with accommodations.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Students with Disabilities and the
NMHSCE: Three Pathways
Standard Pathway
Career Readiness Pathway
Student must take the NMHSCE and achieve
level of competency determined by IEP Team
Ability Pathway
Student must take and pass all subtests
Student must take the NMHSCE or the NMALT
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Participation of English Language
Variety of ways to participate
Depends, in part, on how long the student
has been in U.S. schools
Language of instruction is an important
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
ELL Students: New to U.S.
May receive language exemption from
Reading test
Language proficiency assessment
substituted for participation
Must take Math and other assessments
Option available first year in U.S. only
Does not affect AYP performance results
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
ELL Students: Less than 3 Years in
U.S. Schools
Student may participate in standard
administration of English language test
Student may participate in English language
test with accommodations
Student may participate in standard
administration of Spanish language test (or
other home language if available)
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
ELL Students: 3 or More Years in U.S.
Students must participate in English
language assessment (with or without
However, waiver is available for up to two
additional years to continue testing student in
his or her home language
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Waiver Requests
Must be submitted by district superintendent
to NM Secretary of Education
Effective for current year only
Approved for a maximum of two years
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Waiver Requests Must Include:
Student Name;
State Student ID;
English language proficiency scores and date(s) of
Indication of whether this is the first or second waiver request
for this student;
Reason or justification for waiver request; and
Names of Student Assistance Team members involved in the
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Assessments in Spanish:
NMSBA (3-9) & NMHSCE (10+)
Must be administered in separate
sessions by a Spanish-speaking test
Scheduling and administration are the
same as for English assessments.
Student Data Grids for Spanish and
English version are identical.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Student Biographical Data Check
ALL districts should participate!
Verify data are correct
This is your only chance to make
corrections that impact:
School District Report Cards
Adequate Yearly Progress Calculation (AYP)
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Student Biographical Data Check
(SBD) – Anticipated Process
SBD will open around April 22
District will download file
District updates file and uploads to PED
Collection closes around May 10
PED processes, generates reports for
district review
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Student Biographical Data Check
(SBD) – Anticipated Process (Cont’d)
Final reports to districts, final data file
to contractors (we anticipate that this
is final for Report Cards and AYP).
Districts have opportunity to see data
after district corrections are made.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Reporting: Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP)
Districts have opportunity to review
AYP school and district ratings in late
AYP ratings and school designations
released August 1
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Test Results Reports
Individual and summary reports to be
delivered to schools in early to midAugust
Scoring of constructed response items
makes earlier delivery impossible
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau
Reminder about Assessment
Support System
If questions, check manuals.
If TE still has questions, ask STC.
If STC still has questions, ask DTC.
If DTC has questions:
refer to manuals and PED Updates,
if DTC has questions about materials,
call testing contractors, and
if DTC has questions about policies or procedures,
check the PED Procedures Manual. If the DTC still has
questions, call PED: 1-505-827-6524.
NMPED – Student Assessment Bureau