Transcript Slide 1

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Next Steps for the
Graduating Class of 2012
As Circumstances Change
& Your Interests Evolve
You may discover in June that your
destination decisions are different than
they are now in September.
Thank you for listening carefully to all options.
Grad Email
• Be informed – add your name to the Grad Email
distribution list (Blue Chit)
• Daily announcements for graduates will no
longer be made after October 1
• Be aware of your responsibilities and your
• This applies to all destinations
• Pick up easy instructions today
• Avoid addresses with words that may be
• You have until October 1 to sign up!
• Also follow us on Twitter at ECSS_Guidance
Valuable Resources Guide
• Available online on the Guidance link of
our school website
• Valuable post-secondary and career
planning contacts for all graduates
• A must-have!
• Tested websites that support all
OSS Diploma Requirements
• 30 credits
including all 18 compulsories
• Literacy Test or Literacy Course
• 40 Community Involvement Hours
– By now for scholarship nominations
– At the latest, by the April extract
Acronyms to Memorize
Ontario College Application Service
Ontario University Application Centre
Release of Information
• “There will be a one-time release of grades
and other identifying information for all
students in Grade 12 on October 14th to the
Ontario College Application Service, and
November 11th to the Ontario University
Application Centre, using secure
transmission technology. This will activate all
of your future applications for this year. If you
would like more information about this,
please contact your assigned guidance
Data Transmissions
We will send your marks electronically to OCAS
and OUAC prior to these dates:
October 14 for OCAS (no midterm marks)
November 11 for OUAC (no midterm marks)
November 23 for OCAS (with midterm marks)
February 10 for OCAS (Sem 1 marks)
February 15 for OUAC (Sem 1 marks)
April 26 for OCAS & OUAC (Sem 2 midterms)
July 6 for OCAS & OUAC (Sem 2 finals)
August 24 for OCAS & OUAC (summer finals)
Speaking of Marks…….
• It is your responsibility as a student to
research the minimum mark and
prerequisite requirement for each program
you apply for.
• It is your responsibility as a student to be
in regular consultation with your teachers
during formative assessments to find out
what you have to do to attain the required
averages on your summative
• Be sure to review your marks on Exam
Review Day at the end of each semester.
• All report card marks are final.
• If you are taking a Private School course
outside of ECSS, you are responsible for
ensuring that we have your official mark
unless the Private School submits the mark
on your behalf.
Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries
• Spend a lunch hour in Room 116 on Tuesday,
October 4th or Thursday, October 12th. Bring
your lunch, and find out how to begin to navigate
the scholarship world.
• Not all scholarships are intended for those with
the highest marks – there may be one for you,
no matter what your destination.
Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries
• Scholarship news will be shared with
detail, contact links and application
deadline dates on the Guidance link of our
ECSS website.
• Some information will be posted on our
Guidance Notes bulletin board next to the
Student Council board in the Guidance
ECSS Graduation Awards
• Opportunity to nominate yourself or your peers
• Teachers may also nominate students
• Details of the June Graduation of 2011 are still
on the ECSS Guidance website
• Take a moment to view the list of awards and
become familiar with the process
• The June 2012 Grad Awards will be posted on
the ECSS Guidance website in April 2012
• Once we post them, you will have 3 weeks to
nominate yourself or your peers
Letters of Reference
• Please give our administrators, your
teachers or counsellors at least two weeks
notice if you require a letter of reference.
• Always provide your referee with a
• Handy résumé and cover letter tips are
available in Guidance.
Share your Strengths
• We need strong academic senior students
to volunteer as Peer Tutors.
• We need senior students with strong
learning skills and public relations skills to
volunteer as Student Ambassadors.
• Pick up applications for both as you leave
or in the Guidance office.
Volunteer & Travel
• Others: Military, Religious, Community
Living, Returning to ECSS
Workplace Bound
• Attend our ECSS Pathways to Opportunity event
on November 10 to meet representatives for a
variety of services .
• Explore the Valuable Resources guide.
• Pick up the Guide for Students Pursuing
Employment as you leave.
Volunteer Opportunities
• National & International opportunities
• Board sponsored volunteering:
- Opportunities to volunteer in more than 20
countries for 2 weeks or more
• Consult the Valuable Resources Guide.
• Representatives will also be here on November
10 for our Pathways to Opportunity event.
Apprenticeship Bound
• Colleges offer Apprenticeship Programs.
• Explore programs run by Local Unions and Trade
Specific Associations.
• Coop is the best route to Apprenticeships via OYAP, or
use Job Connect after you graduate.
• Excellent websites shared on the Valuable Resources
• Go to the College Fair on Tuesday, October 25.
• Meet several Apprenticeship and Trades representatives
here on Thursday, November 10.
• Pick up the Guide for Students Pursuing Apprenticeships
as you leave.
Ontario Colleges
• To earn a ‘diploma’, or a ‘degree’
• For information about Ontario Colleges and all of
their program offerings, pick up your own
Ontario College Handbook as you leave.
• Information about Private Career Colleges is
available on the Valuable Resources Guide.
Also pick up a Private College pamphlet as you
• First, go to the Ontario College Fair, October 25.
• Then, come to the ECSS Pathways to
Opportunity event on November 10.
• Every Ontario College will have a representative
here for you to consult.
• Ontario College Application Service
• Fees for this year: $95 to apply for 5 college
programs at three colleges
• Pay by credit card online, or call the Customer
Contact Centre toll free number, or by mail
• Go to
• Create your own username and password
• You may begin to fill out the application as soon as
the site opens – usually mid October
• A “How-to” tutorial will be announced
• A Step by Step handout on “How to Apply” will be
provided for you to pick up
• Let us know if you need help
Ontario Universities
To earn a degree
• View the eINFO GUIDE online at
Pick up an eINFO guideline flyer as you leave
• Provides information about:
Admission requirements
Campus visits
Additional resources
• Ontario University Application Centre
• Online applications will require pin numbers
• We will provide your PIN numbers by December
• $125.00 for 3 choices, $42 for each additional selection
• Pay online by credit card, or send cheque by mail
• A “How-to” tutorial will be announced
• A Step by Step handout on “How to Apply” will be
provided for you to pick up
• Let us know if you need help.
• Outside Ontario/Canada
• Obtain your own applications online
Common Requirements
For Degree Programs
at Ontario Colleges and
Ontario Universities
• ENG4U and
• 5 other grade
12 U or 12M courses
For Diploma Programs
at Ontario Colleges
• ENG4C and
• At least 3 grade 11C,
11M, 11U, or
grade 12C, 12M, or
12U courses
Upcoming Events
Study and Go Abroad Fair, and
International University and Travel Expo
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Saturday, October 1,
and Sunday, October 2
Upcoming Events
2. Scholarship, Awards, & Financial
Planning Workshops here at ECSS
Tuesday, October 4, or
Thursday, October 12
Room 116 @ 11:00 a.m.
Bring your lunch
Upcoming Events
SAT , ACT & NCAA Workshop
Wednesday, October 5
Room 116 @ 11:00 a.m.
Bring your lunch
Upcoming Events
Ontario University Fair
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
October 14, 15, 16
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Upcoming Events
Student Life Expo
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
October 14, 15, 16
Skywalk attached to
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
U’s and C’s across Canada, Gov’t Agencies,
Ministry of Education, Industry Associations,
Volunteer Organizations, Corporate Sponsors
Upcoming Events
Ontario Colleges Fair
Tuesday, October 25
Direct Energy Centre
Exhibition Place, Toronto
Upcoming Events
7. Pathways to Opportunity:
over 50 post-secondary
representatives here at ECSS!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Bring the family!!
Upcoming Events
Ontario University Applications are due
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Ontario College Applications are due
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Applications received and paid for on or
before this date will be given equal
consideration by the colleges.
Ultimate Upcoming Event
The ECSS Graduation Ceremony
On the evening of
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
ECSS Guidance Counsellors
• Ms Gallucci
• Mr. Bray (Sem 1)
Ms Milani (Sem 2)
• Ms Ventrice
• Ms Finelli
Mrs. Genova
A - Di
Dj - Le
Lf - Q
Office Manager
Materials to Pick up today
• Instructions for Grad Email (Blue Chit)
• Your University eInfo handout and pamphlet from OUAC
• Your Ontario College Handbook, bookmark and application process
from OCAS
• Your Guide for Students pursing Apprenticeships or Employment
• The October 2011 Scholarship/Awards handout
• Diploma Requirement handout
• Flyers for the Fairs are available in the Guidance office for you to
pick up.
Resources to Access Online
• Scholarship and Awards online per month
• Valuable Resource Guide
• Community Involvement Opportunities
• Guide for Apprenticeship and Employment
Begin your Journey
1. Sign up for Grad Email and follow us on
Twitter at ECSS_Guidance
2. Go to the fairs, meet the experts, pick up your
own brochures, and start your research.
3. Come to the Pathways to Opportunity event
here at ECSS:
Thursday, November 10, 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
4. Your Guidance counsellor will be pleased to
help you navigate this process.
Best wishes as you embark on this
exciting new journey to graduation and