A Trustee’s Journey

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A Trustee’s Journey Dave Colburn

Trustee Ward D Edmonton Public School Board

Junk Food Definition

Junk food 1,2 – Choose least or not recommended foods – Items high in fat, sugar or salt and low in nutritive value

1 2 Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools Revised 2007 Standards for the Sale and Distribution of Food and Beverages in Red Deer Public Schools

Junk Food - Revenue

California: Linking Education, Activity & Food (LEAF) program funded with a $200,000 grant was launched in 2003 – 16 middle & high schools (9 school districts) – Promoted intake of fresh California produce – Programs to improve fitness – ~ 2 yrs later, 81% LEAF schools increased food sales

Junk Food - Revenue

WP Wagner (Edmonton Public high school) – 3.5 yrs ago eliminated junk food from school menu 4 day/wk – Initial resistance from students & ↓ revenues – In 2008 students Endorse healthy menu Revenues exceed pre-healthy option days Annie Gale (Jr. High in Calgary Public) & Queen Elizabeth High School (Edmonton Public) similar experiences – Initial resistance by students & decline in revenue – Within 1 year revenue rose & exceeded prior values

Junk Food – Public Opinion

Edmonton Sun (November, 2006) asked if readers supported ban on junk foods from all Edmonton schools – Over 1,000 respondents – 70% favoured an all out ban A current Edmonton Public school trustee campaigned fall 2007 on platform banning sales of junk foods from Edmonton Public schools – ~2,000 voters asked “Do you support the elimination of junk food sales?” – Yes: 80%; No: 10%; Indifferent:10% E-mails to Board & speakers addressing the motion to ban junk foods on night of the vote – ~75% in favour of the motion

Junk Food – Public Opinion

Neil Wilkinson adult obesity (Chairman of the Board for Capital health) food by students Policies that create stated – Restricting the sale of such food items on school premises Decreases the intake of junk Encourages healthy choices by schools, parents & students Sends a strong message that supports healthier food choices based on Canada’s Food Guide environments encouraging healthier choices in terms of nutrition and physical activity are a key strategy in addressing childhood and

Nutrition & Academic Performance

Many studies show a direct link between nutritional intake & academic performance Participation in breakfast programs is associated with better academic test scores, improved daily attendance, & better class participation, and also reduces tardiness Healthy eating is important – Emerging research suggests an association between weight problems and lower academic achievement Main reason is increased absenteeism, which has been clearly and directly linked to poorer academic performance It is probable that students with poor nutrition, inactivity & weight problems have higher prevalence of physical conditions & psychological and social problems that are frequent causes of absenteeism

THE LEARNING CONNECTION The Value of Improving Nutrition and Physical Activity in Our Schools www.ActionForHealthyKids.org

Physical Activity (PA) & Academics

Physical activity in adolescents has consistently been related to higher self esteem & lower anxiety and stress — each of which has been associated with better academic performance Fitness is associated with better academic achievement scores – California Department of Education compared physical fitness testing & Stanford Achievement Tests (SAT) in 900,000 5 th , 7 th & 9 th graders – Reading & math scores higher in students with greater fitness

THE LEARNING CONNECTION The Value of Improving Nutrition and Physical Activity in Our Schools www.ActionForHealthyKids.org

Physical Activity (PA) & Academics

Collectively evidence shows ↑ school PA associated with – Better academics – Higher math scores despite less classroom time – No compromise in math & reading standardized achievement test scores regardless of reduced academic time

Trudeau F. Int J Behav Nutrition & Phys Activity 2008;5:10:1-41

This Journey Needs a Great Ending

Healthy Active Students