Balancing Your Life in a Busy World

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Balancing Your Life
in a Busy World
Now it happened as they went
that He entered a certain
village; and a certain woman
named Martha welcomed Him
into her house. And she had a
sister called Mary, who also sat
at Jesus’ feet and heard His
But Martha was distracted with
much serving, and she
approached Him and said,
“Lord, do You not care that my
sister has left me to serve
And Jesus answered and said
to her, “Martha, Martha, you are
worried and troubled about
is needed, and Mary has
chosen that good part, which
will not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:38-42 NKJV
Recognizing an Unbalanced Life
1. When you are distracted by duty v. 40
2. When you feel alone v. 40
Steps to Restoring Balance in
Your Life
1. Learn the discipline of listening v.39
2. Focus on the few important things in
life v. 41-42
3. Realize your level of living
A Tale of Two Hearts
Warning signs of Martha Overload
1. There should not be any limits to what I
can do.
2. I have the capacity to help everyone.
3. I am the only person available to help.
4. I must never make a mistake.
5. I have the ability to change another
A Tale of Two Hearts
Martha’s Heart
A Tale of Two Hearts
Martha’s Heart
1. The Distracted heart
What were Martha’s distractions?
a. Her to do list; “All the
b. Her unmet expectations i.e Mary
to help
c. Her attitude; self-pity
A Tale of Two Hearts
Martha’s Heart
1. The Distracted heart
2. The Doubtful heart “Don’t you
care…” v. 40
A Tale of Two Hearts
Martha’s Heart
1. The Distracted heart
2. The Doubtful heart
3. The Discouraged heart - “…left
me to work by myself.” v. 40
Steps to Overcome Discouragement
1. Pull over for rest stops
2. Get a new perspective
3. Develop Patience
4. Associate with encouraging friends
5. Set a time limit
Mary’s Heart
Mary’s Heart
1. The Attracted heart - “…sat at the
Lord’s feet.” v. 39
Mary’s Heart
1. The Attracted heart
2. The Encouraged heart “…listening
to what He said.” v.39b
Mary’s Heart
1. The Attracted heart
2. The Encouraged heart
3. The Hopeful heart - “…it will not be
taken away from her.” v.42