Transcript English II

English III
Multiple Choice
Which sentence best describes how
George Washington’s letter represents
his political views at the time?
A. It emphasizes his desire to never
return to a monarchy.
B. It illustrates his opinion that
governmental changes create
C. It presents the leadership
qualities he believes are needed
to govern a new country.
D. It reveals his readiness to lead the
army in the fight for democracy.
Multiple Choice
How does the letter best represent
correspondence during the American
Revolutionary War period?
A. It contains popular expressions
typical of that time period.
B. It illustrates how presidents
addressed ordinary citizens.
C. It demonstrates the tone and
style of writing that war generals
D. It reveals the beliefs held by all
politicians at that time.
Multiple Choice
Which sentence best explains what
the opening and closing of the letter
show today’s reader.
A. The letters written from one
army leader to another were
highly confidential.
B. Gentlemen who disagreed still
wrote to one another with
formality and respect.
C. Men used to speak with sarcasm
when they wrote letters arguing
about politics.
D. Letters written during the
American Revolutionary War
mirror examples of modern
electronic correspondence.
Multiple Choice
Washington’s reaction to the
suggestion that he become king can
best be described as
Multiple Choice
Beth wants to conduct an online search about
Martha Washington’s life at the time of the
American Revolutionary War. Which keywords
would yield the most relevant information for her
First Ladies and war
Martha Washington biography
Women during the Revolutionary War
Martha Washington and the Revolutionary War
Multiple Choice
Tom is writing an essay about the gentle nature
of Martha Washington.
Which quote from his research would best
support his essay topic?
A. “Mrs. Washington is one of those unassuming characters which
create love and esteem.” Abigail Adams
B “Martha Washington was once the overseer of four different farms!”
Mary Davies
C “I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else.” Martha
D “George Washington relied on the help, wisdom, and support of
his wife.” Walter James
Multiple Choice
Read this paragraph from a student’s essay.
Before Martha Washington married George Washington and
became America’s first First Lady, she lived a difficult life. When she
was just 18 years old, she married Daniel Parke Custis. They started
a family, but sadly, only two of their four children survived infancy.
Still in her mid-20s, Martha Custis became a single parent of two
babies, when her husband died.
Which is the correct way to revise the underlined sentence?
Still in her mid-20s Martha Custis became a single parent of two
babies when her husband died.
Still in her mid-20s Martha Custis became a single parent of two
babies, when her husband died.
Still in her mid-20s, Martha Custis became a single parent of two
babies when her husband died.
No change.
Multiple Choice
Read this paragraph from a student’s report.
Martha Washington dedicated herself to her children, her home,
and her husband. Putting strangers at ease and to ensure guests
felt welcome were important to her. She believed that happiness
depended on one’s attitude and not on one’s circumstances. The
first First Lady did not care for empty praise, showy ceremonies, or
false relationships.
Which phrase correctly replaces the underlined part of the
ensuring guests felt welcome
to ensure guests feel welcome
she ensured her guests felt welcome
No change.
Read this quote from Mahatma Gandhi.
You must be the change you wish to
see in the world.
Read the following two excerpts from
speeches given by Theodore
Roosevelt and Robert F. Kennedy. In a
well-developed, multi-paragraph essay,
discuss how these speeches reflect the
quote from Mahatma Gandhi. Use
details from both speeches to
support your response.
In some states, legislators have debated whether teenagers should be required to
maintain strong grades in school in order to receive a driver’s license. Read the following
two excerpts from newspaper articles. Then, write a well-developed, multi-paragraph
persuasive essay in which you argue for or against this policy. Use details from both
excerpts to support your response.