Transcript Slide 1

Unit 8
New Nations
• After WWII, people
questioned the
practice of owning
colonies after a
war against
• Could one nation
rightfully control
another and were
the costs and
worth it?
Mohandas Gandhi
• Gandhi organized a
nonviolent movement for
the independence of India.
• He used hunger strikes and
boycotts to shame the
British into granting
“swaraj” or self-rule.
Independence for India
• After WWII, Britain
would grant
independence to
India. But who
would rule?
• India was home to
over 350 million
Hindus and over 100
million Muslims.
Partition of India
• In 1946, four days of fighting in
Calcutta left more than 5,000
people dead.
• Britain decided to partition
(separate) India into two separate
nations. One with a majority
population of Hindu people, the
other a Muslim majority.
• In July 1947, the two nations of
India and Pakistan were granted
independence by the British
• An estimated 1,000,000 people
were killed in fighting during the
partitioning of India……Including
Mohandas Gandhi….
• August 15, 1947, India
became the largest
democracy in the world.
• Jawaharlal Nehru
became the 1st prime
minister. He tried to
raise the status of the
lower castes at the
bottom of society and
improve women's rights.
• Kashmir, at the northern
point of India is also next
to Pakistan.
• The majority of the
population at the time of
partition was Muslim but
its ruler was Hindu.
• India and Pakistan
fought over control of
Kashmir until the U.N.
arranged a cease-fire
leaving two thirds under
India’s control and one
third under Pakistan's.
• Pakistan was originally divided
into a West Pakistan and East
Pakistan, which today is called
• Muhammad Ali Jinnah had
provided strong leadership
encouraging Muslims to reject
the Hindu dominated Congress
Party of India and instead
support the Muslim League.
Now West Pakistan was an
independent Muslim majority
• In 1971 East Pakistan
declared itself
independent and called
itself Bangladesh.
• A Civil War was fought
and eventually Indian
forces intervened and
Bangladesh was
independent. Pakistan
had lost 1/7th if land and
½ of its population.
Sri Lanka
• A small island nation at
the southern tip of India.
3/4th of the population is
Buddhist and 1/5th is
• The Tamil people have
been fighting a civil war
in Sri Lanka trying to
force the creation of a
separate Tamil nation.
Post WWII Middle East
• After WWII and the
Holocaust many people
felt sympathy for the
Jews. The U.N. decided
to create a Jewish state.
• Despite all Islamic nations
voting against it in the
U.N. on May 14th 1948
Israel was created from
land partitioned from
• The day after Israel was
created, May 14, 1948, six
Islamic nations invaded.
The 1st Arab-Israeli war of
the 20th century.
• After months of fighting,
Israel had won and gained
more land. Hundreds of
thousands of Palestinians
fled to refugee camps.
• Major wars would follow
in 1967 and 1973. Both
were victories for Israel.
• Palestine Liberation
Organization. Yasir Arafat
organized a military wing
of this group for an armed
struggle against Israel.
• “Uprising” The widespread
use of civil disobedience and
protests against Israeli
• This affected the way the
world looked at the
Palestinian situation and put
pressure on Israel to
negotiate with the
• 1993 Oslo Peace Accords.
Israel granted the right of
self-rule to Palestinians in the
Gaza Strip and West Bank.
• South African policy
complete legal separation
of the races, including the
banning of all social
contacts between blacks
and whites.
• The U.S. and most of Europe
placed sanctions on South
Africa. Nations refused to
invest money or trade with
a isolated South Africa.
Nelson Mandela
• Because he protested and
fought against apartheid
Nelson Mandela was
imprisoned for 26 years.
• In 1990 President de Klerk
released Mandela from
prison and one year later
Mandela became the
President of South Africa.
• The two men shared the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
World History -McDougal Littell 2003
Let’s Review: Global History and Geography 5th Edition