Transcript Slide 1

The WRAP process for better decision making
W - Widen your options
(avoid narrow frames and "whether or
not" decisions)
1. Make sure you have at least 3 options before making a decision, think AND not OR - can you follow
multiple options at once?
2. Find someone who has solved your problem
3. Toggle between "Promotion" and "Prevention"
R - Reality test your assumptions
(fight confirmation bias)
1. Tripadvisor it! Zoom out (consider base rates) and zoom in (take a close up)
2. Fight confirmation bias - spark constructive disagreement by considering the opposite point of view
3. Ooch before you leap
A - Attain distance before deciding
(resist short term influences, make
decisions aligned to core priorities)
P - Prepare to be wrong
(don't get cocky about your decisions)
A WRAP for quick decisions
(Memorize this )
1. Identify and refer to your 3 core priorities
2. What would you advise your best friend to do? / What would a new person do?
3. Try the 10/10/10 rule
1. Bookend the future - view it as a full spectrum of possibilities
2. Set a tripwire/trigger to review your decision
3. Create a realistic job preview
W - Make sure you have at least 3 options or find someone who has solved your problem
R - Tripadvisor it!
A - Identify and refer to your 3 core priorities
P - View the future as a spectrum of possibilities and set a tripwire
“Don’t confuse bad results with bad decisions. Play for the long term and seek out a great process. It’s the best ally you can hope for.”
Created for “The Mastermind Group” – with thanks to Decisive by Chip Heath and Dan Heath