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Transcript CCRC ANNUAL REPORT 2009

2008 - 2009 Annual Report
Helping turn things around
Don Cumming, President
Anne Adair, Vice President
Janice Green, Past President
Meghann Agnew, Treasurer
Shirl Delarue, Secretary
Emmet Connolly
Karen Derian
Heide Flatten
Helene Lowry
Judy Loukras
Carol Pedler
(L-R) Meghann Agnew, Helene Lowry, Heide Flatten, Emmet Connolly, Don Cumming, Janice Green,
Judy Loukras, Karen Derian Missing: Anne Adair, Shirl Delarue, Carol Pedler
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
President & ED Report
Mission, Vision & Values
Strategic Commitments
Committee Reports
Program Reports
Program Statistics
Auditors’ Report
Success Stories
Recognition Pages
We are pleased to report on an active and successful year, with significant achievements and new
initiatives in strategic direction and service delivery.
In 2008-09, CCRC helped turn things around for over 12,000 people. We encourage readers to
review the program information, stories and statistics in this report and to note not only the
number or people served but also the range of services that helped to improve people’s personal
well-being, credit and financial management, access to housing, and connection with community.
CCRC works to empower and bring hope to clients and to create positive social change. We do this
through one-to-one work as well as work to alleviate systemic factors contributing to client issues,
such as those related to poverty, violence, housing insecurity, relationship difficulties, criminal
justice, consumer credit and financial management.
CCRC’s work is supported by the leadership of a committed and talented Board of Directors. We thank all Board members for successfully
completing an energetic set of tasks over the past year. This included an extensive six month strategic planning process, involving the Board
and all staff. We are pleased to release our new strategic commitments in this annual report and to report that work on these has begun and
will continue in the coming years.
The Board has been actively involved in a search for new and improved property for our services and has intensified this work in the past year.
We wish to express special thanks to Shirl Delarue for leading this search and hope to have news on this in the coming months. Special thanks
are also extended to Judy Loukras for leading our successful Juke Box Mania event and to Anne Adair and Helene Lowry for their leadership of
our Advocacy and Human Resource Committees.
We thank all our partners, donors, funders and volunteers for responding generously in addressing the urgent needs presented to us, especially
in this year of economic downturn. Special appreciation is extended to the United Way of Peterborough and District, the City and County of
Peterborough, the Province of Ontario, Service Canada, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Peterborough Foundation and Peterborough
Utilities Services for making our services possible this year.
Our services would not be successful without the tremendous care and commitment all CCRC staff bring to their work every single day. Special
thanks are extended to all the staff of CCRC and to our management team, Joanne Duquette, Shelley Giardino, Arthur Herold, Margaret
McCutcheon, Rosemary O’Donnell, and Steve Wesley for going well beyond the call of duty in helping turn things around in 2008-09.
Don C. Cumming,
President & ED Report
Casey Ready,
Executive Director
CCRC exists to make a positive and lasting difference in people’s lives.
CCRC helps people strengthen their lives and promotes community well-being. We do this through services that
offer counselling, support and resources to assist with personal well-being, credit and financial management,
access to housing and connection with community.
We promote individual and community well being through:
Meeting people with caring, compassion, acceptance
Commitment to Clients
Offering high quality, supportive, accessible, and integrated services
Operating Principles
CCRC has an ongoing commitment to
strengthen its service capacity by:
Commitment to Community
Addressing issues including those related to poverty and social justice which
affect our clients, through involvement in partnerships, education and advocacy
Providing expertise and support to identify and respond effectively to emerging
needs relevant to our purpose
Recognizing the importance of volunteerism
Mission, Vision & Values
Maintaining a client-centred focus
Ensuring services respond to changing
Offering services that are accessible,
affordable and integrated
Creating partnerships that benefit
clients and enhance services
Advocating about priority policy
issues that affect clients
Maximizing financial stability and
Being a desired place to work and
CCRC is committed to moving forward in the following areas towards our vision and mission:
Enhance Sustainability
Secure new sustainable resources to provide quality services
Increase collaborations and partnerships in the community
Increase understanding of our role in the social determinants of health
Enhance use of technology to support service delivery
Tell more people about what we do and why
Commit to Social Change
* Increase public education and prevention work
* Influence public policies related to clients’ needs
* Educate the public about and be responsive to the reality of social injustices related to
client needs, such as poverty and violence
Increase Inclusivity and Diversity
* Be proactive in addressing poverty issues
* Enhance services for county residents and seniors
* Develop a diversity lens and enhance inclusion of diverse groups in
the agency and in service delivery
Strategic Commitments
Advocacy Committee
Human Resource Policy Advisory Committee
The CCRC Advocacy Committee was struck in 2007 to address
injustices and inequities at a systemic level which impact the lives
of our clients. With a focus on “income distribution,” the
committee has worked to influence public policy through such
efforts as endorsing the 25-in-5: Network for Poverty Reduction
campaign, and by responding to political decisions that affect
social assistance and income levels, such as changes to the
National Child Benefit and introduction of the Ontario Child
Benefit. At a local level, CCRC participates on various social
justice initiatives including the Affordable Housing Action
Committee (AHAC), the Homelessness Committee (Social Services),
the Peterborough Domestic Assault Network (PDAN), the Housing
Workers’ Network and three sub-committees of the Peterborough
Action Committee on Poverty Reduction (Basic Needs, Food and
This is an ad-hoc committee, called as needed to review
human resource policies and recommend changes to the CCRC
Board. The committee began meeting in the fall of 2008 with
the purpose of reviewing CCRC’s salary range system based on
a request from staff and a recommendation in a 2006 report.
The committee began by looking at various studies and articles
on compensation and then moved on to data gathering. We’ve
now begun to assess the information brought together and
hope to have a report and recommendations to present to the
staff and then the Board by early fall 2009.
Advocacy efforts have also manifested in very practical ways. To
foster a culture of equality and justice, CCRC staff are involved in
anti-oppression training. To support the needs of CCRC clients, an
information card was created to guide residents who need help
paying rent or utilities. I want to express thanks to the members of
this committee: Don Cumming, Margaret McCutcheon, Rosemary
O’Donnell, Casey Ready and Maisie Watson.
Although our discussions have been interesting and rewarding,
the massive amounts of data and information are complex and
challenging to analyze and assess. I’m sure no one on our
committee knew how much work was involved prior to agreeing
to share the job. I would like to express my appreciation for
the commitment of our entire group, comprised of Board
members Karen Derian, Sue Leeson and myself, community
volunteer Barb Thompson and staff, Casey Ready, Joanne
Duquette, Kim Hamilton Arthur Herold and Margaret
McCutcheon, for the depth and breadth of expertise they are
bringing to the task and their cool, analytical heads in tackling
a sensitive and important process. We plan to report to the
Board in the fall of 2009.
~ Anne Adair, Chair
~ Helene Lowry, Chair
Committee Reports
Juke Box Mania Committee
Communications & Fundraising Committee
I have had the honour of chairing the Juke Box Mania fundraising
committee for two years and worked on the event for a third
year. The growth and development of the project over the
three years is evident in the return of many of the attendees
year to year, attraction of new members to the committee and
additions to the event each year, including improved location,
improved food offering, additional fundraisers at the event,
more volunteers, bigger silent auction, and the WOLF/KRUZ as
excellent DJ’s for the night. This growth has resulted in
increasing the profile of CCRC in the community.
The roles of this Committee are to develop communications and
fundraising strategies, to build community support and increase
resources for CCRC, and to support the implementation of
approved communications and fundraising plans.
Juke Box Mania 2009 raised over $8,000 to prevent homelessness
through CCRC’s Housing Resource Centre. These funds will be
put to excellent use, given a significant increase in need for
these services. However, these results were less than we had
hoped for and the committee believes this is a result of the
down turn in the economy as there were fewer businesses
buying corporate and sponsorship tables. We continue to feel
positive about the growth of the event next year.
I would like to thank the committee members for their hard
work and commitment to the event; Emmet Connolly, Heide
Flatten, Helene Lowry, Kathy Makowchik, Beth McMaster, Kim
Hamilton, Nikki Langley, Casey Ready and Heather Watson.
This year’s work was led by CCRC’s 2008-09 Communications
Plan, which included activities in the areas of community
awareness, program promotion and fundraising and resource
development. The Committee oversaw two direct mail
campaigns; facilitated the release of two agency newsletters, a
Donor Report and our new e-newsletter; initiated work on a
donor bill of rights; and supported the development of a new
look for our annual report. The Committee also oversaw the
Public Education program funded through the Trillium
Foundation, which included the development and delivery of
public education sessions, the creation of the new web-site and
e-newsletter, the addition of our new Donor Report and the
improvement of processes and materials for our direct mail
I want to thank Committee members, Janice Green, Christine
Post, Joanne Duquette, Nancy Jackson, Margaret McCutcheon,
Heather Watson and Casey Ready for their creativity, hard work
and continued interest in building support and resources for
CCRC over the past year.
~ Judy Loukras, 2009 Event Chair
~ Don C. Cumming, Chair
Committee Reports
Property Committee
Over the past 12 months the Property Committee has continued its efforts to find a location for CCRC
which meets the criteria established by the Board. To that end we have:
Worked with commercial real estate brokers
Finding no suitable location (vacant land or existing building) we entered a negotiation process with
George Street United Church regarding the potential lease of space
Met with representatives from the Church Council regularly
Established a lease sub-committee
Solicited for and reviewed submissions from three architects/designers/project managers
Selected architectural designer, Laurie Young
Met regularly with Laurie Young re: agency needs
Met with Jeff Leal, M.P.P.; Dean Del Mastro, M.P.; Malcolm Hunt, City Planning Director; and Ken
Doherty, Director of Community Services, and Andy Mitchell of the Greater Peterborough Area Economic
Development Council
Developed a budget for the renovation project
Made grant applications to the Peterborough Foundation, Trillium, Community Futures and the Federal
Enabling Accessibility Fund, and Industry Canada’s Community Adjustment Fund
I wish to thank our committee members, Carole Pedler and Emmet Connolly, for their hard work and
dedication to this project. We also wish to acknowledge the work undertaken by Casey Ready on this project. Her
leadership, professionalism, time management abilities and credibility in the community have been critical to our work.
~ Shirl Delarue, Chair
Committee Reports
CCRC’s Counselling Program is a total team effort. From the good people of
Peterborough City and County who contribute their hard earned dollars to United
Way, to our roster of dedicated counsellors, to our administrative and management
support teams, our volunteers, and our other funders and contributors, thank you for
making this essential program possible!
I am well placed to appreciate this work, because all the Client Evaluation Forms
that are filled in come across my desk. I am continually humbled by the appreciation
expressed by clients for this service and their testimony to its often “life-changing”
effect on them and their families. My load is lightened by the strength of character
of the counselling team, who show their dedication daily in their willingness to “go
the extra mile” to bring excellence and innovation to their work.
Back Row from left: Jane Barry, Kim Rogers, Arthur Herold, Carson Ryner
Front Row from left: Ellie Stewart, Kirsten Armbrust, Brenda Logan
Missing: Kim Heise
This year we welcomed Jane Barry and Brenda Logan to our team of permanent
counselling staff, and provided professional placement opportunities for 2 students.
In another major development, we received annualized funding from the Ontario
Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide counselling to women survivors
of sexual abuse. We continued important partnerships with the Kawartha-Haliburton
Children’s Aid Society, the Peterborough Domestic Abuse Network, as well as with
the City of Peterborough, which funds the Housing Social Worker Program. We
negotiated a new partnership with our community’s children’s mental health
providers to coordinate treatment in certain situations when we are providing service
to the parents of children they serve. Also in the past year, we were pleased to add
the Fairhaven Long Term Care facility to our growing roster of customers for
Employee Assistance Plan Services.
In keeping with one of our strategic goals for the year, we have been able to offer
more counselling groups, as we recognize both the efficiencies and therapeutic
benefits of this modality. This spring we ran a total of 9 groups, including a new
group format called Choices and Changes for women exploring their patterns in
choosing and relating to intimate partners. We are looking forward to building on
these gains in the coming year!
~ Arthur Herold, Manager
Program Reports
Housing Resource Centre
There was a 32% increase in service requests during the last half of the fiscal year when the recession
resulted in reduced income, job loss and widespread housing instability throughout the City and County.
Of the more than 7,000 client contacts, over 4,000 paid more than 50% of their income to housing and
over 90% had incomes below Statistic Canada’s Low Income Cut Off line. It is noteworthy that 46% of our
clients are single individuals and 34% are parents with children.
For an average of less than $400, our Homelessness Prevention Funds helped 570 households to stabilize
their housing. Energy assistance comprised 57% of the total of $227,587 allocated over the last year.
Through CCRC’s public education initiative ,we facilitated the creation of a local Housing Workers
Network, hosted public education, and led two workshops at the first conference of the newly formed
Housing Help Association of Ontario.
Jaime Bowen, Kelly Scott, Margaret McCutcheon,
Rosemary O’Donnell, Margaret Carson
Missing: Karen Hennessey
I would like to acknowledge the City and County of Peterborough and the United Way for their continued
support and partnership and also offer sincere thanks to our many partners, students, volunteers and our
a highly effective staff team for their commitment to our clients and community.
~ Rosemary O’Donnell, Manager
The recession has resulted in a dramatic challenge for many families and individuals in the
Peterborough region. Jobs, income and net worth have been disappearing at an alarming rate and
this has caused a significant increase in demand for our services. We are hopeful that several new
initiatives including our redesigned telephone ad, our newly developed client review process, trust
account deposit system and updated website will improve accessibility for our clients.
We have been proud to have been able to provide, with the assistance of the United Way of
Peterborough and District, more than 27 community workshops and 5 public education events that
reached at least 1,550 individuals. We also distributed 1050 copies of our educational booklet,
Help You Help Yourself, to the community. Numerous television, radio and newspaper events
further helped to provide needed information and advice to many more thousands of people within
the City and County. The ability to meet this unprecedented challenge couldn’t happen without
the ongoing support of the CCRC Board and staff, United Way and our donors. Your assistance is
much appreciated.
~ Steve Wesley, Manager
Nancy Jackson, Steve Wesley, Larry Keller, Jennifer Takuski
In 2008, the Community Service Order (CSO) Program carried over 200 clients from 2007 in addition to receiving
333 new youth and adult orders, with referrals slightly down over the previous year. Overall, CSO clients
contributed 14,263 hours to non-profit organizations within Peterborough City and County. The program secured
some additional funding to alleviate budget stresses for staff towards the end of December 2008. Special thanks
to Case Coordinator Karyn Gimblett and Program Assistant Christine Hignett for their hard work and dedication to
the program.
During the year, CSO staff made 129 contacts with community partners including maintenance of registered
placements and development of 7 new placements. In all, 185 placements are registered with the CSO program.
Additionally, CSO staff attended 15 community initiatives that were program related including: Youth Advisory
Council, Youth Justice Networking Committee, Ontario Criminal Justice Association, and the United Way Youth
Service Providers Cooperative.
The CSO Networker newsletter, distributed bi-annually, reached a total of 542 community partners, members of
the judiciary and Probation and Parole to communicate program news, issues and client stories. Furthermore, on
Karyn Gimblett, Christine Hignett, Shelley Giardino
June 3, 2008, the CSO Program hosted an evening with Pardons Canada to benefit clients and community
partners interested in the process of criminal record removal.
~ Shelley Giardino, Manager
We were pleased to implement the final ten months of our grant from The Ontario Trillium Foundation in 2008-09. The goals of this grant were to
improve understanding among the public of emotional, financial, housing and health issues and prevention; to increase our capacity for providing and
sustaining public education; and to improve our capacity for marketing and agency branding.
Through this grant, we developed an exciting and interactive new website, at, which includes forms and calculators, newsletters,
documents, a secure shared space for staff and Board members and the capacity for continual updating. A new Housing Worker’s Network, providing
ongoing training, connection and support to local front line housing workers, was created and is continuing. Other achievements include an agencywide media and marketing plan, the design and delivery of over 25 community workshops, enhanced contact with the media, and the introduction of
our new e-newsletter, Community Matters: CCRC’s Voice for Public Education and Advocacy.
While the grant was completed at the end of January 2009, we continue public education work through each of our programs and have committed to
increasing this in our 2009-2012 Strategic Plan. We thank The Ontario Trillium Foundation for supporting this initiative and we extend special thanks
to Margaret McCutcheon, who led this work as Public Education Manager until the completion of the grant in January 2009.
The past year has been one of growth and change in our team. CCRC’s long term Finance Assistant, Dianne Borrow retired in
early 2009 after working with us for 15 years. We wish her well in her retirement! We welcomed Sarah Bailey in the position
of Finance Assistant. In the area of Communications, we welcomed Heather Watson as our new Resource Developer on a parttime contract basis. Through this new role, the area of Resource Development has experienced increased capacity and donor
connection and stewardship. We also welcomed Nikki Langley, our fourth annual Fleming Social Service Worker Placement
student in the position of Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Associate.
The agency’s financial status ended the year on a positive note. Overall agency donations increased and assisted our efforts to
help our clients “turn things around.” The generous contributions of donors also supported the Housing Emergency Assistance
Fund, a Fund that has no other ongoing source of revenue to assist people in need within our community.
Many thanks to the hard working and dedicated FAC team and to the volunteers, funders and donors who support all CCRC
programs. When you support our agency you become an important part of a network of people who are committed to making a
difference in the lives of the people within their community.
~ Joanne Duquette, Manager
Kim Hamilton, Joanne Duquette, Sarah Bailey, Heather Watson
Program Reports
Housing Resource Centre Services Provided
Counselling Clients Seen/Program ~ 2008/2009
57 (3%)
Against Aphasia
Women 72 (4%)
93 (5%)
Child and Peaceful
Intervention 69 (4%)
53 (3%)
148 (9%)
202 (12%)
United Way
655 (38%)
Housing Social
384 (22%)
Total seen : 1733
Counselling &
Information in Information Advocacy In Stabilization
by Telephone
Program Statistics
Housing Resource Centre Statistics
% change
Total Client Contacts
Households at risk of homelessness within 30 days
Households Accessing Emergency Funds
Unique Households Served
Total Funds Allocated
Average Allocation / household
Credit Counselling Services 2008-2009
Public Education Statistics
Number of people who benefited
Number of people at public education events
Number of people at workshops
Number of people at 3rd party presentations
Program Statistics
Total Cases Served
Brief Service Cases
BIA Counselling
DMP Funds Distributed
Preventative Education
Print Articles
Extracted from the Audited 2009 Financial Statements prepared by Collins Barrow Kawarthas LLP.
Copies of the 2009 Financial Statements and the Auditors’ Report are available to any member upon request.
Auditors’ Report
Extracted from the Audited 2009 Financial Statements prepared by Collins Barrow Kawarthas LLP.
Copies of the 2009 Financial Statements and the Auditors’ Report are available to any member upon request.
Auditors’ Report
Simple actions can change a world. In the following program stories, our clients
demonstrate how, together, we make a difference in their lives:
~ Community Service Orders ~
During assessment to begin community
service, a client expressed an interest in
connecting with a particular
organization, which she was interested in
due to her studies at school. Placement
was arranged with the organization and
the client was hired part time after
completing her community service due to
her enthusiasm and the knowledge she
had to share with the placement.
A number of months passed and the
client called her caseworker to report
she had been hired to manage a program
at the organization. The client was
delighted and stated she would not have
had the opportunity had the Community
Service Order Program not connected
with this organization.
Success Stories
~ Credit Counselling~
A recently widowed father of three small children approached our service. In
addition to his wife’s death, he had just been laid off from his former well paying
job of twelve years and his mortgage and personal debts had fallen into serious
arrears. Although he had just found a new, lesser paying job, the mortgage
company wasn’t going to give him the time needed to bring his arrears up to date.
The risk of power-of-sale and legal action were very real. However, by advocating
on his behalf with the mortgagee and by engaging the client in a debt management
program, we were able to help avert what would have been a personal family
disaster. It will take our client several years to fully recover financially but at least
he and his children can continue to live in what has been their only home.
~ Counselling ~
Stan called seeking counselling at the suggestion of his probation officer, who was
involved with Stan following his conviction for assaulting a woman friend. Stan is a
divorced middle-aged man and father of two adolescents. Two years ago he lost a
good factory job and now drives a delivery truck, making substantially less money.
In individual counselling Stan gained some insight into how he lost motivation and
sank into negative attitudes following his divorce and job loss. Stan set some goals
involving job retraining and improving his relationships with his children. He then
attended the Men’s Managing Change Group, where he connected with other men
and learned new skills in communication and managing emotions.
Simple actions can change a world. In the following program stories, our clients
demonstrate how, together, we make a difference in their lives:
~ Housing Resource Centre ~
Late last month we were contacted by both the MPP’s office and a Township Councillor about a couple with five children, whose
hydro was disconnected. The couple live in the County were unaware of our services. We were unable to speak with them by phone
as their service was disconnected. They could not come to our offices because their truck needed repairs. We arranged for them to
call us from a neighbour’s home over a mile away.
Rick worked at a local store and his hours were cut recently. Debbie is on maternity leave and waiting over two months for her
Employment Insurance (EI) payments to begin. The telephone interview was humiliating for the client because there was no privacy
and frustrating because he didn’t have a lot of the information needed at hand.
With reduced income, the family had fallen into not just electricity but also mortgage arrears and the bank was sending threatening
letters. In order to qualify for any of our funds we needed documentation of their income, etc. This meant a delay and the hydro was
disconnected causing additional fees to reconnect it.
With no other funds available, the hydro was reconnected from the public donations to the Emergency Fund. The HRC worker
advocated with the bank regarding the mortgage arrears and once Debbie received her EI, the family paid the amount owing and is
now able to keep their mortgage current.
Success Stories
With the support of our funders and
donors, we were able to respond
wherever the need was greatest to
support individuals and families in our
community. Thanks to YOU, CCRC has
been able to Help Turn Things Around
for many individuals and families. Our
donors’ names do not appear here to
respect confidentiality.
The Board and Staff of CCRC would like
to extend our appreciation and gratitude
to all of our funders and supporters:
We also extend our sincere
appreciation to our members, donors,
and to the many individuals,
organizations, and agencies who share
their expertise and wisdom, their
interest and quiet support, often
anonymously, but always with impact.
Recognition Pages
City and County of Peterborough
Ministry of Children & Youth Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care/Central East Local Health
Integration Network
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Peterborough Utilities Services
Service Canada
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
The Peterborough Foundation
United Way of Peterborough & District
Family Service Canada
Family Service Ontario
Cogeco Cable Solutions
Doyle Scholarship
Enbridge Gas (Winter Warmth Program)
Hydro One (Winter Warmth Program)
The Companies who support our Debt Management Programs
Canadian Bankers Association
Credit Counselling Canada
Credit Counselling Service of Toronto
Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services
Ontario Housing Help Centre Network
The landlords who listed their rental vacancies on our Housing
The community organizations that are placements for Community
Service Order clients
Housing Action Committee (AHAC)
Alan Lawson, Fisher Inc.
BIRCH Centre
Brock Mission
Canadian Mental Health Association
Community Access Centre, Peterborough
Canadian Mental Health Association
Champions for Youth
City and County of Peterborough
Cogeco Cable Solutions
Community Care Peterborough
Crown Attorney’s Office
Curve Lake First Nations Band Office
Elizabeth Fry Society
Elder Abuse Prevention Network of Ontario
Family Services Kingston
Family Services Toronto
Family Services Ottawa
Family & Youth Clinic
Recognition Pages
Counties Children’s Centre
Fleming College
Greater Peterborough Business Development Corporation
Help Centre – Cobourg
Homegrown Homes
Hometown Learning Centre Havelock
Housing Access Peterborough
Housing Workers Network
John Howard Society
Kawartha Connected Communities
Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre
Lakefield Affordable Housing Group
New Canadians’ Centre
Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabe-Kwewag Services
Ontario Community Justice Association
Ontario Disability Support Program
We would like to extend our
appreciation to all of those agencies
and committees who we have had the
privilege of partnering with to serve
this community.
Aids Resource Network
Peterborough Area Fundraisers Network
Peterborough Coalition for Dental Health Care
Peterborough Community Legal Centre
Peterborough Communication Support Services
Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Peterborough County OPP
Peterborough Domestic Assault Network
Peterborough Drug Awareness Coalition
Peterborough Homelessness Support Services Coordinating
Peterborough Poverty Reduction Committee
Peterborough-Lakefield Community Police
Peterborough Northumberland Victim Services
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
Peterborough Social Planning Council
PVNC Catholic District School Board
Peterborough Utilities Services
Peterborough Youth Services
Probation & Parole Services
Recognition Pages
Outreach Centre Buckhorn
Salvation Army
Service Canada
St. Vincent de Paul
Suicide Self Help
Telecare Peterborough
Toronto Hostels Training Centre
Township of Asphodel Norwood
Trent Centre for Community Based Education
Trent University
United Way of Peterborough & District
Victim Witness Assistance Program
Victorian Order of Nurses
Women’s Health Care Centre
Youth Emergency Shelter
Youth Justice Networking Committee
Youth Justice Partnership Council
YWCA of Peterborough Victoria and Haliburton
We would like to extend our
appreciation to all of those agencies
and committees who we have had the
privilege of partnering with to serve
this community.
Volunteers are an essential part of CCRC. Their
generous gifts of time, effort, and skill allow us to provide high
quality service to our clients.
We would like to extend our thanks to all of our volunteers for
all that you do.
Jaime Bowen
Anna Gartshore
John Hunter
Nikki Langley
Jay Lough-Hayes
Jenn Kalus
Kathy Makowchik
Beth McMaster
Savorn Noun
Christine Post
Lois Reynolds
Tom Robbins
Molly Stollmeyer
Barbara Thompson
All the volunteers with Juke Box Mania
Members of CCRC Board of Directors
Recognition Pages
Thank You!
For helping turn things around
Public Education
459 Reid Street
Peterborough, ON, K9H 4G7
T: 705.742.4258
F: 705.741.1734
Housing Resource Centre
229 King Street
Peterborough, ON, K9J 2R8
T: 705.743.9122
F: 705.742.3015
Community Service Orders
229 King Street
Peterborough, ON, K9J 2R8
T: 705.743.6376
F: 705.742.3015
Credit Counselling
351 Charlotte Street
Peterborough, ON, K9J 2W1
T: 705.742.1351
F: 705.742.2895
Toll Free: 800.274.1611
On Line