Transcript Document

Innovations in language
Technology in support of
2009-2010 semester 2 TESL 3240 Lecture
• Innovation
• CALL: Computer Assited Langauge Learning
• Case studies of how technologies are used in L2
teaching and learning
• Technology: a blessing or a burden?
• Innovation is the introduction of new
ideas, methods, or things.(Colins
• It can be incremental (small steps), or it
can be radical (large change)
• Through innovation, new ideas are given life
and other things that were labelled as
impossible are even closer to reality because
of this practice.(Computer world blogs.
“Innovation: Does it really matter or is it just
a fuzzy buzzword?”[Online] 27 April 2009.
Computer-assisted language
• CALL is a form of computer-based
assisted learning which carries two
important features: bidirectional learning
and individualized learning.
• The focus of CALL is learning, and not
• CALL materials are tools for learning.
• Others may call CALL an approach to
teaching and learning foreign languages
whereby the computer and computerbased resources such as the Internet are
used to present, reinforce and assess
material to be learned.
• CALL can be made independent of the
Internet. It can stand alone for example
in a CD-ROM format.
• Except for self-study software, CALL is
meant to supplement face-to-face
language instruction, not replace it.
Teaching English using…?
• Projector
• Tape recorder
• Video
• CD ROM/Software
• Internet
Internet based language learning
• Courseware
• Interactive
• Online corpora
and dictionaries
Free technologies to support
teaching and learning
• Reading assistance software
 Reading text aloud
 WordTalk
 NaturalReader
 Reading text aloud with MP3 conversion
 DSpeech
(Further information is available from TechDis at
Screen capture software
• Camstudio ( is a screen
capture software which will record any activity that is
occurring on a computer screen.
• Camstudio also synchronises the audio.
• This software can enable resources to be produced
very quickly and easily without expensive software.
• Camstudio can also be used by learners to create
interactive learning resources themselves.
Sound recording and
manipulation software
•Audacity is a
free audio editor and recorder.
•Audacity can record live audio (either through
human voice or audio direct from a computer), and
edit saved audio (including cutting, copying,
adapting pitch, volume etc).
•Audacity can save any imported audio as an MP3
file, which is an excellent tool for producing audio
files of resources and materials.
Online discussion tools
• Gabbly is an instant messaging
application that can be used in conjunction with any
website. For example when entering the URL a chat pane will
automatically appear over the homepage, whilst still
enabling navigation through the site. All users who
enter will be added to the same chat pane.
• You can involve learners in evaluating a specific
website or section as everyone can add comments
without having to use a proprietary system, such as
MSN Messenger, which you would require
administration rights to download.
Can technology replace teachers?
• Technology can replace the teachers in near
future however process of learning and
teaching will no longer be the same.
• Being a teacher, you are able to adopt and
adapt the lesson according to the students
proficiency in the subjects.
• Besides, human touch is very important
in order to understand your students
• Even though technology can replace the
place of a teacher but technology will
always be lacking in human touch, which
is very important in the learning
teaching process. (continued)
• To me, the most effective lesson must be
conducted by an experience teacher and
with the use of technology and therefore
teachers in future must equip themselves
abreast with the latest technology.
• The teachers must be ready to face
tomorrow's challenge in education system.
Video conferencing between countries and
nation is a toy for students in the future.
• Chalk and talk is something of yesterday.
Therefore, teachers must be ready top
face new technology.
• I am sure that technology will replace
teachers. It is true that human touch is
needed but I think interests is more
important because if the class is boring,
the students will not learn much from it.
Technologies make interactive learning
interesting which improves students
learning ability. If a good enough
Artificial intelligence technology is
developed, it can even interact like
humans. (continued)
• Besides that, most schools always look for
ways to minimise their expenses and a
virtual teaching system might be their
solution if they are willing to do a huge
investment for the first few years. After
that, it will pay for itself. Even though it
is possible, it will not happen in our life
time since scientists have not perfected
the artificial inteligence programs yet.
• More interesting discussions can be found
online at