Transcript Document

Guidance Counselor Day
Undergraduate Admissions
Deb Bergen
Senior Admissions Officer
Undergraduate Admissions
the Admissions Process
the Admissions Process
• Deadlines
• Process
• What’s new
• Words of caution
Important Dates
As students consider university options:
January 13 – Application deadline
February 5 – recommended deadline for application changes
March 19 – ABS Forms due
April 6 – Entrance Bursary Application due
April 6 – Special Case/Special Needs documentation
April 6 – Evidence of English proficiency, if required.
April 6 – Transcripts: international high school, if applicable
April 23 – Deadline for high schools to submit grades to OUAC
May 25 – Admission decision deadline
Important Dates
Confirming an offer decision and next steps:
May 28 – Deadline to accept an offer
May 28 – Deadline for residence application.
both offer and residence guarantee expire at midnight!
May 1 – Registration opens
June/July – Headstart info sessions
September 6 – Residence move-in day
September 13 – Classes begin
E-mail = primary mode of communications
Information packages – January and May/June
Updates on website.
Importance of valid email address and
checking email regularly
• If you’re not hearing from us, let us know!
Additional Documentation
• Entrance Bursary Form – decision in April
• Applicant Background Summary (ABS) form
• Special Case and Special Needs supporting
• Evidence of English proficiency
• Prior international high school?
Timing of Offers
• Phase 1 – December to February (Grade 11)
- best 5 11U/M + registration in 12U pre-req’s
• Phase 2 – March/April (Grade 11 & 12)
- best six – minimum 3 grade 12U/M
• Phase 3 – May (Grade 12)
- best six grade 12U/M
** NOTE: Business and Concurrent Ed programs include prerequisite
courses in Admission average.
Assessment Process
• Primary Assessment (updated grades from OUAC targeted for Jan 28,
March 11 and May 4 from both semestered and non-semestered schools)
• Special Reviews
– Extracurricular Activities (ABS)
– Special Case/Special Needs
• Alternate Offers
• Entrance & President’s Centennial Scholarships
• ESL options
Status of Applications
On-line application status & decision viewing (LORIS)
Electronic vs. hard copy offer of admission
Read offer carefully! Conditions must be met.
Allowing 12-24 hours for changes through OUAC
Implications for amendments after offer issued
Confirmation Process
Deadline to confirm is May 28
Offers expire at midnight
Confirmation number = transaction complete
Laurier will send email verifying receipt of offer confirmation
and next steps.
Laurier e-mail address should be assigned within 24-48 hours
Last acceptance voids any previous confirmation.
Residence guarantee deadline: May 28 @ 11:59 p.m. sharp!
Course registration opens May 1.
On-Line Response
• Allow one business day grace period for OUAC
• New! OUAC site includes video tutorials on
• Keep copy of all communications with OUAC
• OUAC monitors 11th hour changes to applications
• OUAC sends email to applicants who have not
confirmed anywhere within one week of deadline
• University must be contacted to reactivate declined
or expired offer , subject to space availability
Finalizing Admission Status
• Admission status finalized at end of July
• Conditions matter! Offers can be revised or
rescinded if conditions are not met by the
required deadline
• Summer School – used to meet conditions;
must ensure grades received by mid-August;
not applicable to scholarship eligibility.
New Programs
• BBA / BA Financial Math double degree
• BBA (Laurier) / BCS (U Waterloo) DD
• Requirement change: BBA/B Math – 4th U course
New Programs
• BSc Computer Science & Psychology
• Articulation Agreements with Conestoga:
 BSc Computer Science (WLU) with SW Engineering Tech Diploma (CC)
 BSc Biochem/Biotech (WLU) with Biotechnology Technician Diploma
New Programs
• New program code: BA Communication Studies – UKL
• BA Youth and Children’s Studies (approval pending)
• Transfer Credit Agreements with Brantford Campus and
all Ontario CAAT’s (in progress)
• Business at Brantford? …talks underway; watch website
Competitive Programs
Concurrent Education
Second Year transfer options
Frequently Asked Questions
Repeated Courses – no penalty!
Fifth Year – no penalty!
Ranking Schools – all schools treated equally
Private Schools – ensure recognition by MOE
Choice selections – all choices treated equally
Confidentiality – regulated by FIPPA
Frequently Asked Questions
Enriched Programs - AP's, IB's & transfer credit
Specialist High Skills Major – U or M courses
New 3-credit Tech courses – assessment implications
under review
Co-op Codes – ensure credit applicability
Financial Assistance – scholarships, awards, bursaries
Frequently Asked Questions
• Missing pre-requisites – option to ‘parallel’ and
transfer in 2nd year
• Alternate offers – automatic if unqualified for first
program choice
• Multiple program requests –can only make one
offer per applicant at a time
• Deferrals – considered for medical/extenuating
reasons; application & supporting doc. required
To Wrap Up …
• Deadlines
• Process
• What’s new?
– New programs
– Prerequisites in admission calculations
– OUAC Tutorials on process
• Watch out for …
Offer conditions
Summer school grades
Alternate offers
Confirmation process
Visit our website:
Call us: (519) 884-0710 Ext. 3351
Email: [email protected]
Open House: Brantford – March 17
Open House: Waterloo – March 19
Thank you for supporting Laurier!