Transcript Slide 1

Overview of Trns•port Product
Migration and Implementation in
New York
2004 Trns•port User Group (TUG)
October 15, 2004
Presentation Overview
Joint agency implementation
Project objectives
PM structure
Modules –Estimator, PES/LAS, DSS, Expedite
Lessons learned & improvement opportunities
Future plans
– Mike Arthur, Engineering
– Bruce Foster, IT
– Dave Kent & Steve Zargham, Design
– Bill Howe, Contracts
– Harold Crusan, Engineering
Joint Agency Implementation
• Common objectives and mandates
• Similar business functions
• Use same resources: specifications,
standards, consultants and contractors
• Establish common bid requirements for
contracting community
• NYS Transportation Federation
Joint Agency Implementation
• Shared application and database servers
• Shared database tables: items, fund
types, work codes, vendors,
• Agency specific control groups
• Aligned business practices where practical
• Individual software licenses
Joint Agency Implementation
• Secure, reliable, fast network connection
• Maintaining separate letting programs, on
separate days of the week
• Differences in business practices which
were not practical to align
• Establishing roles and responsibilities for
each Agency: item and reference table
updates, maintenance and support,
Project Objectives
• Migrate off Trns•port mainframe systems
(PES/LAS, DSS - unsupported as of 7/04)
• Replace internal legacy stovepipe systems
• Use “off the shelf” products with as little
customization as possible
Project Management Structure
• Followed principles of PM outlined in the
NYS Project Management Guidebook
• Used a “3 – legged stool” –
NYSDOT/NYSTA Prog. area managers,
NYSDOT/NYSTA IT project managers and
consultant project manager
• Executive level project sponsors
Capital Program Size
Past annual
letting program
$1.5 B
$150-300 M
# of projects
# of lettings
Fiscal year
April – Mar
Jan - Dec
Program Volatility – 10-15% of the letting dates
in Trns•port change after advertisement
Project Schedule
Feb. 04
Nov. 04
Aug. 04
Nov. 04
Aug. 04
Dec. 04
Feb. 05
Feb. 05
Trns•port Estimator
Trns•port Estimator
• Computer based training program
• Catalog access and update process
Estimator Training Background
NYSDOT performs estimating at 11
regional offices across the state.
Training needed for 700
NYSDOT/NYSTA staff plus 180
consultant firms.
“Train the Trainer” approach plus
computer based training (CBT)
application produced by Info Tech.
Estimator Computer Based
Training Program
Computer tutorials in place of live
Students review a CBT exercise then
perform the same exercise using their
own copy of Estimator.
Training program uses actual NYS
projects and item numbers.
Incorporates NYS specific business
Estimator Computer Based
Training Program
CD includes:
Estimator training program files – uses Macromedia
Flash player
An 11 page worksheet with 28 training exercises.
Two NYSDOT Estimator project files used for
training exercises.
An Estimator catalog file used for training exercises.
Computer based training CD files can be
downloaded from -
Estimator Catalog Access and
Update Process
Information used to create estimates is
stored in catalogs.
– Standard items
– pricing information, etc.
Keeping catalogs current is very
important to maintain production and
provide accurate estimates.
Estimator Catalog Access and
Update Process (cont’d.)
Catalog access options
• Stored in a local file on a computer.
– Requires opening web browser to download
Direct connection to a web server via the
– Current catalog available upon logging into
Estimator Catalog Access and
Update Process (cont’d.)
Catalog update process
• Created a secure directory on network
accessible to webmaster and catalog
• Catalog is updated as needed and stored at
the secure location.
• Automated process is run nightly to copy
catalog file to web server location.
• Current catalog is available to estimators upon
logging into Estimator.
Trns•port PES
Enhancing PES
• Custom pre-letting reports
– Estimate checks, PIN-item, Bid Sheets,…
• Custom update processes & interfaces
– Project & proposal update, update
– PSS-Trns.port interface,…
• User access management
– Database triggers, regional report launcher,
multi-agency report header
Custom PES Pre-Letting Reports
• “Estimate checks” for example…
• Purpose: Perform project level quality
control checks
• Functionality: Analyzes engineer’s
estimates for business rule compliance:
– Reports errors (i.e., BAMS coordinates,…)
– Flags pay Items for extra attention (i.e., LS,
fixed price,…)
– Provides references to pay item guidance
Custom PES Update Processes
• “Update mobilization” for example…
• Purpose: Maintain current estimated
mobilization costs (i.e., 4%)
• Functionality: Calculates estimated cost &
distributes across all categories:
– Initial run: Calculates cost & inserts the pay
item, quantity & cost in all categories
– Subsequent runs: Recalculates cost &
updates in all categories
User Access Management
• Issue: NYSDOT/NYSTA has multiple
PES/LAS users with varied responsibilities
• Problem: Access needs / rights change as
a function of the business process
• Solution
– Database triggers: Automate project &
proposal control group changes
– Custom reporting process: Launches selected
reports from any screen within PES/LAS
Trns•port LAS and DSS
Trns•port LAS and DSS
Plan sales tracking and reporting
Letting day recording sheets
Bidder ranking reports
Bid item spread reports
Letters and labels
Trns•port LAS and DSS
Customizations (cont’d)
Award tracking and reporting
Funding obligation report
Data entry plug-ins
Referral list
Final payment info from stovepipe system
Moving LAS proposal data to DSS
After award or after letting
Need to query 2 databases
Some field names different
Daily or weekly pulls
• 4 training sessions for contractor
• Developed user guide/instructions
• >90% use by bidders
• Hope to improve compatibility w/ 3rd party
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
• Schedule generously, not tight
• Extra work changing systems if schedule
• Weekly progress meetings helpful
• Don’t have training w/o customizations
Lessons Learned (cont’d)
• 3 months parallel test to production is too
– Processes overlap
– Bugs need fixing
– New procedures need to be documented
– If possible, do it in a slow season
Lessons Learned (cont’d)
• More effort to shift to generic processes
– Work and $ to do customizations
– May need revision for new version of software
– Standardization w/ other states
– Bigger issue w/ SiteManager
Improvement Opportunities
Simplify changes to letting dates
Reduce keystrokes for vendor entry
Put data field names in tables
Allow basic user customization of screens
and reports
• Address printer format problems
Future Plans
Future Plans
• Bid Express
– No hard copy documents required before
– Will have joint website w/ NYS Thruway
– Can this be part of Trns•port?
– Would like to mandate electronic bids
Future Plans
• Site Manager
– Began September 2004
– Joint implementation NYSDOT/NYSTA
– Implementing SiteManager Construction and
Materials pieces simultaneously
– Strong effort to reach out to the field
– Incorporate “lessons learned” from
NYSDOT: Mike Arthur
– [email protected]
NYSTA : Harold Crusan – [email protected]