English and russian poets

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English and Russian poets
Jovanovska Diana
William Shakespeare April 26, 1564 - English poet and
playwright, often considered the greatest Englishlanguage writer and one of the best playwrights of
the world. Often referred to as the national poet of
England. Extant works, including some written in
collaboration with other authors, consist of 38 plays,
154 sonnets, poems 4 and 3 epitaphs. Shakespeare's
plays have been translated into all major languages
and put more than the works of other playwrights.
Most of the works of Shakespeare were written in the
period from 1589 to 1613. His early plays are mainly
related to comedy and chronicles, in which Shakespeare
much succeeded. Then came the period of his work
tragedies, including the works of "Hamlet," "King Lear,"
"Othello" and "Macbeth", which are among the best in the
English language. At the end of Shakespeare wrote several
tragicomedy, and collaborated with other writers.
George Gordon Byron, January 22, 1788, commonly
referred to simply as Lord Byron - English romantic
poet, capture the imagination of the whole of
Byron's poem more autobiographical than the works
of other English Romantics. He was acutely felt
hopeless mismatch many romantic ideals and reality.
Awareness of this discrepancy is not always plunged
him into melancholy and despondency; in his last
works, putting off masks with people and events do
not cause anything but ironic smile. Unlike most
romantics, Byron respected the heritage of English
classicism, to puns and caustic satire in the spirit of
Pope. His favorite octave predispose to digression and
games with the reader
Alexander Pushkin (May 26, 1799, St
Petersburg - Russian poet, playwright and
From Pushkin began not only a new era of
Russian culture. In the work of the Russian
genius turned soaked it truly national, that
determined the spiritual life of the people
at a time when it was not Russia, but Russia
lived. The path to spirituality, the formation
of humanistic consciousness can not avoid
the creative heritage of the poet.
Nikolai Gogol March 20, 1809 - Russian
novelist, playwright, poet, critic, essayist,
recognized as one of the classics of Russian
All indigenous representation of Gogol's life
and literature have been representations of
Pushkin's circle. Artistic sense it was much
appreciated and a peculiar talent of Gogol,
the circle of care and put his personal
affairs. As I thought Pypin Pushkin expected
from the works of Gogol large artistic merit,
but hardly expect their social value, as it is
not entirely his friends evaluated Pushkin
and Gogol himself was ready to distance
themselves from him.