Transcript Document

Page 1 Updated 07/17/2009

Healthcare Information Technology Funding under ARRA

Edna Boone, MA, CPHIMS, Senior Director HIS

Updated 07/17/2009

Stimulus Grants for HIT

• Rural Broadband Initiatives Program • Broadband Technology Opportunities Program • Indian Health Service Funding • Construction, Renovation, and Equipment for Health Centers • Comparative Effectiveness Research Funding • HIE/Regional Grants • ONCHIT –

New Series of Grant Programs

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Page 3 Updated 07/17/2009 Sources of Funding

     Within HHS Indian Health Service (HIS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) Outside HHS    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce

Page 4 Updated 07/17/2009 Rural Broadband Initiatives Program

• $2,500,000,000 for distance learning, telemedicine, and broadband programs • Rural areas • Multi-purpose • First round due August 14, 2009

Page 5 Updated 07/17/2009 Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

• $4,350,000,000 for broadband in underserved areas • $200,000,000 for expanding public computing center capacity at community colleges and libraries • $250,000,000 for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service •Rewards Innovation •Pushes funds to “underserved” areas •First round due August 14, 2009

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Current Broadband Opportunities


Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) (Recovery Act) • •

CFDA Number(s):



US Department of Commerce (DOC), National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)


• • Deadline Aug 14 th


The following entities are eligible to apply for assistance: (1) States, local governments, or any agency, subdivision, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof; (2) The District of Columbia; (3) A territory or possession of the United States; (4) An Indian tribe; (5) A native Hawaiian organization; (6) A non-profit foundation, corporation, institution, or association; (7) Other non-profit entities; (8) For-profit corporations; (9) Limited liability companies; and (10) Cooperative or mutual organizations.

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Current Broadband Opportunities

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Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) (Recovery Act)

CFDA Number(s):



US Department of Agriculture (DOA), Rural Utilities Service (RUS)

Deadline Aug 14 th


The following entities are eligible to apply for assistance: (1) States, local governments, or any agency, subdivision, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof; (2) The District of Columbia; (3) A territory or possession of the United States; (4) An Indian tribe (as defined in Section 4 of the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act); (5) A native Hawaiian organization; (6) A non-profit foundation, corporation, institution, or association; (7) Other non-profit entities; (8) For-profit corporations; (9) Limited liability companies; and (10) Cooperative or mutual organizations. RUS will not fund more than one project to serve any given geographic area.

Page 8 Updated 07/17/2009

Current Broadband Opportunities

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State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (Recovery Act)

CFDA Number(s):



U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

Deadline Aug 14 th


Eligible recipients of State Broadband Data Program grants are: (1) The single eligible entity in the State that has been designated by the State to receive a grant under this section; and (2) Entities that are either (i) an agency or instrumentality of a state, or a municipality or other subdivision (or agency or instrumentality of a municipality or other subdivision) of a state; (ii) a nonprofit organization that is described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; or (iii) an independent agency or commission in which an office of a State is a member on behalf of the State.

Page 9 Updated 07/17/2009 Indian Health Service Funding

• $85,000,000 for HIT in Indian Health Facilities • Typically funded through Indian Health Facilities Grants • Telehealth services and related infrastructure requirements

Page 10 Updated 07/17/2009 Construction, Renovation, and Equipment for Health Centers

$150,000,000 for health centers who receive grants under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. •Medically underserved HRSA-10-029 Due Aug 6 th •Special populations  Migrant farm workers   Homeless Residents of Public Housing

Page 11 Updated 07/17/2009 Comparative Effectiveness Research Funding

$300,000,000 for AHRQ Grants • $400,000,000 for NIH Grants • $400,000,000 for discretionary HHS Grants •Focus on results that can be replicated and extended •Documentation and evaluation will be significant

Page 12 Updated 07/17/2009

Health Information Exchange Regional Grants

• $300,000,000 for regional efforts toward health information exchange • Regional Health Information Organizations • Health Information Exchanges • Regional approach

Page 13 Updated 07/17/2009 Other ONCHIT Programs

$2,000,000,000 for a range of activities and programs, including: National HIT architecture Development and adoption of EHRs Best practices training and information Telemedicine infrastructure and tools Promoting interoperability of clinical data repositories Best practices to protect information Expanding HIT in public health departments An HIT Research Center and extension program State grants to promote HIT Loan programs to facilitate adoption of EHR technology Rules and timelines still emerging Some matching will be required Combination of competitive and formula funds

Page 14 Updated 07/17/2009

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