Transcript Slide 1

Developmental Milestones in
Multicultural Competency:
Integrative Training and
Outcome Based Assessments
Goal of Work in Progress Group
The goal of this working group is to offer
both academic and internship training
programs with a sequential, integrative,
and developmental model for the
provision of multicultural competence
training specifically racial and ethnic
minorities inclusive of cultural
intersectionalities with accompanying
outcome based assessments.
Work in Progress Group
Michael Mobley, Ph.D., University of Missouri
 William Ming Liu, Ph.D., University of Iowa
 Rebecca L. Toporek, Ph.D., San Francisco State
 Traci Callandrillo, Ph.D., American University
 Stacey M. Pearson, Ph.D., Michigan University
 Angela M. Soth McNett, Ph.D. candidate,
University of Missouri
Work in Progress Group Members
Andrew Bland
 Cyndy Boyd
 Michele Boyer
 Jenny Cornish
 David Davine
 Benedict (Ben) McWhirter
 Ernesto R. Escoto
 Suzanne Lease
Work in Progress Group Members
Yuki Okubo
 Hung-Bin Sheu
 Susan Stock
 Sarah Collins
 Janie Pinterits
 Maria all filar Graziosis
 Kevin Henze
 Allen Ivey
Major Issues Discussed
Generated shared Definition of Multicultural
Competence for Racial & Ethnic Minorities
 Awareness
– Racial/Ethnic Cultural Being; Self-inRelationship to Others/Systems
 Knowledge – Specific Content Knowledge both
Between and Within Cultural Group Norms
 Skills (Basic Listening, Advocacy, Conceptualization,
Discerning Multiple Identities, Identifying subtle
culturally specific behaviors; assess client’s identity,
development, context & ability to navigate process;
universal diverse orientation; Flexibility
Major Issues Discussed
 Generated
shared Definition of Multicultural
Competence for Racial & Ethnic Minorities
 Openness
to utilize multiple approaches to address
cultural issues
 Application of Awareness to Skills & Interventions
 Critical Self-Reflections – biases, prejudices, limitations;
managing judgments
 Understand tension between General and Multicultural
Major Issues Discussed
Small Group Work
Focus & Goal:
 Identified
Essential Components, Behavioral Anchors, &
Assessment Methods for Multicultural Competence
Across Developmental Levels
 Didactic/Experiential
 Prepracticum
 Practicum
 Internship
 Entry
to Profession
Major Issues Discussed
Openness to Self-Reflection
Openness to Feedback
Openness to Behavior Change
 Initiating
& Seeking Feedback
 Motivation to continue learning after educational
 Openness to Consider Awareness & Knowledge prior to
Skill Development
Major Issues Discussed
Valuing Multicultural Competencies moving from
aspirational to manifestation and articulation of
Important to note that these essential components
are relevant to all developmental levels yet
increasing in sophistication and complexity for
Major Issues Discussed
Readiness for Internship & Entry to Profession
Understanding difference between safety and
Consistently demonstrating facility with initiating
conversations around race and ethnicity
Ability to articulate places where trainee holds
Ability to manage and interrupt shame and reaction
related to privilege
Major Issues Discussed
Readiness for Internship & Entry to Profession
Understanding difference btwn safety and comfort
Consistently demonstrating facility with initiating
conversations around race and ethnicity
Ability to articulate places where trainee holds
Ability to manage and interrupt shame, guilt, and
other reactions related to privilege
Major Issues Discussed
Readiness for Internship & Entry to Profession
Ability to recognize and articulate limitations
Demonstrated skills in outreach, training,
supervision, crisis intervention, individual & group
Ability to hold and effectively manage others
(clients, peers, staff, campus community) reactions
Major Issues Discussed
Readiness for Internship & Entry to Profession
Recognizing the limitations of psychology as a
Managing Tensions that are Oppression-Focused
Openness to Cultural Difference and Identities (high
contemplation and low defensiveness)
Goals/Outcomes for Future
Continued Collaboration on Developmental
Milestones for Multicultural Competency (DMMC) by
Work-in-Progress Chicago Group Members
Develop Guidelines for Diverse Academic and
Practice Training Programs for Utilization &
Offer Training for Implementation & Continuing
Education for Scientist-Practitioners
Develop Multi-Method, Multi-Trait Assessment
Approaches (traditional, online, oral, visual, etc.)
Next Steps & Opportunities for
Convene DMMC Work-in Progress Group via
Electronic – Virtual Communities; in Boston for APA;
in New Orleans for National Multicultural
Conference Summit
Seek Feedback and Comments from student
trainees in both academic and practice settings,
professional scientists-practitioners and intercollaborative Counseling Psychology professional
Contact Information for Getting Involved
Michael Mobley, Ph.D.
 University of Missouri
 16 Hill Hall
 Columbia, Missouri 65211
 Email: [email protected]
 Office: 573-882-3382
 Cell: 573-268-4811