CSC 150 UNGRADED QUIZ - Concordia University Wisconsin

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Transcript CSC 150 UNGRADED QUIZ - Concordia University Wisconsin

What are computers and
what do they do?
What is a computer system?
What is a computer?
 1. Class suggestions and discussion.
 2. A rough definition.
 A computer is a tool which solves problems
by processing data into information.
What do computers do?
1. Input data.
2. Process data (“number crunching”).
3. Follow instructions.
4. Store data for later use.
5. Produce output (in various formats).
Analogy with Bible:
Read, Think About, Remember, Allow it to
shape your thoughts, attitudes and life.
How is the word “Computer”
 1. Special purpose computers.
 2. General purpose computers.
 3. Limitations of special purpose
 4. Advantages of general purpose
Defining characteristics of a
general purpose computer.
 1. Separation of instructions (Software)
from physical device (hardware).
 2. Programmable (support variability of
 3. In this course “computer” means
“general purpose computer.”
What is a Computer System?
 More than just the computer. Everything
necessary to make the computer work:
 A. Hardware (H/W).
 B. Software (S/W).
 C. People.
A. Hardware (H/W).
 1. H/W =
 the physical components of the computer
system which make things happen (analogy:
gas pedal in a car).
 What does this look like -- Hardware Block
H/W Block diagram.
¦e.g. keyboard¦
¦ e.g. disk drive
¦ e.g.
¦ printer ¦
B. Software (S/W).
 1. S/W =
 Instructions for H/W.
 Mind / Body analogy. Decide to run:
instruct body to run, body runs.
 2. 3 layers of S/W:
 A. Systems S/W.
 B. Programming Languages.
 C. Applications Packages.
C. People.
 Why are people needed in or important to
computer systems?
 Supply data, instructions. People have
problems which need to be solved e.g.
investment projection, safety simulation,
administration of medicine.
 What are the three types of people directly
involved in computer systems?
3 types of “computer” people.
 No, not the borg, and not even
 Sam Donaldson.
 1. Users.
What do they do?
 2. Programmers.
What do they do?
 3. Computer scientists?
What do they do?
What is Computer Science?
 What is it not?
 1. Not the study of computers, any more
than astronomy is the study of telescopes.
 2. Not merely programming.
 3. Not merely using programs.
What is Computer Science?
 What is it?
 The study of algorithms (step-by-step
solutions to problems).
 Algorithms are:
 (1) translated into software
 (2) run on hardware
 (3) solve problems for people (users and