Transcript Slide 1

40th President of the U.S.

Born on 2/6/1911 Died on 5/5/2004

•Born February 6, 1911 •Tampico, Illinois •Moved around Illinois as a young boy •1 st job was a lifeguard

•Attended Dixon High School •Graduated from Eureka College •Majored in economics & sociology •Member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity

•Worked for radio stations announcing the Chicago Cubs games •Offered a 7 year contract with Warner Brothers Studio •In 2 years he appeared in 19 films •Most memorable role in

Kings Row

(1942) •Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

•Originally a democrat, but switched to Republican •President of the Screen Actors guild •Heavy anti-communist •“Time for Choosing” speech

•Lost 1976 Republican Presidential bid to General Ford •Established himself a conservative candidate •Wont he 1980 Presidential bid •Selected George H. Bush as his VP •Reagan beat Carter in 1980 election •


•Emphasized two main things •“to send the welfare bums’ back to work” •“to clean up the mess at Berkley” •Entered high profile conflicts with protestors •Abortion bill

Con’t—Marvin Pierre •1966—Elected as governor of California •Eliminated California’s budget deficit •Reform of social programs

•3 policies that he would pursue if elected •Slashing taxes •Eliminating unnecessary government programs •Bolstering the defense capability of the U.S.

•Changing the economy •Reshape the government and restore Put more money back into people’s pockets the country’s strength

Keynesian Theory •the government could improve the economy by increasing consumers’ demands for goods •Unemployment is caused by lacking demands compared to the possible demands generated by full employment •People would get more money through government payments or by jobs •The Employment Act (

Compensatory spending)

•Cutting taxes=more money into the hands of business & investors

Supply-Side Economics •opposite of Keynesian •focused on supply of goods rather than demands for goods

•Worst economic downturn since Great Depression •Federal Reserve Bank raised interest rates •10.8% unemployment, bankruptcy •A 5% tax cut occurred in 1981

then 10% in ’82 & ’83

•Consumer spending & stock market went up

•Simplified the tax system •Reduced top income tax • rates from 70%-28%

Supply-side theory

did not come true •Because of spending & tax cuts •Federal debt rose 80 billion to 221 billion in ‘86 •

Stock Market Crash in 1987

Regulation •Government decides what services companies can offer & how much they can change •Deregulation •Limiting the role of the fed. Government •More business spent to comply with government rules, the less they could spend on new factories, equipment & employment

•Cut the size of the federal government •Any American could succeed through individual effort, did not need government •Eliminated public service •Reduced unemployment compensation (welfare) by $20 billion a year •Lowered welfare benefits & reduced spending on food stamps •Raised fees for Medicare patients

•Gave more responsibility to state & local governments •

New Federalism

•Government would no longer tell states how federal aid had to be used •Let states create and pay for programs as they saw fit (never worked)

•Farmers oversupplied & falling prices in the 1980s •The federal government intervened to increase farm income with continued price supports & credit •Expensive & temporary solution

•Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) strike •Told 13,000 people to get back to work, when they refused, he fired them •“…convinced people who might have thought otherwise that I meant what I said.”

•Defend American interests in the Cold War •“Evil Empire” •Large defense budgets •Military buildup : Over 5 year period, the US spent $1.1 trillion on defense •Contributed to the growing budget deficit •new missiles, bombers and submarines that could carry nuclear weapons

Strategic Defense Initiative •Wanted to make a massive satellite shield in space •“Window of Vulnerability” (“Star Wars”) •

Relationship with Soviet Union

•1st term—placed intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Western Europe; 2nd term —improved relationship with Soviets; Reagan & Mikhail Gorbachev became good friends and he removed missiles •“Tear Down this Wall” Speech

•Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty •Fighting Communism in America (Opposed communism) •Invasion of Grenada “Operation Fury” •Assists contras to overthrow Sandinistas •Iran-Contra: Reagan uninformed • •Attack on Libya

•Rights had been given to millions of African Americans •1983—bill signed making the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a national holiday •Voting Rights Act of 1965

•Equal rights amendment

•Declared war against terrorism after evidence was found that they had attacked Americans in a West Berlin night club •Maintained the free flow of oil during the Iran/Iraq War •Had a gain of success and obtained peace through strength •Satisfied with his innovation and thoughtful of it as the Reagan revolution •His image was the good-natured & decent type

•January 20, 1981—American hostages in Iran were released •Pushed a program of increased defense spending & budget & tax cuts through Congress •’89—document was released that Reagan & VP Bush were in a secret scheme to secure outside aid for the Contras in exchange for military-economic support from Honduras •The many scandals had never decreased the fame of Reagan

•June ’82—made UN special Session on disarmament speech •His “agenda for speech” speech •Bombing of the Beirut Embassy on April 18, ’83 •32 were killed by a suicide bomber in Beirut Lebanon •October 23, ’83—bombing of US Marine barrack •December 4, ’83—air strike on Synan

•1994—announced to the public that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease •During his Presidency, Oliver North sold Armaments to Iran in the Iran-Contra Scandal

•March 30, 1981—shot by a would-be assassin •Recovered quickly which caused his popularity to soar •Assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. •While leaving his hotel •Needed surgery to remove the bullet from his left lung •’85 & ’87 went through surgery •Because of this his power of office was given to Vice President Bush

Ronald Reagan’s Election

By Sungyoub Jung

1980 Election

• Main Candidates

– Ronald Reagan (Republican) – Jimmy Carter (Democrat)

• Background

– Jimmy Carter’s Term – Low economic growth, High Inflation – Iran Hostage Crisis – Soviet Union expanding its power

1980 Election

• Regan’s Plan

– “Small Government” • Lowering Taxes • Growth rather than Distribution – Advancing Military Actions • Important role against Soviet Union

1980 Election

• Result Presidential Candidate Ronald Reagan Vice Presidential Candidate George Bush Political Party Republican Popular Vote 43,903,230 (50.75%) Electoral Vote 489 (90.89%) Jimmy Carter Walter Mondale Democratic 35,480,115 (41.01%) 49 (9.11%)

1980 Election

Minnesota Rhode Island Maryland West Virginia District of Columbia Georgia Hawaii Blue – Republican Red - Democratic

1984 Election

• Main Candidates – Ronald Reagan (Republican) – Walter Mondale (Democrat) • Background – Reagan’s Second Campaign – Reagan’s Optimistic View of America – Walter Mondale as a Vice President Candidate in 1980 Election

1984 Election

• Results Presidential Candidate Vice Presidential Candidate Political Party Ronald Reagan George Bush Republican Popular Vote Electoral Vote 54,455,472 (58.66%) 523 (97.58%) Walter Mondale Geraldine Ferraro Democratic 37,577,352 (40.56%) 13 (2.42%)

1984 Election

Minnesota District of Columbia Blue – Republican Red - Democratic

1984 Election

• Fact

– When Walter Mondale made an issue about Reagan’s age that he is old (73), Reagan said back to Walter Mondale that he does not want to make an issue using young opponent’s inexperience as a political purpose.

•Worth going down in history •Decisions •Examples

• • • • • • • • • • • •

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