Transcript Document

Roamer Pentathlon
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
For the past few years Steve Woolley, Head of
Technology at Bancroft's School, Essex, has run
Roamer Pentathlon for the local Primary Schools.
It has proved to be very successful, being both
educational and enjoyable. Here he explains the
format of the Games.
There will be five separate games, these are
described in more detail below. The object will be
to complete the games in the shortest possible
time. The winning team will be the one with the
fastest overall time for the five games.
A team will be comprised of four children. Each
team will have a Bancroft's pupil to act as its
"shepherd" and time keeper. Please allow your
teams to arrive at their own solutions! Each game
will be allowed a maximum time (10 - 15 minutes);
any team failing to complete the task will be given
the maximum time for that task.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Word Game
The playing board for this game consists of a
120cm square board (4 Roamer lengths) with 16
squares - one start square and 15 others with
letters (see pic). The letters are given a point
score, as in Scrabble. One version of the game is
to get Roamer to spell out as many words as
possible in a given time to create the highest
score. Roamer should pause on each letter it is
"picking up" and beep at the end of the word.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Word Game
The alternative game is to give the teams an
envelope with specific words which must be
spelled out by Roamer. The Roamer must be
programmed to move to the appropriate letter
squares on the board in the correct order. The
Roamer must pause on each letter and emit a
beep at the end of each word. The time from
receiving the envelope from the "shepherd" to
successfully spelling out the given word(s) and
returning to the Start square will be noted. If
Roamer fails to spell the word out correctly, or
runs off the board it must be retrieved and
returned to the start for reprogramming and a new
attempt. The Roamer is not restricted to moving
along columns and rows in the grid, but it might
be simpler for your teams to do so!
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Maths Game
This uses another 120cm square board with 16
squares, this time a "Start" square and 15
numbered squares. The squares are separated
by a mathematical operator ( +, -, x, -) as shown
One version of this game is for the teams to
create the highest possible total by passing
through the squares and operators in the most
effective order in a given time.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Maths Game
In the alternative version the teams are given an
envelope with specific totals to be achieved by
passing through the numbered squares and doing
the required calculations as Roamer passes over
the operators. A course to achieve the answer 42
is marked on the example board. Again the team
will be timed from receiving the envelope to the
successful return to the start square. Roamers
that run off the board or do not achieve the
required total must be retrieved and returned to
the start for reprogramming and subsequent
attempts. In this game Roamer must move along
rows or up and down columns.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Coded Messages
For this game the teams will be divided into two
groups of two and will position themselves 9
metres apart. One pair will be given an envelope
containing a word and will be required to
programme the Roamer to travel to the other pair
and to transmit the coded message using any
feature of the Roamer that you care to devise.
One obvious way of transmitting the message is
to code it in Morse code and get Roamer to play
the coded message at the end of its run. On
correct receipt of the message the receiving pair
will be required to return the Roamer carrying a
short coded message of acknowledgement.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
Coded Messages
The time from receiving the initial envelope to
receiving the coded message will be noted. Any
teams communicating the message by any other
means (verbally, in writing etc.) will receive the
maximum time allowed for this event. It is
important that teams devise and practice their
codes before the event; they will be able to bring
written details of their codes for use during the
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
For this game the Roamers should be fitted with a
pen holder and working pen. The teams will be
given an envelope containing some shapes and
characters (could be numbers, letters or shapes)
which they must then program their Roamers to
draw out on a sheet of paper provided. Again the
time will start when they receive their envelope
and finish when they have successfully executed
the set figures.
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd
Roamer Pentathlon
This is an exercise to program Roamer to
negotiate a number of ski slalom style gates.
Penalties will be incurred for missing gates or
hitting the posts! The course will include a number
of gates. The gate post will be no more than 8cm
wide and the gap between the posts will be at
least 50cm. The path will be designed to be
negotiable by Roamer moving in standard units of
movement (one Roamer length - 30cm) and only
turning right angles, but ambitious teams may try
to improve their times by modifying the units of
movement and turning through other angles.
Measuring tapes are allowed. Once programmed
and started, any contact with the Roamer before it
completes the course will incur a time penalty.
Teams will have to decide whether to incur a time
penalty and reprogram/restart their Roamers or
let the run continue incurring missed/hit gate
 Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd