Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework

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Transcript Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework

Australian Teacher Performance and
Development Framework
Consultation proposal
The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians
makes clear that Australia aspires not to be among the best in the
world, but to be the best. It acknowledges the challenges and
opportunities of the 21st century and provides two simple, but powerful,
goals to guide Australian education:
> Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence
> Goal 2: All young Australians become:
– successful learners
– confident and creative individuals
– active and informed citizens
Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians, 2008
In today’s global economy, countries need high-quality education
systems that will teach their citizens the skills necessary to meet the
challenges of tomorrow
Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education, © OECD, 2011,3746,en_2649_35845621_49428807_1_1_1_1,00.html
What are we trying to achieve in our
Work as a table group to brainstorm your responses
> Internationally, there is unequivocal evidence that the quality of
teaching is the most significant in-school factor affecting
student outcomes
> There is also strong evidence that better appraisal and feedback
leading to targeted development can improve teacher
Studies show that more effective teachers are the key to producing
higher performing students. Conservative estimates suggest that
students with a highly effective teacher learn twice as much as students
with a less effective teacher.
B Jensen, Better teacher appraisal and feedback, Grattan Institute, 2011
> Australian teachers report that they do not always get the feedback
they need to improve
> 63% of teachers believe that appraisals of their work are done
purely to meet administrative requirements
> 61% of teachers report that teacher appraisal has little impact on
the way they teach in the classroom and provides them with
little or no idea of how to improve their performance
OECD Reviews of evaluation and assessment in education: Australia, 2009
> Australian teachers regularly express dissatisfaction with the
external delivery professional development model because
whilst it heightens their awareness that change or improvement is
needed it doesn’t enable them to implement and sustain
improved teaching practices once they return to their school
P Cole, IARTV paper, 2004
Teacher performance has been shown to improve when the
following conditions are present:
> Opportunities for teacher self-reflection and objective setting
> Regular classroom observation and provision of constructive
feedback from their school leader, as well as their peers
> Frequent feedback on classroom performance as an ongoing
dialogue, not a once a year discussion
> Shadowing, coaching and mentoring from peers and leaders
> Opportunities to contribute to and engage in teamwork,
collaboration and action learning with other teachers to obtain the
best possible outcomes for students
Growing our potential, Hay Group, 2012
> The Australian Charter for the Professional Learning
of Teachers and School Leaders
> Companion document to the National Professional
Standards for Teachers, the National Professional
Standard for Principals and the Australian Teacher
Performance and Development Framework
> A resource for planning, design and evaluation
> The draft Framework and the draft Charter work together
> They articulate what teachers require for professional growth and
> Assessment, appraisal and feedback on performance are required
for professional growth to occur
> The draft Charter describes the relationship between these aspects
and advises on how professional learning can happen to greatest
> Articulates the central importance of professional learning to teacher
quality and student learning
> Recognises the importance of culture and context
> Describes four key characteristics of professional learning
– relevant
– collaborative
– futures focused
– sustainable
> Calls on teachers, school leaders and system leaders to take action
> Don’t fix what isn’t broken
> Stop doing what doesn’t work, and do something
> Positive change is happening all the time: our
challenge is to identify and amplify useful
Dandenong North Primary School, Victoria
While you view the video try to identify the existing practices being
used to build a positive performance and development culture
Think, Group, Share
What strategies are contributing to Dandenong North Primary School’s
attempts to build a comprehensive approach to teacher performance
and development?
> Record your responses on the worksheet
> Each group to present their responses
> Consolidate the responses
> Identify those that might be relevant to your school, and what would
need to change
> The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership AITSL
is currently working together with stakeholders on national
consultation on the draft Australian Teacher Performance and
Development Framework
> Once adopted, the draft Framework will strengthen a performance
and development culture in our schools that focuses on improving
teaching and, through this, improving student learning
The draft Framework seeks to:
create a culture of improvement,
feedback and growth for all teachers
within all schools everyday
> A new resource for Australia’s teachers
> Supports teachers to receive effective performance and
development opportunities
> Ensures that every teacher, every year, in every school receives
regular, appropriate and constructive feedback on their
> Provides opportunities to identify areas for development
> Provides effective and ongoing support to further improve
> We will have a national commitment to a clear, shared
and sustained focus on student learning, and on
quality teaching as the means to achieve this
> Through development and implementation of a
national framework Australian education systems
should be well placed to be among the best in the
Components of the draft Framework:
> Principles
> School context
> Performance and development cycle
> Outcomes
> Support to schools
Major themes:
> Focus on student outcomes
> Clear understanding of effective teaching
> Leadership
> Flexibility
> Performance and development culture
What would your allocated theme look like in
> Record your theme on the worksheet
> Discuss with the group (5 minutes)
> One group member to record and share
> Whole group sharing
> School leadership is essential to creating a culture of professional
improvement, feedback and growth within a school
> Leadership must come from all levels within a school
> Within the Framework opportunities for shared leadership exist
through the roles of delegate and mentor/coach
> Principals and other school leaders are entitled to support to
implement performance and development in their schools
The Standard for Principals takes into account the crucial
contribution made by principals in:
> Raising student achievement at all levels and all stages
> Promoting equity and excellence
> Creating and sustaining the conditions under which influencing,
developing and delivering community expectations and government
policy quality teaching and learning thrive
> Contributing to the development of a 21st century education
system at local, national and international levels
The Standards will provide a common language for coming to a
shared understanding of what effective teaching looks like in the
context of a particular school
Four Professional Career stages: Graduate, Proficient, Highly
Accomplished and Lead
Three Domains: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice,
Professional Engagement
Seven Standards:
Know students and how they learn
Know the content and how to teach it
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Engage in professional learning
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
> Use the sticky notes to record three ideas about how the Standards
might help you create a shared understanding of effective teaching
> One member of your pair will present your responses and place them
on the table worksheet
> The challenge is to create a school culture that focuses on
improvement in teaching and learning, in a climate of trust,
collaboration and ongoing feedback
> These improvement activities need to align with the school’s
> It is only within this performance and development culture that a
focus on teacher performance and development can deliver its full
What conditions make the development of
a school culture that focuses on an
improvement in teaching and learning
Performance and development
occurs in a cycle which provides a
focus for appraising, developing
and refining teaching and
recognising the entitlements of
teachers to receive feedback and
Elements of the cycle are
interwoven, will not necessarily
occur in order and may take more
or less time depending on
However, the cycle provides a
useful way of thinking about the
process, and assists in identifying
its important elements
The cycle provides a useful way of thinking
about the process of performance and
development and assists in identifying its
important elements
What elements are essential to an effective approach to
performance and development?
The essential elements are derived from research and existing effective
> Objectives
– documented objectives agreed with the principal/delegate
– opportunity to regularly revise objectives
> Action & development
– opportunity to deliver against objectives, identify their development needs and
negotiate support to take action to meet them
> Evidence
– evidence of performance from multiple sources, including impact on student
outcomes, direct observation and collaboration with colleagues
> Feedback, including formal review
– receive regular formal and informal feedback and participate in a formal review
against objectives annually by principal/delegate including written feedback
Research evidence clearly indicates that an effective and achievable
performance and development cycle includes the following practices:
> Observation
> Collegiality – working collaboratively
> Formal feedback
> Informal feedback
> Coaching
> Mentoring
> Goal setting
> Reflection and self assessment
> Collaborative professional learning
> Professional learning relevant to school and student needs
> Matrix base quadrant boards
> 10 cards identifying effective performance and development practices
> 6 spare blank cards
> Work in groups of 4
> Each person in turn is to place the ten cards in their chosen square for
their school at this time. Take time to explain the reason/s for your
> Together reflect on what you have learnt about your
school’s/organisation’s current structures recording any insights
> Effective, ongoing and constructive feedback on performance
> Increased professional growth through mentoring and coaching
> Access to support and development opportunities
> Enhanced professional satisfaction
> Access to networks through school and system wide
> Formal recognition of professional achievements
Links to other processes
> Advice and support
> A toolkit of stimulus materials, worksheets and
> Examples of effective practice
> Professional learning modules
> Web presence
> Online communities of practice
> Form groups of 4
> First brainstorm the challenges
> Now identify any mitigation strategies that your group
can think of
> Finally outline the priorities for support required to
enable effective implementation
> Share with all participants
Ringwood Secondary College, Victoria
> What existing strategies are contributing to your school’s
attempts to build a comprehensive approach to teacher
performance and development?
> What would you like to see in a future video highlighting
your school’s performance and development practices?
Table discussion…
> Look through your card pack which offers a series of hot topics
> Select a hot topic for discussion at your table
> Share your thinking with us
> Share your own hot topics with the Australian educational
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Who dares to teach must never cease
to learn
John Cotton Dana