Transcript Document

Blue + Yellow = Green
Single-Stream Recycling
By: Danielle Sungi & Mariah Lucero
What is Single-Stream
 Single-Stream recycling is an all-in-one
recycling method where materials can be
combined into one single bin.
The Current System
Unawareness of what items are
 Among students, faculty, and staff
Lack of consistency in signage
 No general information
 Varying designs/graphics
The Current System
No motivation
 No education
 Personal needs & values are not addressed
 Unnecessary
 Doesn’t make a difference
 Difficult
What you need
 Facts about recycling
 Benefits of recycling
Appealing Approach
 Visually attractive design
 Applied information to personal lives
 Answers
Some Cool Facts about Recycling
The average person generates over 4 pounds of trash
per day and 1.5 tons of solid waste per year
Americans throw away 25,000,000 plastic bottles
every hour
Over 75% of waste is recyclable
One aluminum can will save enough energy to listen
to a full album on your iPod
One tenth of newspapers would save 25 million trees
each year
Benefits of Recycling
Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and
Maintains natural resources
Prevents pollution
Saves energy
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Creates more jobs
Our Deliverables
Single-Stream Recycling Poster.pdf
 Unmotivated & uneducated audience
 Inconsistencies in the signage (design & information)
 Research & Better Approach
 Our brochures & posters