Chapter 3 Research Problems, Purposes, & Hypotheses

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Transcript Chapter 3 Research Problems, Purposes, & Hypotheses

Chapter 5
Research Problems, Purposes, and
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
What Is a Research Problem?
Area of concern in which there is a gap in
knowledge needed for practice
Significance: current, important area of
concern for profession
Background: one or two key studies that have
been conducted related to problem
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Sources of Research Problems
Nursing practice
Researcher and peer interaction
Literature review
Research priorities
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Problem Statement
Justification of need
Significance for nursing
Clear, concise statement
Goal, aim, focus, or objective of study
Includes variables, population, and setting
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Purpose of Study
To describe...
To determine differences between groups...
To examine relationships among...
To determine the effect of...
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Examining Study Feasibility
Time commitment
Money commitment
Researchers’ expertise
Availability of subjects, facility, and equipment
Ethical considerations
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Qualitative Study Purpose
Identifies areas of concern
Gains new insights
Is focus of study
Identifies qualitative approach and
Differs among each qualitative methodology
because of philosophical orientations
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Problems and Purposes in Outcomes
Should refine or generate relevant knowledge
for nursing practice
Usually evidence based
Measurable by nature
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Significance of Study Problem
and Purpose
Should build on previous research
Should influence nursing practice
Promotes theory testing or development
Addresses nursing research priorities
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Feasibility of Problem and Purpose
Researcher expertise
Money commitment/funding source
Time commitment
Availability of subjects, facilities, and
Ethical considerations
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Critiquing Guidelines for Problems
and Purposes
Is problem clear and concise?
Is problem limited in scope?
Is problem narrow to focus study?
Does problem identify variables, population,
and setting?
Are problem and purpose able to generate
Is study feasible?
Is study ethical?
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Research Objectives, Questions, and
Research Objectives: Declarative statements that
focus on identification and description of variables or
concepts and sometimes on determination of
relationships of variables
Research Questions: Interrogative statements that
focus on which variables or concepts are to be
described and the relationships that might exist
among them
Hypotheses: Formal statements of expected
relationships among variables
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Types of Hypotheses
Associative vs. causal
Simple vs. complex
Nondirectional vs. directional
Null vs. research
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Associative vs. Causal Hypotheses
Associative: relationship between variables
Causal: cause-and-effect relationship
between variables
Group differences
Naturally occurring
Researcher controlled
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Nondirectional vs. Directional
Nondirectional hypothesis: Relationship
exists between variables, but hypothesis
does not predict nature of relationship
Directional hypothesis: Nature (positive or
negative) of interaction between two or more
variables is stated
These are developed from theoretical framework,
literature, or clinical practice.
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Null vs. Research Hypotheses
Null hypothesis: States there is no
difference or relationship between variables;
also called statistical hypothesis
Research hypothesis: States what
researcher thinks is true; there is a
relationship between two or more variables
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Testable Hypothesis
This hypothesis is clearly stated without the
phrase “There is no significant difference.”
This should be testable in real world.
Variables are measurable or able to be
Relationship between variables is either
supported or not supported.
Causal link between independent and
dependent variables is evaluated using
statistical tests.
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Test Yourself: What Types of
Hypotheses Are These?
Rates of use of health care facilities by ethnic
minorities are higher in facilities with bilingual
health care staff.
There is a positive relationship between
nurse attitudes toward AIDS patients and
number of AIDS patients for whom they have
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Test Yourself: What Types of
Hypotheses Are These? (cont’d)
There is a relationship between social
distance in families and burden of caregiving
for chronically ill adults.
There is no difference between attitudes of
men and women toward caring for people
with AIDS.
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
What Are Variables?
Qualities, properties, or characteristics of
people, things, or situations that are
manipulated or measured in research
Variables are measurable with instruments
and/or intensity scales.
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Characteristics of Variables
Are at a more concrete level than concepts
Represent only a portion of the concept
Several variables may be used to represent
one concept.
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Types of Variables
Independent variables
Dependent variables
Research variables or concepts
Extraneous variables
Demographic variables
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Independent Variable
An independent variable is the stimulus or
activity manipulated or varied by the research
to cause an effect on dependent variables.
It is also called the treatment or experimental
The independent variable causes the
dependent variable to change.
The independent variable does not change—
it is controlled by the researcher.
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Dependent Variable
The dependent variable is the outcome or
response the researcher wants to predict or
Changes in the dependent variable are
presumed to be caused by the independent
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Research Variable or Concept
These are the qualities, properties, or
characteristics identified in the research
purpose and objectives or questions that are
observed or measured in a study.
They are used when the intent is to observe
or measure variables as they exist in a
natural setting without manipulation.
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Extraneous Variables
They can interfere with obtaining clear
understanding of relational or causal
dynamics in the study.
They can be recognized or unrecognized and
controlled or uncontrolled.
If the variable is not recognized until the study
is in process or cannot be controlled, it is
called a confounding variable.
An environmental variable is an uncontrolled
variable relating to the setting.
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Demographic Variables
Contain sample characteristics of subjects
May include age, education, gender, ethnic
origin, income, medical diagnosis, geographic
location, etc.
Demographic data are analyzed to develop
sample characteristics.
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Definition: translating downward to more
concrete level
Moves from concept to variable to measures
Framework to guide data collection and
research outcome interpretation
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Operationalizing Variables
Conceptual definition
Abstract meaning of a variable that usually is
based on theory
Operational definition
Way of defining a variable that makes it
measurable or manipulable in real world
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Steps of Operationalization
Identify variables used to represent concepts
in framework
Develop operational definitions for each
Indicates method of measurement or observation
Must be consistent with conceptual definition
Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Critiquing Study Variables
Are independent, dependent, or research
variables clearly identified in study?
Are variables measured in study consistent
with variables identified in the purpose,
questions, or hypotheses?
Are variables reflective of the study
Are variables clearly defined both
conceptually and operationally?
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Critiquing Study Variables (cont’d)
Is the conceptual definition consistent with
operational definition?
Are demographic variables summarized?
Were extraneous variables identified and
controlled as necessary in the study?
Did any uncontrolled extraneous variables
influence the findings?
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