user - La Casa degli Insegnanti

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of the
Education System
Torino, Nov. 2009
Phases of education
Pre- primary education
Compulsory education
Post-compulsory education
(upper- and post- secondary level)
Higher education
I. Pre-primary education
• Children aged 4 to 6 years may attend
public or private kindergartens
• Kindergarten attendance is compulsory
for all 5 year olds
• it remains optional for 4 year olds.
I. Pre-primary education
• Education and care for children 4 years
of age and under is provided at child
and/or at infant centres– the latter from
6 months of age
• Attendance is optional for this age
II. Compulsory education
… for the age cohort 5-15 years, is divided
into the following levels:
• pre-primary school (5-6)
• primary school (6-12)
• lower secondary school (12-15) (γυμνάσιο)
III. Post-compulsory education
(upper secondary level)
general upper secondary schools,
(15-18 ), provide general/academic
studies (λύκεο)
vocational upper secondary schools,
(15-18), combine general education
with technical-vocational studies
vocational education training schools,
(16-18), offer a two-year course organized according to
occupational area, which may extend to three years if
on-the-job training is provided
Evening schools : offer a 4 year part-time course for
working students from the age of 16 years and upwards.
III. Post-compulsory education
(post-secondary level)
Post-secondary non-tertiary,
vocational training institutes, (18-19)
(Instituta Epagelmatikis Katartissis-IEK)
They offer 2-4 semesters of initial vocational
Organizational Variations and
Alternative Structures/Types of
Cross-cultural Education Sch.
Minority Sch.
Ecclesiastical Sch.
Music Sch.
Artistic Sch.
Physical Education Sch.
Experimental Sch.
Special Education Sch.
Second Chance Sch.
1. Cross-cultural Education
to assist secondary school pupils from
abroad with educational, cultural or
instructional particularities to be integrated
into the education system
2. Minority Schools
• to cover the education needs of the Muslims
living in the geographic region of Thrace
• minority lower and upper secondary
education schools
• a bilingual (Greek and Turkish) curriculum is
3. Ecclesiastical Schools
to educate and train their pupils and
students by equipping them with the
values of the Orthodox Christianity
4. Music Schools
aim :
• to educate and train pupils who
wish to pursue a career in music
• provide a high level of general
5. Artistic Schools
to encourage and support the interest of
pupils in the Arts and to prepare young
people who wish to pursue a career in:
Theatre-Cinema, Dance, Visual Arts
while providing at the same time a high
level of general education
7. Experimental Schools
aim at the:
• practical and pedagogic training of the
educational staff
• the experimental application of
programmes and teaching methods
• the experimental use of textbooks,
audiovisuals and other means of
educational technology
8. Special Education
Education for students with disabilities
and special educational needs is provided
in either mainstream or special schools:
• extends from the preschool years to the
age of 23
• compulsory and based on a coeducation
or integration model
Special Education
According to the type and degree of
• mainstream schools attending either the
regular classroom with parallel support
or special sections/classes
• Special Education Schools which cover
pre-school, primary and secondary
education levels including vocational
9. Second Chance Schools
• for individuals of 18 years of age or
more who have not completed their
nine-year compulsory education.
Innovative Educational Acts
• Key priority:
creation of “Smart schools”
i.e. improvement of educational
provision at schools & remedy of long
standing school buildings
incorporating bio-climatic principles
and modern energy practices
Innovative Educational Acts
current policies and goals rest on 5 pillars:
Human-centered education
Environmental education
Digital convergence
Multilingualism- promotion of the Greek
language abroad
• Arts & Cultural education
Cross Thematic Curriculum Framework
of Educational Programmess
• an inter-disciplinary framework is
applied in the Compulsory Education
aim: to promote the inter-disciplinary
approach of knowledge through
methodologies of experience and
Higher education
Higher education consists of two parallel
 the University sector :
• Universities
• Polytechnics
• Fine Arts Schools
• Open University
 the Technological sector:
• Technological Education Institutions
to Higher Education
Entrance depends on:
• the general score obtained by Lyceum
graduates on the Certificate
• on the number of available places
(numerus clausus)
• on the candidates' ranked preferences
among schools and sections
through national-scale exams!
Administration of Education
The general organization and administration of
the education system presents the following
hierarchical structure:
Ministry of Education
13 Primary and Secondary Education
Regional Directorates
Primary and Secondary Education
Directorates and Offices at Prefectural
Regional level
School units
General Administration
at National Level
• the Ministry of Education oversees
the administration of all schools
through its Central and Regional
General Administration
at Regional Level
In the context of administrative
decentralization and the reinforcement of
the periphery, Administration is
• at a Regional Level by the Regional
Education Directorates
• at a prefectural level, by the Directorates
• the Primary and Secondary Education
Offices, Regional Service Councils &
Education Committees
General Administration
of Primary and Secondary Education
at Regional Level
The 13 Regional Education Directorates
relate directly to the Minister of Education
and consist of the following Departments:
• a. Administration,
• b. Scientific-Pedagogic Guidance of Primary
• c. Scientific-Pedagogic Guidance of
Secondary Education
Under the Regional Education
Directorates come:
Directorates of Primary and Secondary Ed.
School Advisors of all levels
Regional Training Centers
Diagnostic, Evaluation and Support Centers
Regional Support & Educational Planning Cent.
Environnemental Education Centers
Youth Consulting Centers
Natural Sciences Laboratory Centers
ICT Centers
Ongoing debates and reforms
• The most recent reforms have focused on
the modernization of the institutional
• The National Council of Primary and
Secondary Education convened in March
of 2009 with an agenda to conduct a
public dialogue leading to proposals on
the development of:
• secondary education – with the reform of
the Lyceum and the system of entry to
tertiary education as priorities.
Thank you for
your attention!
Alkistis Zervopoulou Logothetidi
• Eurydice-Network on Education system and
policies in Europe-EACEA, [online], available
• Ministry of Education, Life long Learning and
Religious Affairs [online],available at: